


"Why are you being like this?" Jinyoung asked and buried his face in his hands, obviously getting frustrated.

"I just don't think that she's the right one for you," you explained.

You were currently in your school's courtyard, trying to convince Jinyoung that his girlfriend wasn't a good fit for him. As his best friend, you were just looking out for him. Even though you knew in the back of your mind that you yourself liked Jinyoung more than just a friend, you could still clearly see that she didn't like him as much as he liked her. You would even say that she was just using him to get the attention of her ex-boyfriend, but that would just be your jealousy talking. 

"And what makes you think that?" Jinyoung asked with his eyes closed as he tried to not raise his voice at you.

You bit your lip and looked down at your shoes, "I don't know, I just have feeling."

"I thought you'd be happy for me," Jinyoung said, finally looking at you, "But ever since I started dating Minyoung, all you've ever done is complain and disapprove of us."

"I'm your best friend, I'm just thinking of what's best for you, Jinyoung-ah," you told him, hoping he would understand why you were so against his relationship.

Jinyoung stood up from the bench he was sitting on and sent you an irritated glare, "If you were my best friend, you would be happy for me no matter what. And why are you acting like you know all about relationships? If I recall, you didn't exactly have the perfect relationship with your last boyfriend."

Silence hung in the air after the words left Jinyoung's mouth. The memory of you catching your ex-boyfriend cheating on you flashed through your mind. Even though it was a couple of months ago, it still hurt you every time you thought about it, and Jinyoung knew that too. You turned you head away from Jinyoung as tears started to form in your eyes. It wasn't just the memory of being cheated on that caused the tears, it was also the fact that you knew Jinyoung was right: You didn't know about relationships.

Seeing the tears in your eyes, Jinyoung felt a wave of guilt wash over him, "______-ah, I-"

"No," you said, cutting him off, "You're right. I don't know anything about relationships. I'm in no place to judge your relationship. I'm sorry."

"______-ah..." he whispered, not able to find the right words to say to you.

You glanced down at your watch, "I better get going, class is going to start soon."

Before Jinyoung could say anything, you brushed past him and walked into the school building. 

For the next week, you avoided Jinyoung. Every time you would see him coming down the hall in school, you would find some way to avoid him, whether it was to duck in the nearest bathroom or suddenly turn down another hall. Although he wouldn't admit it, Jinyoung really did miss you. He missed your laugh, your smile, your corny jokes that would cause him to have tears running down his face from laughing so much. He would try to go up to you as much as he could, but once you saw him coming, you would run away from him. He figured he deserved that, he did promise you that he would never bring up your last relationship, and what did he do? He brought it up.

After his hundredth failed attempt to apologize to you, Jinyoung sighed and hung his head. He dragged his feet to his locker and lazily turned the dial, entering his combination.

"Hey, there," he turned his head towards the side and saw Minyoung looking up at him. She got on her tip toes and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"Hey," he glumly replied, "What's up?"

"I think we should break up," she said suddenly, her voice still as perky as always.

Jinyoung just blinked at her, "What?"

"You're not as fun anymore," she said casually, "So I think we should break up."

"Ummm, okay," Jinyoung said confused, not really knowing what was going on.

"Glad you understand!" she smiled, "See you around!"

Jinyoung watched as she skipped down the hall as if the break up didn't even happen. 

'I guess ______ was right,' he thought, 'She really wasn't the one for me.'

He closed his locker and made his way down the hall to his last class of the day that just so happened to be with you. He entered the classroom about twenty minutes early, and to his luck, you were in there reading your book, alone. 

Taking advantage of the opportunity at hand, Jinyoung pulled out the chair from the desk in front of yours and sat down, facing you. 

You looked up from your book so see Jinyoung staring back at you. Your eyes widened and you looked to your side, attempting to make a break for it. 

"There's no use in trying to run from me," he said a soft voice.

You bit your lip and stared down at your desk.

"You were right," he said suddenly, "She broke up with me."

"I'm sorry," you whispered. 

He smiled back at you, "No, it's not your fault. I guess I wasn't as much fun as she thought I was. I'm sorry for doubting you."

Jinyoung saw a small smile grace your lips only to disappear after a second.

"So I guess you're stuck with me," he laughed.

"What makes you think I'm going to take you back?" you asked playfully.

"Because you love me, duh." 

"Shut up," you laughed, as you reached across the desk and lightly shoved his shoulder. 

Jinyoung let out a content sigh after hearing your laugh. He knew that he was supposed to be sad about his recent break up, but for some reason he felt the opposite. 

"If I take you out for ice cream after school will you take me back?" he proposed.

"Well, I guessed I'd have to," you rolled your eyes and gave him a smile. 

Jinyoung smiled back as he stood up and walked around the desk. You knitted your eyebrows together as you watched him make his way behind your chair. 

You froze when he wrapped his arms around you and moved his mouth next to your ear, "Thanks, ______-ah, for always looking out for me."

Your face instantly turned red when Jinyoung pressed a soft kiss to your temple. You were just about to ask him why he was acting so strange when the door to classroom opened and your teacher along with the rest of your classmates piled into the room.

Jinyoung winked at you as he walked to his seat and sat down. You saw him laugh to himself when you rolled your eyes at him and turned towards your teacher who was starting the lesson. 

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Chapter 1: I love best friends story like this. I think they are so cute. Sequel please. :)
Somia2319 #2
Chapter 1: Omo ♥ sequel? Hahaha
kpopinfinity177 #3
Chapter 1: This story is so sweet and awesome ♥!! sequel please ?
Thank you for writing such amazing story! :D
Chapter 1: hehehe, sweet ending!
i love it~
haha... i wonder if getting free ice cream did the trick. xD
Chapter 1: WHARRRRRRRTTT?!?!?!?!
flyB1A4Fighting #7
awwww :3 so cuteeee^^ SEQUEL SEQUEL SEQUEL !!
DeullieSa34 #8
this story is just too sweet:-*:-*:-*:-* i love it so much much much:-*:-*:-* sqeul sqeul