
The Prince and the ?

I didn't even need to ask where everything was I just started cooking. I ended up making omlets, bacon, and rice. I server Taeyang and Seungri. I sat down to eat my food in silence. "Hey Amy, I know you're mad at GD but it would mean a lot to me if you just talked to him for a little while." Taeyang finally said to me. "That jerk? Why should I? That behavior was uncalled for and-" I began but I was interrupted. "I know he can be a jerk sometimes but he means well. If he apologizes you'll listen won't you?" He asked me with the same puppy dog eyes I used on him last night on the roof... last night. Oh my goodness I spent the night here! I was supposed to go to my mom's house for winter break later that afternoon. I hurried to the room where I slept, gathered the few things I brought and returned with one shoe on and hopping around trying to get the other one on. "Sure. Hey guys this was great and all but I have somewhere I need to be today so if one of you would be so kind as to show me how to get back to my house, that'd be great." They both just stared at me like a crazy person when Dani walked in. "You're leaving? But yuo barely got here!" She started tearing up. I am a er for tears. "Hey look, I'll come visit again tomorrow I just really need to be home tonight." You know even though I have no idea where I even am. "Promise?" she asked me as she held out her pinky for me. "I promise." GD walked down the stairs as I was saying my goodbyes, I merely looked at him and Seungri took me by the waist again and we were on our way. 

"Look Amy, it is really hard to travel from your world to ours and it is very dangerous. I know that you will do what you want but I will only continue being your guide if you promise to come to me or Tae or even GD if you ever get into trouble, promise?" I thought for a minute. "How am I even going to get ahold of you?" He handed me a piece of paper, "Way ahead of you." It had a phone number on it. "So do we have a deal Miss Amy?" "I suppose we do" I answered him back. We pulled up to my house and he got out of the car so that I could drive to my mom's. "Text me as soon as you get up tomorrow morning okay?" I looked up to answer him but he was gone. "Okay so either that guy is magical fragical or I have been slipped some crazy hallucinogens!" I just hopped in the car and entertained my mind with a bunch of reasons why I am losing my mind. Hopefully everything will be normal when I get to my mom's... Just the opposite of what I'd been wishing for lately. Strange

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Sorry I haven't updated lately!!! I'm getting back to it, I promise!


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