What a way to start love!

I woke up from my little nap with the noise of my ringtone blasting out loud from my phone and searched for it to stop its noise. However, the phone wouldn't shut up so I finally decided to check pick it up.


"Yoboseyo," I greeted in a low and sad voice. "Minhyun, what is it?"


"Oppa! Don't come downstairs no matter what!" She yelled and I foreword my eyebrows at her statement. "There are weird boys here looking for you and they look like the thugs of this school."


I frowned. Now what were stupid wanna be gangsters from our school doing wanting me ? "Then, how am I supposed to go home?" I asked her and she stayed quiet. "Minhun, I appreciate your concern but I am alright. Everything is okay. Plus, I am not that weak and I am a boy."


"You sure oppa!" She asked and I laughed.


"Of course, with you and Minhyun with me I am pretty sure we can beat the yakuza's from Japan if we tried."


She also laughed. "Thank goodness your alright oppa. And yea, adding Goara we would probably be like the mafias and destroy them."


"Okay, then let me see you downstairs!" I said and she hummed then I ended the call.


After, I went downstairs and gave back the pass and thanked Mrs. On and met the girls. Finally, I went to the boys that were looking for me with a sadistic smile on my face.


"Yah! You bastards!" A mean, tall and tuff guy yelled at the students. "I am asking you who the Jeongmin is! Hurry the up and tell me otherwise we will send all of you to the hospitals cause yer pissing me the off!"


I smirked and then put on a gentle smile. "Profanity isn't allowed in this school for the students." I said and they all turned to look at me. "Oh, my bad, you guys don't seem smart enough to be attending here anyways!"


The one that was yelling before came in front of me and held my uniform t-shirt. "What was that you stupid ? Did you just ing say that we are dumb!?" He then slammed me against the lockers and then brushed his red shirt.


"Haha, hyung don't bother with that weakling." The guy beside the red shirt wearing black convos said. "He's not worth the time."


I laughed at them and they looked at me like I had gone mad. Maybe I had. "You guys aren't only dumb but also deaf. I just did call you dumb but my bad what I mean to say was ed up es that have no brains and are slaved up dogs that do because they are told." I smiled at their shocked faces, actually all of the students faces. "Actually, s like you are meant to be es with no Brains that only become so because the only thing in your mind is a gay ostrich!"


I got up and raised both my middle fingers at them. "You ing tards want me. Well here I am, Jeongmin, flesh and bones!" Then I started to walk towards the existing to the backside of the school. "You ing want a fight then come along losers!"


Minhyun got her gloves ready and so did Minhun. I was thrown a pair as we and I thanked them but as we all got out before any other intruder could come I closed the doors and locked them! Getting the passcode from Mrs. On was a smart choice after all!


The big bulky boys smirked at us as they looked at our number and theirs. "This ain't much of a fight boy’s!" The red shirt said and they all laughed and I couldn't help but join in their laughter. They went silent and I just shrugged my shoulder at their stare.


"He's mocking us hyung, that that we are supposed to up is mocking us!" One of the five yelled and I raised my eyebrows at what he said. "This was a good job. I like my victims strong!"


I sighed as I waited for them to stop talking but they just wouldn't. The girls didn't seem like they liked waiting either. Minhun looked at me with questioning eyes to allow her to start the battle. I smiled at her and nodded my head.


"Hey boys~" she said and air kicked one and stepped on him. "Your boring me to hell, start the fight already!"


Then it began and I could only smile as it did. The boys mostly came towards me and I was happy for that. I was feeling like today and my emotions have been like a roller coaster. Happy, crying, anxious, nervous and regretful all because-OF-That-ing--I-thought-as-a-friend! I punched a guy that was running towards me right in the gutter and then kicked his body to the side. Then I dodged a hook kick by another and then swiftly hammer kicked his head and then side kicked his face. I was venting out my anger at these guys because of someone else! Then the red shirted guy came forward and I only smirked at him.


"I really am grateful that you came to my service today!" I told him and he again gave me the judging look. "I am so ing angry today that I could freaking kick a puppy!!!"


Then, I launched at his face and using a quick distraction to the face, I actually kicked him right in the stomach. Then, not feeling satisfied I punched his face hard enough to make it bleed. Anger, it was boiling in the depth of my body and I kept on kicking the guy. I kicked him and punched anyone that tried to come closer.


However, someone or two people behind me flicked my head and then I finally stopped. "I still want to kill the out of them!" I said to them while gritting my teeth. But, they only hit my head again and I decided to stop otherwise I will be the one on the floor bleeding.


I looked at the ground and only saw groaning pathetic men. Just like how I want to see a certain someone with someone that I don't really like.


"Now, mind telling us what you were trying to do with that bastard?" Minhyun asked as she pointed towards me. I growled. "That guy is totally pissed of today and might actually kill you!" She giggled at him.


The red shirted guy I had almost killed spoke with fear, "A-Ah- it uh... Was all Aki! She- she wanted us to injure Jeongmin but I don't know why?" I growled at the mention of the hideous name and the boys moved in fright.


I would deal with that later and then decided to leave. "Minhyun, Minhun with the help of the other girls please treat these barbarian's scars!" I said and then walked away leaving home to go to a certain paradise that I really need. Since, I was really frustrated with everything just because of him.


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This story is about to end..... Ending..... But the story fairy decided to be nice and gave me writers block!!! So pissed


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MizuDrop #1
Chapter 39: Great job on the story~
aiista #2
Chapter 37: You're confessing Hyunseong, not make a speech for your graduation XD
Oh of course I feel happy for you two ><
aiista #3
Chapter 36: Thanks godness :")
aiista #4
Chapter 32: You must find out the truth Jeongmin. Hyunseong really does love you!
aiista #5
Chapter 27: I'm sure I'll kill that for making my precious Jeongmin cry and making both Hyunseong and Jeongmin hurt
aiista #6
Chapter 24: That little sh*t girl really an evil devil queen! Just get away from them!
aiista #7
Chapter 23: Ugh it's too much cute about SeongJeong ><
Ck that evil girl and her group -_- I just want to kick them out of this story
Oh, is that Hyunseong had a bind aid in his arm in the gif? Do you know what happened?
aiista #8
Chapter 22: Eeii you really are fall for Jeongmin Mr. Perfect Shim Hyunseong hahaha :p
Where does Hyunseong know all about Jeongmin o.o heeeee Hyunseong
aiista #9
Chapter 21: What a compact couple hahaha
Eeii what Hyunseong said to Jeongmin?~~ I wanna know too
aiista #10
Chapter 19: So the 'lovelies' is dog named Marc and Lady? Gosh -_- hahahaha