End Of A 'Bond'

They Aren’t Enough!

Warning: Every chapter I update is not proofread. ^__^ I have no beta readers since I don't want anybody to know who I am (on Twitter), LMAO. xD

Le me as an author is a SECRET to my Twitter Friends, so yeah~ x3

And yeah~ there will be a special mention on this chapter! :P

Enjoy reading my fellow readers! AKTF <3


Hours passed and it's the employees' lunch break already.

Jaejoong scratched his head and decided to get a sticky note and a ballpen.

He scribbled some words and stood up.


              If you wake up not finding me around, don't worry nor find me. I'll be out having lunch with Sooyoung, okay? If you're hungry just dial Changmin's desk phone and tell him to take you out to lunch, nae? Take care! =)

                                                                                                    , Jaejoong'

He walked towards the sleeping figure of Seohyun and put the sticky note on Seohyun's shoe.

He kissed her forehead softly, not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty up.

He walked to the door and opened it, just in time Sooyoung arrived in front of his door, fist raised---ready to knock.

"Oh Jaejoong-ah..." Sooyoung looked down shyly and asked. "Ready to go?"

Jaejoong smiled at Sooyoung's cuteness and put an arm around her shoulders. "Ready."

He walked her out of the office building and to a restaurant well known for their chicken dish.

"Annyeonghashimnikka." The waitress greeted them with a bright smile. "Table for two?"

Jaejoong nodded. The waitress assisted them to a two-seats table. 

Jaejoong being a gentleman pulled out Sooyoung's chair, allowing her to sit and then pushed it slightly towards the table. And then he sat opposite Sooyoung's chair.

"Same order, sir?" The waitress asked them as they were fully seated.

"Yep." Jaejoong answered.

The waitress bowed and walked away, into the kitchen.

"Jaejoong-ah, can we stay here a little longer than usual?" Sooyoung asked, bothered.

Jaejoong froze for a second and nodded as a response. "What for?"

"I ... I think we need to talk ... later, after we finish our lunch."

Jaejoong gulped as if he knows what will happen sooner or later. "Oh ... Okay."


An hour passed and they already finished eating. There were no talks during the whole meal, just eating.

Jaejoong can't take the deafening silence anymore so he deicided to talk out whatever is making Sooyoung this bothered.

It is obvious that she's not focused. She ate only a few. Not as much as usual whenever Jaejoong took her out to lunch or dinner.

"Sooyoung, is there a problem?" Jaejoong asked, concerned.

"Jaejoong can we talk ... frankly and honestly?" Sooyoung asked, staring straight into Jajeoong's orbs.

'Ugh. I think this won't be good.' Jaejoong thought to himself. "Okay." He answered shortly.

Sooyoung: Jae-ah, I'm your second girlfriend, right?

Jaejoong: Yes.

Sooyoung: How old am I?

Jaejoong: 22

Sooyoung: How old are you?

Jaejoong: 27

Sooyoung: Don't you think our is too much?

Jaejoong: No. Age does not matter to me.

That made Sooyoung smile a bit.

Sooyoung: Okay, do you know who's my boss?

Jaejoong thought for a while but was unable to answer. He simply did not know who his second girlfriend's boss is.

God knows how much he want to slap himself. 'How the heck didn't I know who her boss is?!' He thought to himself.

Sooyoung sighed. "So you don't ... Anyway, do you like me?"

Jaejoong: More than that.

Sooyoung: So do you love me?

Jaejoong: Yes, Sooyoung. I truly do.

Sooyoung: Am I special to you?

Jaejoong: Y-yes.

Sooyoung: Why are you stuttering?

Jaejoong: I don't know.

Sooyoung: *sigh* You love me but I ain't special to you.

Jaejoong: No! I love you, you are special to me.

Sooyoung: You don't have to lie, you'll just hurt me even more.

Jaejoong: Look---

Sooyoung: I'd prefer myself being a special someone to you while you don't love me rather than I am loved by you yet I ain't special.

Jaejoong: Why are we even talking about this?

Sooyoung: Because! I'm sick of this.

Jaejoong: Of what?

"If you are to choose one among us (7 girlfriends of Jaejoong), who would you choose?" Sooyoung did not pay attention but kept asking him questions that are making Jaejoong uncomfortable.

Jaejoong was still coping up with Sooyoung when she asked aonther question. "Will you choose me?"

Jaejoong was about to answer when he got cut by Sooyoung. "No, right?"

"Will you please at least let me talk!" Jaejoong bursted that made Sooyoung shut up.

Jaejoong begun: Why are you asking me these questions?

Sooyoung: I just wanna know.

Jaejoong: Is that really it?

Sooyoung: So who will you choose?!

She asked impatiently. "Seohyun." Jaejoong blurted unconsciously.

Both of them are intently looking at each other, eyes wide.

"Ahh~ the one before me." Sooyoung suddenly said, anger lirking in her voice.

"Sooyoung, please. Just tell me what is this all about." Jaejoong pleaded.

"Let's break up." Sooyoung said straight forwardly.

"Mwoh?" Jaejoong "Why?"

"I can't do this anymore. Act as if I'm okay having a boyfriend dating 7 girls all at the same time. No! I am totally not okay with us. Plus, my feelings for you are gone. I don't want to date someone I don't love. I like you Jaejoong, I really do. But I am not for you, obviously. Plus, you are better off without me. The lesser your girls, the more chance you have to find your other half. Besides, it's only been 8 months, it's not that long. We don't have much great memories, so yeah. And uhm, can I tell you a secret?" Sooyoung said continuously, not taking a breathe.

"Of course, Sooyoung-ah." Jaejoong said, smiling half heartedly.

"The main reason why I'm breaking up with you is because I am a Cassiopeia." Sooyoung said, smiling like crazy.

"Eh? Cassiopeia?" Jaejoong asked.

"TVXQ's fanclub. You know the band wherein you look a lot like the lead singer? Almost identical?" Sooyoung

"Oh yes, I remember. Okay so ... what does that have to do with us?" Jaejoong

"Sometimes, I feel like I'm dating Hero. And I feel guilty cause to me, it's a violation! You know~ I ship them with one another." Sooyoung

"That's ...Okay ..." Jaejoong said, scratching his head.

"Jaejoong! Are you feeling sad?" Sooyoung asked, eyebrows raised.

"No, why?" Jaejoong answered.

"That's very honest of you. Now do you get it why I am breaking up with you?" Sooyoung

Jaejoong only furrowed his eyebrows.

"Pabo!" Sooyoung smacked him softly. "Don't you get it? You are not hurt! You don't love me. Love me as in as lovers. You love me, okay but maybe you love me as your dongsaeng. I love you too, Jaejoong-----oppa. Do you get it now?"

"I have to ask you first before I truly let you go." Jaejoong

"What is it?" Sooyoung

"Why did you say tes to me when I was courting you?" Jaejoong

"I wanted to help you because I love you so much, oppa. I've been seeing you before, all single. Then I heard you finally made Seohyun say yes to you but then she's still not enough so yeah, I wanna help you out." Sooyoung honestly answered.

"Oh my god, Sooyoung. So if it weren't for me, you could have found the right guy for you by now?" Jaejoong askied himself but got answered by Sooyoung.

"Yeah, maybe." Sooyoung grinned.

"Last question. Why did you even help me?" Jaejoong

"Changmin-oppa asked me to." Sooyoung

"That bastard. Everytime I asked him to help me, he'd say no but look what he did~ he set me up with you, can we all it that?" Jaejoong

Chuckling, Sooyoung nodded. "He helps a lot of people by not telling them, you know."

Jaejoong suddenly remembered his conversation with Junsu and Changmin earlier this morning, before they went to work.



“Su~” Jaejoong whined. “Please!” He pleaded the man in front of him.

“No! There is no way I’ll help you find another girlfriend! You already have seven! While I’m still single! That’s so unfair!” Junsu stomped his feet like a child. “Why don’t you ask Min-ah!” He squeaked.

Jaejoong turned to the other man. “Mi---“

“No.” Changmin answered nonchalantly.

“Hmmp!” Jaejoong pouted, crossing his arms to his chest.

“That won’t work on me.” Junsu and Changmin said in unison.

“Please~ they aren’t enough! I swear, it’s not enough.” Jaejoong whined.


"I need to thank that man with my home-made cooking later." He said to no one in particular.

"Oh! You should. Ahahaha! You know, I find you, Changmin-oppa and Junsu-oppa cute together, acting around all like children except for you who acts as their mom." She teased.

"Ahaha! Do you want to come over later? Have dinner over our house." Jaejoong suggested.

"What? Like a farewell to you my ex-girlfriend dinner?" Sooyoung said.

"You may say~" Jaejoong "Let's go?"

Sooyoung nodded.

They stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

~ To Be Continued ~

A/N: So yeah, I am not good at expressing my thoughts so bare with it please~ xD

And yep! Jaejoong and Sooyoung are over! :P

Mwahahahahaha! xD Did they end so fast? :))

Yes, I know. The story's pace is fast, and yeah that's my plan to be honest :3

And *nods* JaeMinSu lives all together in one house. ^u^ Also, all of Jaejoong's girlfriend went there already so yeah~

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :]

Guess Who: Who do you think are the 7 pairs of the story so far? The one who'll be able to guess all will have a cameo in the story. :P

1. _ _ _ _ _ _

2. _ _ _ _ _

3. _ _ _ _ _ _

4. _ _ _ _ _

5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. _ _ _ _ _ _

Okay so about the YooSu Part I was talking about on the previous chapter, it's a joke xD

On Chapter 3, YooSu will be there, I promise!

And Chapter 3 is Yunho and Company Centric xD



Comments please. :3

AKTF Cassiopeia, Fighto! <3

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Chapter 3: I'm really love this so far:) ^_^
Chapter 2: I really love SEOJAE!!!^_^ :)
Chapter 2: I rally love SEOJAE!!!^_^ :)
Chapter 1: WOOAAHHH Jae take really good care of Seo:)I LOVE IT!!!
Chapter 3: Update it soon! Pretty please??? *puppy eyes*
omg..of course i want YunJae, YooSu and MinSeo/Semax. XDDD
Update soon!
youngminchoi #7
i think changmin loves seohyun. update soon
Portia #8
kura45 #9
I dunno what to say
This fic will be fun I think
Update soon :)