When Memories Flows In

Can't Love You Anymore

Dear reader and subscribers, before you read this, I suggest you turn on IU - Lost Child / MIA or G.O - Even In My Dreams to bring out the total feelings of this story. Please do so if not, it will be very plain reading this. Thanks alot in advance and thanks for subscribing. Hope you enjoy the story like I do.




Is been a year since I last saw Seungho hyung ever since that night we placed our lips together. My family decided to migrate over to Philippines for business development but God-knows how long will we be staying here till. Everything look so different here compare to Korea. Although I'm good at adapting to the environment but something seems to be lacking. I always felt a shadow always accompany me wherever we go. Is not a ghost, more like a feeling to me. Someone warm and powerful that always seems to be ready to protect me if I ever feel that I will be in danger. The school, the class and everything seems nice to me. I've made some friends over here but it seems like nobody sit beside me as though there's a place reserved for someone. I don't interact much with them as I'm the person who don't talk much, only when it's neccessary. Whenever there's a break in between timetable, I will stare at the window frame looking up to the sky trying to get a glimpse of my beloved hyung. Days seems to be lonely without him. Well, at least I have to get used to it. As lunch break, I walk up to the roof to have my lunch. I have no idea why I do so. Maybe because we share the same sky? Hopefully he too will keep on looking at the sky to feel that I am just beside him all the time. That fateful night that we shared seems to be only just a minute, wish that I can froze time so that we can stay together a little longer. Tears start to form at the tip of my eyes, remembering all the good memories that we have. Is already a year pass and yet I still can't brush him off from my mind. Is like I'm toxicated by him. I cry, I weep, I sob, but nothing can be changed. I missed him. I missed him alot. The feeling of pain lingering through my entire body. "Seungho hyung" is what I can only think of now. I want him to be beside me, the jokes that we share, the games that we play, the time where we skip school just because we have game cards tournament that we are obsessing to, the sleepover stories that we both share, the secrets that we both keep, it seems all gone. My heart hurts, hurts alot. I missed him alot, something that words can't be explained. I lie down on the concrete floor as my eyes seems to be heavy from all the cry that I've shed, time seems to pass very slow.




As I woke up from the ringing school bell, the sky already became orangey red. I guess is already pass evening, getting ready to hit the night soon. I packed up whatever I bring and rush off from the school compound. As I hurried off from the school field, heading towards my house, I caught a shadow passing by me. Someone seems to be very familiar yet I am unable to tell who he is. Well, probably my eyes are playing tricks on me. On the way home, just before I turn over to the corner of the road, almost reaching my house, I saw a figure. A short figure but visible to my eyes. A short figure around 172cm height, 66kg weight with a baby tummy, smiling at me as he wait outside the door to my house. I know who he is. The guy whom I left him for a year. The guy whom I missed for a year, cry for a year, appeared before my very own eyes. I can't hold myself anymore as my tears starts pouring down. I don't know what to do as my legs grown weak from his appearance. I froze there with my tears flowing down from my cheek. I miss him, I want to hug him but my legs just won't give way to my desire. 

Seungho : Doongie-ah....

P/S : So how's the story so far? Do you enjoy it? I hope you do as I enjoy it as well! I got alot of fanfic titles I want to write but ya know, I'm the King of Laziness so at least I should update 1 chapter every week, either 15 Days To Fall In Love or Can't Love You Anymore. The next few chapter should cover up the life of SeungDoong before Cheondung migrate over to Philippine. Please be patience will you? I know is short, hopefully I can write longer for the next chapter. ^^ Gamsahamnida!

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random-user1234 #1
can't wait for update :D
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 2: Need to update story
Chapter 2: update my dear!!!

love lots <3