
Love you once again
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Woohyun’s eyes stuck at Sunggyu while the latter is working at his new kitchen set… Woohyun already move in to his house after his bed room finished and between those weeks he always comes home by the lunch with the reason he wants to see his house even though the real reason that he wants to see Sunggyu… He wants to know everything that he misses for 13 years and if Sunggyu lets him, he wants make it every single day of it to him…

                On the other side, Sunggyu tries his best to focus on his work under Woohyun’s stare which is really uncomfortable for him wait actually even just his existence already making him nervous… He afraid that the wall that he already built this past years will crumbling down and Sunggyu doesn’t want to get hurt again…

When they finally alone, Woohyun says ,”I think I wants the different color for the kitchen…”

Sunggyu looks at him in disbelieve and asks,”We already change it for 3 times and now you want to change it again??”

“Yeah it doesn’t turn out that good like what I have in my mind…”Woohyun says like it wasn’t a big of deal

Sunggyu lets out a deep breath to calm himself and says, “Fine we will change it tomorrow… But you should tell me that you don’t like it when we change it so it doesn’t waste the time…”

“No I still want to see it after it done and by then I can make a decision about it…”Woohyun says

Sunggyu lets out a deep breath and says “I understand…” Then he walks away to tell the worker that they have to change the kitchen set… Again…

                Woohyun lets out a deep breath after seeing Sunggyu walks away from him... Honestly, he likes whatever Sunggyu’s choice it, but there is just one way to make Sunggyu stays longer with him by make him working at his house… He knows that it was stupid way but he desperate, he just wants to break that stupid wall that Sunggyu build between them and he needs time for that…

It has been 2 weeks already since Sunggyu was working on his house but there is nothing different from Sunggyu’s behavior towards him… He still gives Woohyun a cold shoulder and if he tries to asking him something about his sons or family Sunggyu will change the subject quickly or avoid to answering the question… A loud scream makes him comeback from his thought as he runs quickly towards the source of the voice only to find Sunggyu on the floor at the end of the stairs…

                The brown hair man held back tears which threaten to come out and bit his lips holding a pain as he massage his aching ankle… Woohyun kneels down in front of him and look at Sunggyu, worried can be seen on his face…

“Sunggyu,are you okay??”Woohyun asks worriedly

“Of course not, you dummy!!”Sunggyu shouts as he whimpers because of the pain

Woohyun tries to move Sunggyu’s legs only being pushed away by Sunggyu who says,”That’s hurt Woohyun…”

“I know it hurt but let me see your legs first…”Woohyun says and starts to move Sunggyu legs again but Sunggyu holding his hands stop him

“It hurts!!”Sunggyu whines as he holds Woohyun’s hand tighter

Woohyun lets out a sighs and says gently,”Sunggyu!! Come on let me check it…”

The stern on Woohyun’s voice make Sunggyu lets his hand go and let him move his legs to check it while he bits his lips holding the pain… Woohyun checks on Sunggyu’s ankle and sees that Sunggyu just sprain his ankle… Woohyun sigh in relief and start to massage Sunggyu’s ankle which earns a whimper from Sunggyu…

“Can you stand up now??”Woohyun asks as he stands up and lets out his hand to help Sunggyu up

Sunggyu looks at Woohyun’s hand and he knows that he doesn’t have a chance but to rely on the other now so he grabs the other hands and tries to stand but failed because of the pain on his ankle… He bit his lips in frustration because he feels so vulnerable right now…

“Come on let me carry you then…”Woohyun says which make Sunggyu

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can't update for a while because my computer is dead...TT.TT


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699 streak #1
Chapter 10: 😭
Chapter 10: Hope you can update soon ...
Chapter 4: Wow so soon to revolve everything
Chapter 3: So heart breaking 😭
Would they be come good again?!
Chapter 3: So heart breaking 😭
Would they be come good again?!
Chapter 2: Oh two sons and 13 years old wow
Chapter 1: So seems interesting 😍👍🏻
Simran20 #8
Chapter 10: Hope woohyun can win everyone's trust. Telling to abort the kid was really a grave mistake from woohyun's side and he is regretting it too.
Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️.
Chapter 10: Thank you very much for the update, I will keep waiting what happens with the Woogyu and the twins. 💪
Wow really long process of updating
I love read it but I fear 😭😭😭