
Poem 33: The One I Want.


I don't want anyone else,
just this person who I miss like hell.
The one everyone hates.
The one who made me ignore what everybody else says.
The one who wears a tie when he shouldn't.
The one who used a labgown for a jacket.
The one who uses goggles for shades.
The one who stands out from the rest.
My friends hate him,
my classmate loves him.
I'm torn apart,
wishing I could just follow my heart.
He makes me smile.
He makes me think about him everytime.
He's a weirdo and he's stupid,
yet he remains as my favorite weakness.
He's my super,
a secret I must keep forever.
The world might despise me,
for loving someone not right for me.
But I don't care, they don't see it,
his mistakes are all they see.
But he's perfection to me,
regardless of what everyone thinks.
He makes me cry when I miss him too much.
I'll fight for him because he's all I got.
My only treasure, my most precious secret.
He remains my weakness, and my strength.
I know it's wrong to love him,
but he's the only one I want to be with forever.
He's all I want, he's all I need,
and I'll do everything for him to see it.
Not seeing him is pure torture.
But it's even harder when he's so near,
yet I know, he'll never see my tears.
All I know is that I'll keep her memories through the years.
I'll be leaving him soon,
I don't want to count the hours.
I just want to stop time,
so that I can gaze in his eyes forever.


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