
Can't Love You Anymore

Been 4 years since I know this guy. It was back then when I was in my 1st year of middle school in Korea. Back then, I know nothing about what love is until I met him. Time sure passes fast. Not knowing 4 years had passed. At that time in January 3rd 2008 where we first met.......

                                                                        3rd January 2008, Flashback.....................
Cheondung POV

Park Kyung Lim : Lee Chang Sun
Chang Sun         : Ye!
Park Kyung Lim : Jung Byung Hee
Byung Hee          : Ye!
Park Kyung Lim : Bang Cheol Yong
Cheol Yong         : Ye Seonsaengnim!
Park Kyung Lim : Park Sang Hyun
Sang Hyun          : Ye!

As usual, the class routine where our homeroom teacher, Park Kyung Lim Seonsaengnim take a record of our attendance. I was a nerd back then, with a glasses in front of my two eyes. Classes start as usual, but today is abit different. I seat alone at the corner of the class as we still waiting for new student to come in, not knowing that it was a delinquent instead. The door opened as the new student walks into the class. He doesn't look hygienic as it seems, as the hem of the shirt doesn't tug in, with his hand swinging his bag to the back of his body while on an orange lolipop as he walks in.. Must be his favourite it seems. 

Park Kyung Lim : Alright class! Let me introduce to you our new student today. 
Seungho             : Yo!

The usual delinquent way of saying hello with just Yo! That's their style. Ugh, It just disgust me! I dislike such kind of person. I swear I won't get near him even if I am being forced to. I rather die than to be close to him. Yucks!

Park Kyung Lim : Seungho ya, you have to greet the class properly.
Seungho             : *Showing a disguise face* Aishhh... Annyeong Haseyo, Na Neun Yang Seungho Imnida. *Bow 90 degree*
Park Kyung Lim : Yah, Seungho ya! Tug in your shirt as well and finished off your lolipop.
Seungho             : AISHHH! Just show me my seat already!
Park Kyung Lim : I will show you ONCE you done what I've told you to do!
Seungho             : Aishhhhhh!! 

Park Kyung Lim seonsaengnim may seems strict and stern but she too has her good side. She's like our mother, caring and affectionate towards each of her students, just stay out of her bad side and you will be save. As Seungho fixing his clothes, I scout around the classroom and I noticed that not much of the students like him as they too show no interest on him. Well, maybe some of the "other" student that might have some interest to be his gang or so. The same school bullies I mean. Well, to be on the safe side, I asked Joonie hyung to sit beside me just for today so that Teacher Park won't assign him to sit next to me. Although I may love some company to fill my boredom over student years, but not with this delinquent. Oh God, hopefully no.

Park Kyung Lim : Okay, Seungho, please find a seat. Anyone want to sit together with him?

                                                                               ........... SILENT.........

Well, that's to be expected. Who want a delinquent as companion? I too, don't wish to have any trouble to happened to me. I just want to continue my student year in peace and harmony. I hide myself behind a text book as I covered my face behind the window curtain so that Teacher Park won't take notice of me. 

Park Kyung Lim : If nobody wants to, then I'll randomly pick a seat for him.

Despite with all the words that Teacher Park mention, Yang Seungho, the delinquent, as usual never pay any attention to her as he walked directly towards the corner of the class and sat beside me. Ughhh.... Why me? 

Park Kyung Lim : Yah! Yang Seungho! Next time listen to my words before you do anything! Arrasso?
Seungho             : Ye Ye Ye, Arasso.

Seungho with his lip lolipop take a look at me as I happened to take a glimpse the now so called "companion".

Seungho             : Yo.

Seungho again with his delinquent yet cocky way of saying hello to me. I greeted him with a disgusted smile and went back to study the tex book. Feeling disgusted all over. Oh great... What a day for me. I guess it's gonna be the worst year ever!

Park Kyung Lim : Now done with the introduction. I hope everyone will be good towards Seungho. 
Everyone             : Ye.....
Park Kyung Lim : Sanghyun ya

As I heard my name been called, I looked up from my position and saw Teacher Park looking at me.

Sanghyun           : Ye Seonsaengnim?
Park Kyung Lim : Please take care of him alright? Teach him if he don't understand any of the subject.
Sanghyun           : Ahh.... ye seonsaengnim....

Not only he's my companion and now I'm his tutor as well? Oh great, this is just too great for me to disgest.

Seungho            : You heard that don't you? Please take care of me PARK. SANG. HYUN. SSI!

Seungho gave an evil smile to me as he specifically called out my name. Not sure If I'm scared or disgusted by the look of him. I just don't wish to have anything to do with a delinquent, more over I'm sure he's gonna cause troubles to me. Look at the way he sit with just two leg of the chair as he swings himself back and forth on the chair, while still on his lolipop. He seems to dye his hair maroon color as well now that I've noticed. That add an extra point to his delinquent level. Oh well, if I just ignore him, everything will be fine. Yup, everything will be juuuusttttttt fine. Not knowing what happened the next thing.

Yup, finally update the chapter. Hope you love it :)



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random-user1234 #1
can't wait for update :D
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 2: Need to update story
Chapter 2: update my dear!!!

love lots <3