
Irrisistable Habits of Cho Kyuhyun

Folding Arms

To that, Changmin simply let out another hearty laugh. He could pretty much see, Kyuhyun was folding his arms once again. It was really just another one of Kyuhyun's unconscious habits, just like everything else he did. He sometimes wondered why Kyuhyun would constantly fold his arms, but Changmin really didn't mind when he did it. Most the time, Kyuhyun would cross his arms anyway.

"Kyuhyunnie." Changmin spoke quietly, his voice soft and gentle as the breeze itself. He never usually spoke in such a way, for the way he was currently speaking was only for his Kyuhyun to hear. Nobody else. He watched as Kyuhyun quickly turned his head, as if he knew who it was and he was very happy. Which he was.

"Yes?" Kyuhyun replied as he turned his head in an almost obedient and hopeful tone of voice, a voice in which that only came out for Changmin. Only for his one and only boyfriend.

"Why do you always cross your arms?" Changmin asked randomly, Kyuhyun gave a slightly disappointed expression. He gave Changmin a odd look, turning his head back to the other side.

"... I'm not really sure. I just do. Why are you asking for?" Asked Kyuhyun back, wondering why his slightly younger boyfriend decided to ask him such a question.

"No reason." Changmin replied in a mutter, ruffling his own hair with his hand. Kyuhyun looked in the other direction, Changmin let out a slight smile. It seemed that Changmin was thinking of another evil plan.

"Hm, okay." Kyuhyun spoke in a rather hushed tone, his hand going into his pocket. From the corner of his eye, Kyuhyun could see Changmin let out that oh so annoying smirk. Kyuhyun let out a silent groan.

"Why do you sound disappointed all of a sudden?" Changmin teased slightly, Kyuhyun huffed his cheeks and glared furiously. Not that Changmin cared of course. To him, Kyuhyun looked completely and utterly adorable.

"What are you talking about? I don't sound disappointed, you're just imagining things." Kyuhyun retorted with a slightly annoyed expression. Changmin knew he had to be careful. If he did the wrong thing, Kyuhyun could have turned into a growling predator rather than the defenseless prey he was at the moment.

"Really? Huh, okay then..." Changmin hummed quietly with an oblivious tone of voice, earning another sharp and threatening glare from Kyuhyun. Only Changmin was able to stand the power of Kyuhyun's glare, others would have been scared at run away.

"...Mmm..." Kyuhyun finally let out a low pitched growl. Ah, Changmin had just done it. He had just annoyed the beast, and he had to calm him down before he would actually begin to attack.

"... Want to hold my hand?" Changmin asked, tugging Kyuhyun's shirt. Kyuhyun turned his head.

"..." Kyuhyun simply stayed silent, turning his head and letting an irritated expression appear on his face. To everyone passing, it looked live Kyuhyun was mad at Changmin, but he knew better than that. Changmin already knew, Kyuhyun really wasn't mad at him but instead, putting up another act because he was embarrassed. He could pretty much see the ever so faint blush taking place on Kyuhyun's cheeks. Not to mention that Changmin could feel Kyuhyun holding his hand tightly, as if he didn't want to let go. Changmin simply smiled at his slightly older boyfriend.

"You're so cute." Changmin smiled as he gave Kyuhyun a quick peck on the lips.

Kyuhyun always crossed his arms because he never liked to hold anyone elses hand but Changmin's.

Biting Lips

No matter what, Changmin found it absolutely adorable. It seemed that Kyuhyun has grown the habit of biting his lips whenever he was thinking or when he was nervous. Changmin wasn't sure how to respond to it, this habit had grown over some period of time.

"What are you thinking about?" Changmin questioned as Kyuhyun looked into the distance, clearly biting his lips.

"... Nothing important." Kyuhyun replied.

"I told you that everything is important if it's connected to you." Changmin retorted, Kyuhyun let out that kind smile as he heard those words. He then thought just how cheesy Changmin could be.

"I'm just thinking Changminnie, don't worry." Kyuhyun brushed it off once again.

"... So what are you thinking about anyway?" Changmin never let topics drop once he held interest in them.

"I'm just... you know... concerned." Kyuhyun mumbled quietly.

"Concerned about what?" Changmin asked, not truly understanding.

"I really don't know. Just the future. The past. The present and us." Kyuhyun replied, biting his lip once again.

"... And you tell me not to worry?" Changmin asked rhetorically with an unbelieving expression, Kyuhyun pouted.

"What? I just can't help it! I feel like one day, life won't be as good at it is right now. Like we won't be together and-" Kyuhyun was too noisy sometimes. Thus, Changmin quickly kissed Kyuhyun and hushed his words. The best kisses are always the unexpected ones which come in the middle of a sentence. Sweet. Innocent. Perfect.

Then Changmin parted his lips from his flushed boyfriend's. "What were you just saying?".

"... Nothing, nothing at all." Kyuhyun replied.

"Good." Changmin smiled, the type of smile which made Kyuhyun roll his eyes.

Sticking Out Tongue

Over time, Kyuhyun has grown a little habit of sticking out his tongue. And yes, Changmin always found that habit of Kyuhyun's awfully tempting. Every so often, Kyuhyun would just stick out his tongue for absolutely no reason. And every single time it happened, Changmin always found his thoughts floating to the wrong places. And it was quiet troublesome to get his thoughts back after they had wondered to the wrong place. Changmin often scolded himself for having such thoughts about his pure and innocent boyfriend. To be honest, Kyuhyun was rather naive and oblivious. He simply didn't notice the way Changmin stared at him. He simply didn't notice the way others stared at him.

Even thought pretty much everyone knew that Changmin and Kyuhyun were together, there were still some of those people who would actually other to try and flirt with Kyuhyun. This annoyed Changmin so much. And even though it took him a while to notice, he realised that Kyuhyun was one of the main targets for both men and women looking for romance, a hook up, or even a one night stand. But of course, Kyuhyun would never do such things. Yet more than once, he has been approached and asked by many different people. Kyuhyun attracted the attention of many people unconciously, and when he stuck his tongue out, it only caught the attention of even more people.

"... Would you stop doing that?" Changmin asked rhetorically, staring at his slightly oblivious boyfriend Kyuhyun as he stuch his tongue. Kyuhyun turned his head and stared back at Changmin.

"Doing what? Minnie-ah?" Kyuhyun asked, simply not realising what the was doing. After all, it was just a habit. Changmin let out a groan from his lips, sometimes he wished that Kyuhyun wasn't so clueless. He looked around the room, other people were staring at the Super Junior maknae Cho Kyuhyun. His Cho Kyuhyun. 

"Hah... nothing, forget it." Changmin muttered sitting down his boyfriend and laying his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder. Even though it was a message towards others that he and Kyuhyun were together, there were still many people who were staring at his boyfriend.

"Um, okay." Kyuhyun muttered, not really understanding the circumstance. Changmin didn't mind having an oblivious boyfriend, but he was always annoyed when others began staring.

After about 5 or 6 minutes of sitting in silence, Kyuhyun took out a video game and began to play it. And once again, just like he did before, he unconsciously stuck out his tongue. Changmin grimaced.

"Stop doing that." Changmin muttered quietly with his head still resting on Kyuhyun's shoulder. His thoughts were starting to wonder to the wrong places again, but his mind was clouded with anger at the same time.

"Doing what?" Kyuhyun then turned his head.

"That. Stop sticking your tongue out randomly. It annoys me so much." Changmin growled silently.

"Huh? Why?" Kyuhyun asked

"Because it makes me want to kiss you. Pabo." Changmin replied, his eyes looking itno Kyuhyun's and their lips dangerously close. They could feel each other's hot yet light breath.

Kyuhyun stared, then let out his signature smirk.

"... You can if you want."

Ignoring Calls On Schedules

This was one of the habits of Kyuhyun that Changmin found completely and absolutely annoying, but knew how to use it to his advantage. Every time he called Kyuhyun, he wouldn't pick up. Kyuhyun never picks up the phone when he's on a schedule and doesn't even check to see who the caller is. This habit of Kyuhyun's was always the one Changmin found irritating in the early stages of his relationship, and even their friendship. But now though, Changmin knew how to turn the situation and use if for his own benefits.

"...Changmin..?" Kyuhyun muttered hesitantly into the phone placed against his cheek.

"Kyuhyun!" Changmin exclaimed, a clearly irritated sound in his voice.

"Sorry, I was on a schedule again. You called me, right?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically, he could imagine what Changmin was doing right now.

"Yeah, I called you 3 times. Why didn't you pick up?" Changmin questioned like the possessive and protective boyfriend he was.

"Sorry, you know I never pick up my phone when I have a schedule." Kyuhyun tried to explain.

"Well, you should start." Changmin quickly retorted.

"I'm sorry Minnie. Why did you call me anyway?" Kyuhyun suddenly asked.

"... No reason, I just wanted to talk to you, to see if you were well." Changmin muttered rather quietly.

"I'm fine, what about you?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"Fine." Changmin answered in one word.

"Are you mad at me?" Kyuhyun asked hesitantly.

"..Yes, I'm mad." Changmin mumbled.

"Really? I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. I'll do anything." Kyuhyun replied.

A smirk quickly appeared on Changmin's lips. "... Anything?"

"Ah, I dug my own grave again!" Kyuhyun cursed out loud.

"Meet me at 8pm sharp. Baby, see you then." Changmin spoke.

"But Changmin-!" Kyuhyun wasn't able to finish his sentence.

"Bye." Changmin said.

Kyuhyun swore he should have learned from the last several times this had happened.


To tell the truth, Changmin really wasn't sure how this habit of Kyuhyun's developed. But now, every time they are with other people, Kyuhyun would always whisper to him instead of talking out loud. Changmin never understood why though. After all, many of the things Kyuhyun would talk to him about were absolutely ordinary. They were just about everyday things. Well, at least he thought Changmin they were ordinary things. He didn't realise that it wasn't just ordinary, the things Kyuhyun talked to him about.

"Changmin." Called a voice, it was Leeteuk's.

"Yes? Hyung?" Changmin called politely, not wanting to annoy Kyuhyun's guardian. Changmin knew one thing. If Changmin wanted to be with Kyuhyun, he had to earn Leeteuk's trust, which was rather easy for him.

"What was Kyuhyun whispering to you before?" Leeteuk asked, Changmin simply raised a brow.

"Whispering to me before?" Asked Changmin rhetorically.

"Yes. he was whispering to you before. What was he talking about?" Leeteuk repeated, Changmin then began to think back into the past.

"Oh, he just said that he wanted to go to the sea tomorrow. So I agreed to take him, Kyuhyun likes going to the sea." Changmin replied with a slightly bored expression on his face.

"Hm? The sea? Really?" Leeteuk asked in a somewhat surprised voice.

"Yep, the sea. Why are you so shocked for?" Asked Changmin.

"Nothing, Kyuhyun never told us that he liked going to the sea before..." Leeteuk mumbled.

"Really? Kyuhyun really loves the sea, how come you didn't know?" Changmin asked, making it sound like common knowledge. But of course, it was not common knowledge. Actually, it was far from it.

"Well, he never really told me." Leeteuk spoke.

Only now did Changmin realise.

Kyuhyun was different around him compared to the others

He knew things that no-one else knew..

Hitting People

Changmin did get annoyed by it, but he really couldn't say he hated it. Kyuhyun grew a habit of hitting people for fun when he was bored, and it often annoyed his hyungs and Changmin. Well, Changmin couldn't say he really was annoyed about it. After all, he knew that it was just Changmin's way of showing affection for somebody. Besides, Changmin sometimes thought that being hit by Kyuhyun was alright. After all, Kyuhyun had been annoyed at him much more than he had.

"Yah! Kyuhyun!" Changmin shouted angrily, Kyuhyun gave a bored yet innocent look.

"What?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"Stop hitting me!" Changmin exclaimed with a clearly annoyed tone, Kyuhyun didn't really react.

"... Why?" Asked Kyuhyun.

"Because it's annoying!" Changmin replied in a loud voice, Kyuhyun paused for a second before replying.

".. So I'm annoying?" Asked Kyuhyun to Changmin, the tides had just turned.

"No, not you. Your habit is annoying." Changmin corrected.

"Hmm... And so I'm not annoying to you?" Kyuhyun questioned quietly.

"..." Changmin gave no reply.

"So you think I'm annoying?!" Kyuhyun asked in a clearly angry tone.

"Babe, I never said that." Changmin said, realising Kyuhyun was mad.

"But you think that I'm annoying!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"No, I don't." Changmin denied.

"Yes you do!" Kyuhyun glared angrily.

"I-" Changmin was cut off, he shouldn't have perused the idea of Kyuhyun being annoying.

"You think I'm annoying!" Kyuhyun shouted.

"I don't." Changmin denied once again.

"Then why didn't you answer me before when I asked you?!" Kyuhyun asked loudly.

"It was just a late reaction." Changmin answered.

"No it-" Kyuhyun was cut off.

"Don't be like that Kyu-ah, you know I love you~" Changmin quickly said as he wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun and pulled him into a tight embrace.

Kyuhyun flushed.

"...I hate you..."

Playing Starcraft

Whenever Changmin arrived at the Super Junior dorms to see Kyuhyun, he was always found while playing Starcraft. Now, Changmin wasn't really sure if he could actually catagorize his as a habit, but he did anyway. At the moment, he was watching Kyuhyun play Starcraft again. He sighed, it had been about an hour, or even longer.

"... Kyuhyun." Called Changmin.

"..." There was no response from Kyuhyun, much to Changmin's disappointment.

"... Kyuhyun-ah." Changmin repeated, a little louder than before.

"..." Still, Kyuhyun was quiet.

"Kyu-" This time, Kyuhyun responded, but not necessarily to Changmin's voice.

"Aish!" Kyuhyun cursed out loud, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Huh? What?" Changmin questioned.

"I lost! I lost again! Damn it! I can't believe I lost!" Kyuhyun shouted in a rather disappointed and irritated tone of voice.

"... Ah, you're playing Starcraft again." Changmin muttered, pretending that he didn't already know.

"Mmm." Kyuhyun simply hummed.

"... So... You want to do something else?" Changmin asked for the tenth time in the whole time he had been with Kyuhyun.

"...Later..." Kyuhyun replied, for the tenth time.

"But Kyuhyun, I've been here for like an hour." Changmin sighed in a annoyed manner, Kyuhyun shrugged.

"...If you don't want to be here then leave." Kyuhyun replied.

"...Fine, I'll leave." Changmin muttered, but of course, he wasn't planning to leave alone. As Changmin stood up, he heard the tapping on the keyboard stop and the computer screen being closed. And yes, just like every other time, two thin arms wrapped around his figure.

"You're not planning to leave without me, right?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically.

Changmin chuckled slightly.


Crying In Secret

Out of all of Kyuhyun's other habits, this is probably the one he hated the most. Not even probably, it should have been the word certainly. Even more than ignoring calls or hitting people, Changmin hated this one the most. You see, Kyuhyun had a little habit of crying in secret. Changmin couldn't understand how this became a habit in the first place, but he hated it.

Changmin stood outside the door of Kyuhyun's room, his footsteps silent and quiet. Without any hesitation what so ever, he opened the door to reveal a pitch black room. Changmin sighed and ruffled his own hair, 'not again' was the only thing he could think of. Then, his eyes trailed to the bed. Under the bed covers was a figure, huddled tightly in a ball. Changmin sighed as he closed the door behind him.

"...Kyuhyun..." Changmin whispered, walking closer to the figure. Sobbing and whimpers were audible, much to Changmin's displeasure. Changmin's hand placed itself on the bedpost at the top of the bed.

"...Minnie..." Kyuhyun whispered back.

"Aish, again, really?" Changmin asked rhetorically, rather annoyed. He hated seeing his Kyuhyun crying, it was the worst thing ever.

Quietly, Changmin slipped himself under the covers, quickly feeling the warmth. As he entered the bed, Kyuhyun quickly shuffled against him and pressed his head against Changmin's chest. Kyuhyun clutched onto Changmin's shirt tightly, as if he were holding onto something absolutely precious, which he was. Changmin was precious. Changmin quickly wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun and caressed his back, wiping away the tears.

Right now, the only thing he could do was wait for Kyuhyun to stop crying.


Sorry that this story took so long to update >_< You see, since I still have school and I'm on hiatus I don't have time to update my stories. But I managed to update this story (I'm supposed to be studying right now~). Enjoy~ ^^


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Chapter 1: too cute <3
Chapter 1: Aw, this was so cute! And yes I agree with chu_david, why would our sweet Kyuhyun cry D: Please clarify, but other than that, this was another perfect, fluffy beautiful story! And good luck with studying! (I should be as well.. eheheh)
LovingKyu #3
Chapter 1: Changkyu changkyu changkyu~!! XD
Chapter 1: this is so nice...but hmm... why would kyu cry?? who made him cry?? and min made it as though it was a normal routine...
Update soon, dear author ^_^
i think this is going to be interesting :D
CassieCiel #6
can't wait for the updates..
love changkyu so much ><
Can't wait! This seems like another lovely plot!
4everkyuhyun #8
Please update soon~! Can't wait. From your stalker hehehe