The Bandaged Hand

Revenge is Bittersweet


The fresh air gushed against my skin. The birds nearby were chirping. The leaves of the tree I was currently nestling in were rustling. Like yesterday, I did the same exercise.


But this time, I did it alone. Master Hwangssabu wasn’t with me. And besides, I did this to freshen up my mind. I think I had been here long already, I didn’t know, actually. After opening the window last night to freshen up my mood, I decided to take a stroll in the dark night alone. I never did this before and I regretted that I just did it tonight.


Tonight was my last night here and I was going to leave for States already. Lee Kyung Jun sent me to China to train seven years ago. He let me live at States for three years and study for a while. He said that in order for me to train effectively, I had to stop studying first and he sent me here.


Being motivated and all, I reached here. And I now believed that I was more than ready to avenge my family’s death.


A rustling of leaves nearby were heard. It wasn’t the typical rustling of the leaves. It was like something or someone heavy settled on the branch that was near mine.


I opened my eyes slowly. I didn’t act vigilant as it wasn’t oozing an unusual aura. I knew his aura.


My eyes then met one of my friends here in China. “Hangeng hyung.”


“Yo!” he greeted, flashing a peace sign.


“What do you want?”


“Master Hwangssabu sent me to look for you,” he said. “He said you’re leaving.”


I nodded.


A look of sadness passed by his eyes. “Are you coming back?”


I shrugged. “I’m not even sure. Maybe Lee Kyung Jun will already send me back to Korea.”


He nodded. “I’m going to miss you.”


I jumped to his branch and joined him. I ruffled his hair. “We’re going to see each other soon, hyung.”


He was getting teary-eyed already and I knew I had to do something.


“Yuck, hyung,” I said, pushing him off. “That does not suit you at all!”


He was already falling off the tree while laughing. He landed in a crouched position and was still laughing. I jumped off the tree and joined him again.


“You’re going to do great, Jiyong-ah!” he said, while we started walking out of the forest.


“Who says I won’t?” I said smugly.


He laughed, but it was half-hearted. He looked like he was sincerely sad that I would be leaving already.


“I never doubted your capabilities, Jiyong,” he said after a while. “Even if everyone is starting to go against your plan, I still believe that you can do it,” he patted my back. “You’re going to do well.”


“Aish, hyung!” I complained, pushing him. “Don’t be such a drama queen. I swear I can almost see tears forming in your eyes.”


He laughed, but once again, it was half-hearted.


“Take care of our dongsaeng, Henry, arasso?” I said as we reached our house. Henry and the others were already waiting for us.


“Hyung!” Henry called, tears already flowing from his eyes. He ran to me and hugged me too tight. “I will miss you.”


I laughed as I hugged him back. “It’s alright now, Henry,” I was still patting his back when I noticed Hangeng-hyung near us. He was trying to hold back his tears too. I reached for him and patted his shoulder.


These people – we had the same goals, had the same motivations, had the same reasons to live. I already treated them as my brothers. And today, I would be leaving them behind. I hoped I would be meeting them again.








“Glad that you made it,” Lee Kyung Jun said, his back facing me as he was in front the glass walls overlooking the city of Los Angeles.


I immediately headed my way here the moment I arrived.


“Thank you,” I said politely.


“Why do you think I called you?” he asked. He faced me and waited for my response.


“Because I am ready,” I said firmly.


A smile crept his lips. “That was why you were my favorite.”


I remained silent.


“You’re right,” he said, turning his back again. “I believe you’re ready. Actually, even before, I already thought you were ready but like everyone else, I had to sharpen your skills.”


“What will I do exactly?” I asked.


“Seems like you’re excited for the mission,” he commented. “But before going down to the real deal, I would like to propose something for you.”


“As long as it will lead me to avenging my family’s death, then it will be alright,” I responded.


He faced me again and then walked limply with the cane on his hand, supporting half of his weight. I never really dared ask him what was wrong but like everyone else, I was also curious.


He sat on his swivel chair and leaned his elbows on the table. “It will, don’t worry,” he said. I waited further. “My brother is a senator in South Korea.”


‘Is this some kind of an autobiography or something? Can’t he just tell me directly without telling his life story?’ I thought.


“And as a politician, he had too many hardships while being on top. He was accused as a corrupt one and there were also people who tried to bring him down his position,” he paused. “Like you, our family had also experienced some tragedy.”


I was getting bored but since this would be connected to my mission, I forced myself to listen.


“Even if you don’t say it, I know that you are curious about me being limp,” he said.


I nodded slowly.


“We met an accident with my whole family when we were teenagers. My parents died and it was only me and my brother who survived. Because the car hit my side and because of the impact, my leg was crushed and it had to amputated. This one here,” he said, tapping his leg with his cane, creating a sound. “…is artificial. That was why I walk limply. As for my brother, he just had some minor wounds.”


I forced myself not to yawn. I didn’t know where he was going with his storytelling.


“Before my mother took her final breath, she told me something. She asked me to protect my little brother and not let anything bad happen to him,” he said and paused as if letting the words sink in to my mind. But I didn’t really see the point of this conversation. “And I plan on doing just that,” he continued. “Right now, he had been suffering on some political problems. I want you to do everything just to make sure nothing would happen to him.”


I frowned. “Why should I? I mean, why can’t you?”


His brow rose. “I thought you wanted to avenge your family’s death.”


“I do. But I don’t see the point of doing the jobs meant for you,” I said truthfully.


His forehead creased until his brows met. “I promised to help you in avenging your family’s death. And I picked you out of those kids at China because I believed you will do everything just to achieve what you want.”


“That’s true. But like I said, me avenging my family’s death and protecting your brother, I just can’t see the relation in it.”


He stood up suddenly, knocking down the chair against the ground. “If you don’t want to help me, step out of this room!”


I stared at him first and finally decided to turn my back. I was almost on the door when he called up to me again.


“Even if you believe that you have all the capabilities, I am still sure you will not be able to do it all alone and you will need my help,” he said.


It took me a while to continue walking towards the door.








The loud music was booming in the club. The smell of mixed alcohol, smoke, and $ex were combined and contaminated the air. The strobe lights were almost everywhere. But I wasn’t concentrating on them. My mind was too focused on Lee Kyung Jun’s words.


‘Even if you believe that you have all the capabilities, I am still sure you will not be able to do it all alone and you will need my help,’ he had said.


Was it true? Couldn’t I do it? Yes, I believed I could do it. I mean, it was like I was born to do this. It was like the abilities I had right now, were innate. But couldn’t I really do it?


Did he doubt me? No, he clearly told me he believed my capabilities. His words clearly mirrored his face. He also looked like he did believe in me.


But what was he saying about me needing his help. Was there more?


I took another gulp from the glass of beer I had on my hand.


Even if Lee Kyung Jun kindly took us into his care, me and the boys back in China, I would still think of the real reasons why he had to that. Was he just plainly concerned about the welfare of the kids who were left all alone by their parents? Or did he have other purposes?


Hearing his words of asking me to work under him to protect his brother confirmed my suspicion of him having other purposes as well. He was not plainly doing it out of kindness. I knew it.


Would I still work for him even if that was his real reason? Would I be able to find out the real reason the moment I decide to work under him? Would the reasons be good enough for me to go on and avenge my family’s death?


But, I didn’t think that he would reveal the real reason. Maybe he would not ever.


I didn’t want to be a criminal. Hearing his brother having political problems, I knew, he was one corrupt man. I mean, who wasn’t? If you were on a very high official position, who would not be tempted to steal money from the people’s money, right? Or even abuse his power, right?


But, they were mere suspicions. But I was sure that whatever Lee Kyung Jun needed me to do was to protect his brother with all my might even if it would lead me to jail. I just knew how Lee Kyung Jun’s mind worked. Living with him for a few years before going to China, I figured out every thought he had.


However, if we dig further, would they be important factors for me to decide whether I should work under his conditions or not? Would they affect my goal of going on with my plan? After all, since the night my family died, I knew, I just knew what to do. And for those ten years I had lived without them, there wasn’t anything that changed my mind. Yes.


Whatever Lee Kyung Jun wanted me to do, I would do it. No matter how dangerous it would be. No matter what I would be overcoming. No matter how long the journey will be. No matter if it would consider me as a criminal or not.


As long as I knew what this would lead me to, I would not stop.


A stinging pain was felt. I looked down and saw red liquid making its way towards the edge of the bar table. I stared at the thick liquid dropping to my pants as it stained it. I followed it back to where it belonged and saw my bleeding hand clenching tightly on broken glasses.








A smile was slowly forming on Lee Kyung Jun’s lips. I wanted to wipe the smirk off his face as he made it look like he was right all along.


“Are you sure you’re working with me now?” he asked once again.


I nodded. “Just make sure to lead me to the path I had been planning all along.”


“Sure,” he answered instantly. His eyes then shifted to my hand. “Why is your hand bandaged by the way?”


I hid it behind me. “Just a little accident,” I said, thinking of the poor glass I unconsciously broke with my bare hand last night at the bar.


He stared at me. “Okay then, anyway, here’s what I want you to do.”






Damn it! Damn it!


I was late. Running along this unfamiliar school corridor just added up to the pressure I had been carrying since Lee Kyung Jun’s news a week ago. Why did he have to give me this kind of work here in Korea?


Oh, yeah. He was saying something about avoiding suspicions from around me, I had to fit in with them and act like I was just part of them. He told me that he had found me a job few months ago as a substitute teacher in a very typical high school. He told me to act as if I was a dork, that I was nerd, a clumsy high school substitute teacher.


But the problem arose – how the hell would I even act as a dork, a nerd, and a very clumsy high school teacher? I wasn’t sent to China to be trained as an actor. What should I do?


Oh, heck! With me running wildly along this corridor, seemingly lost (because I was), I was confident that I was already doing the part so well. Heck, I even stumbled a few times before reaching my destination.


You see the plane I was on landed too late and it caused me to be late to school too. I heard that someone would give me my class schedule but since Lee Kyung Jun had its own way of doing things, he already gave me one on hand. And it was really useful since I was already late.


Stumbling once more, I felt that I bumped into someone who just got out of the comfort room, but I was hurrying too much that I didn’t even dare look back and help that someone. I was sure he or she wouldn’t mind and would help himself or herself up. I mean, it was just a little bump, right?


I finally arrived at the right room. I looked up at the room number on top of the door and looked down on my schedule. It was the right one, alright. Before finally entering, I took a deep breath as I took the first step of the event that would totally change my life.








*poster credits to ahsyrt0295




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[REVENGE IS BITTERSWEET] peprare yourselves for a revelation. :)


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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 38: This is so beautiful... I loved it.. Thank you authornim.. More stories.. God bless
prettychez #2
Chapter 38: This is my 4th time reading this story and the feeling is the same. Very awesome story. ❤❤❤
Chapter 38: i cried when jiyong and jisung met , love this story !! jiyong's version helped me to clear alot of doubts that i had while reading dara's version ! thank you , unnie ! please continue to write more amazing stories !
nylanna_twisted #4
Chapter 1: initially interesting..
DaragonButterfly #5
Chapter 37: i'm satified as reading this, this jiyong version of dara's maybe its time....great authornim love this and maybe its time of dara's version...congrats
goldenbanana #6
Chapter 3: Is this Jiyong's version of Maybe its Time? It's a heck of a lot like it...
anjelky #7
Chapter 37: Aaaaah this is so good !! Thank you for making a beautiful story. :)
juniejd #8
Chapter 38: As good as dara's version = double satisfaction.....
lovegd18 #9
Chapter 37: Waaah this is just too good to be true~ made me cry a river. I really can't find the words to describe what I'm feeling after reading this. You did a very good job authornim! This definitely deserves an upvote!
lovegd18 #10
Chapter 36: Oh my gosh this is too much T_T