
Love you once again
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The day they go to Jeju finally come which made the twins excited because this is their first time to go on vacation together…

"Mommy,look!!We can see the sea from here!!"Sungwoo said excitedly

Sunggyu chuckled at the excitement of his youngest son,”Yes, dear, we will go there later okay.”

Sungwoo looked at his mother with sparkle in his eyes which make Sunggyu chuckles at the excitement his youngest son shows. As they arrive at the beach house, the twins are so excited that they practically will run into the sea at any moment now…

“Come inside now! We will play later!” Sunggyu pulled his sons before any of them can go by their own

When they get inside, most of them already touring the house to see where they will sleep

“Uncle Woohyun!”Sungwoo running toward him

“What is it?”Woohyun asked with a smile on his face

“Can I sleep with you?”Sungwoo asked excitedly

Woohyun raised his eyebrow at the sudden question from the twins

“I cannot?”Sungwoo sulked at Woohyun’s expression

“No-I mean yes of course you can….”Woohyun quickly said before the young child had some bad idea

“Really?”Sungwoo asked excitedly

“Of course, I don’t mind….”Woohyun said

“Then can I sleep with you too?”Sunghyun asked suddenly

Woohyun smiled while patting the children head,”Of course you can but only if your mother allow it…”

The twins looked up at Sunggyu with a pout on their face which makes the brown hair boy sighed fondly

“Don’t look at me like that! You can sleep with him but don’t be a bother okay!”Sunggyu reminded the twins

“Of course, mom, Thank you! We love you…”

Both of them said at the same time before grabbing Woohyun’s hand and tugging him to the room they will share together….Woohyun chuckles as he follows the twins along to their room… Sunggyu cannot help but smilling unconsciously at the sight in front of him

Sunggyu looked up at the sudden pat on his back only to see Sungyeol smiled brightly at him

“The blood bond is the strongest right?”Sungyeol whispered a bit

“I guess…”Sunggyu muttered under his breath

“You should tell them the truth sooner or later because they deserve to know that,hyung!”Sungyeol said softly

“I know… I know that,Yeol but how do I tell them the truth?”Sunggyu asked back

“You will find the way,hyung, but for now we should forget about the drama and have fun!”Sungyeol patted his back while smiling brightly

Sunggyu cannot help but smiling back at the younger boy excitement

“So shall we unpack then,hyung? Your room will be beside me and Myungsoo anyway… Come on!”Sungyeol said

Sunggyu nodded while following Sungyeol before remember to tell Dongwoo that they should sleep together only find the younger boy disappear from his sight

“Where is Dongwoo?”Sunggyu asked confusedly

“I think he follows Hoya there… They seem to have something to talk about…”Sungyeol explained

Sunggyu nodded as the answer and followed Sungyeol towards the many room on the Villa they will be staying at…

Woohyun cannot help the bright smile that make it way toward his handsome face while looking at his son playing with each other… He still cannot believe that he had a childrens of his own, a healthy - loveable - childs that he always wanted

"Sunghyun,Sungwoo,do you know what mommy relationship with uncle Hoya??"Woohyun asked

"From what Sungwoo knows uncle Hoya likes mommy but mommy doesn't like him back..."Sungwoo answered while crawled his way to Woohyun’s lap

Woohyun smiled brightly at his son’s cuteness before hugging him tight in an embrace

“Why don’t your mother like him back?”Woohyun asked even though he relieve that Sunggyu didn’t like Hoya at all

"Mommy always says that his priority is ours so it doesn’t matter what happen to him…”Sunghyun said

Woohyun stayed silent for that question,”Do-Do you want to meet your actual father?”

Sunghyun titled his head confusedly,”We don’t have a father,Uncle… Mommy said that he went to the place farther away from us…”

"But, don’t you want to meet them incase he come back?"Woohyun asked

"If we said we don't that's mean we are lying..."Sunghyun said while

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can't update for a while because my computer is dead...TT.TT


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699 streak #1
Chapter 10: 😭
Chapter 10: Hope you can update soon ...
Chapter 4: Wow so soon to revolve everything
Chapter 3: So heart breaking 😭
Would they be come good again?!
Chapter 3: So heart breaking 😭
Would they be come good again?!
Chapter 2: Oh two sons and 13 years old wow
Chapter 1: So seems interesting 😍👍🏻
Simran20 #8
Chapter 10: Hope woohyun can win everyone's trust. Telling to abort the kid was really a grave mistake from woohyun's side and he is regretting it too.
Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️.
Chapter 10: Thank you very much for the update, I will keep waiting what happens with the Woogyu and the twins. 💪
Wow really long process of updating
I love read it but I fear 😭😭😭