
What a way to start love!


 "What happened with you and Hyunseong yesterday? Please tell us. I don't understand why you need to keep it a secret!" Minwoo whined and I just smiled at him. "Oh come on Jeongmin, it's probably something big. I mean Hyunseong seemed so frustrated with whatever happened yesterday!" 
 I ignored him and went my own way this time and left the other two. I was happy right now because I had figured it out. Everything made sense after thinking for the whole night and the feeling of dread had disappeared from my heart. I was first confused as to why I would even like the ugly prince and needed to come up with a peculiar answer. It's because I know him, but I don't. Basically, what I feel about knowing him is neutral. He makes me happy and riles me up a lot. However, for some odd reason he's always been there for me. My conclusion was then that I wanted him as a friend because we seemed to be almost like good brothers. Youngmin also probably meant for me to start liking him as a friend and be nice. I mean it won't hurt us to be at least friends. 
 "Someone seems to be happy," a person scowled and I looked up to see that it was none other than the person that was in my thoughts. I smiled at him. "Ugh! Stop smiling I feel like my world is turning upside down." 
 "That's better for me. Anyways why are you so grouchy today, Mr. I think I am fabulous but really isn't?" I asked while smiling even brighter just to annoy him because yes, I admit that I like it. 
 "What's it to ya? And for your information, it is a scientific fact that I am 100% fabulous and have the most handsome features!" 
 "Keep telling yourself lies. I know it's been working for you till this day!" As an afterthought, I added, "Hee and to think I befriended an like you." 
 "I didn't ask to be your friend, you should shut up now because my head hurts and I don't want to talk." 
 I thought for a moment and then finally figured out something amazing. This way I could be with him, making our friendship blossom and he could have a peace of mind. "Let's go to my hyungs cafe!" I exclaimed and took his hand, then forcefully pulled him, leaving behind school and walking towards the streets. It was a silent walk to the café. A very shocking matter because unlike usual, the was quiet and he let me drag him, while holding his wrist unfortunately. 
 "Hey, say something! Why are you so quiet?" I asked him as we entered and took a seat near the window. "It's not like you at all. I mean by now you would have insulted me about my height or something!" 
 He finally looked at me instead of his food but he didn't smile. He gave a dead stare and went back to consuming his food. I frowned at him and decided to entertain myself. What was I thinking? How could I like this that has the courage to freaking ignore the handsome moi?! He better be thankful that I even treated him to amazing food and on top of that, I payed. I frowned even more and started to stare at him. I kept staring and didn't notice that he had said something until he flocked my head. "Oww!" I groaned in pain.
 "That's what you get for ignoring me!" He spoke in an irritated tone as usual and I glared at him. 
 "I don't care! Keep on being mute. You are the one that decided to ignore me and then you DARE to hit me when I ignored you!" 
 "Sorry," he apologized, leaving me shocked. First, he doesn't insult me, next he apologized. Then what's going to happen next?! I looked at him intensely while judging him hard. "Stop staring at me like that!" Then he mumbled, "I am a human and I know my manners unlike some people."
 "There is seriously something very wrong with you today and I don't like the fact that you just said I don't have any manners. For your information, I am a fine gentleman." 
 "Whatever," he replied and rolled his eyes. I did the same and then he finally smiled. "You know Jeongmin the others are going to be aesthetic when they find out that we, i mean we are actually friends"
"Duh, I mean they practically begged me to be friends with you and threatened me too!" I said sipping my last drop of good and warm french vanilla. " However, they might have been right now i could punch you!" 
"Who ever said-," He was about to say but I punched him and ran out the door of the cafe. I stopped and looked back at him then with a taunting smirk I started running again. I ran and ran and ran but somehow he was able to catch up to me. This hurt my precious pride so I started running my hardest and somehow it became a race. 
"Hah-ha you , you at running!" He said as I finally came running to where he was waiting. I just bent down and tried to get my breathing even. It's not good to lose to a man, especially if your a man yourself. "Oh, looks like we are back at school, see you during drama after school," punching me twice he ran with the same taunting smirk i had given him. i glared at his back, i still can't believe i am frie- whatever with him.
 I ran to Youngmin and Minwoo, leaving Hyunseong taunting me with that smirk behind. "Minwoo, Youngmin, am I glad to finally see you!" I yelled overly happy with the fact I was meeting them. They turned and I was met with an angry and an annoyed face. "What? don't tell me your angry because I left without telling you what happened yesterday!" 
"Oh no, it's not because of that, it's because you killed my cat that doesn't exist." Youngmin replied sarcastically and Minwoo just glared at me. 
"It's not only me what about you two, heard that you've been real intimate with your now called boyfriends!" 
"We'll what do you expect Jeongmin, they are our boyfriends what else would we do than be together?" 
"I don't know Minwoo, I haven't been in a relationship before and if I was, I wouldn't go neglecting my friends." 
""That's bull I bet you that you wouldn't be too busy to even think about us and yes I say this from experience. Kwangmin is like that sometimes!" 
"Anyways, I am now friends with Hyunseong because you guys kept bothering me and through some analyzing first I figured why not?"
"Don't ignore me and are you serious only friends Jeongmin. You both are so dense that it's probably not enough to just push you into it. We might just have to do more!"
"Youngmin your absolutely right, these two here are the biggest idiots I have seen and I mean love idiots not school or life idiots!" 
"We can do this Minwoo, I have faith in us!" 
"Yeah, we can Youngmin!" Minwoo replied to Youngmin and both crossed arms together and laughed like maniac's. I only stared at them doubting  nothing they said because they call me am idiot but seriously these two are the ones that need help. After the much annoying laughter the two laughed, we finally decided to go to class. With class finishing everything was going fine until Hannah reminded us that we had drama. 
"Ugh, oh shoot I forgot something outside!" I yelled remembering that I had forgotten my script outside while I had been with Hyunseong. 
"Now, seriously man! I am beginning to fear for your life because of your short mean pry loss. Your becoming dumb and won't be able to live for yourself!" Minwoo said and pushed me aside and left. Youngmin gave a short smile and disappeared along with him. 
I went outside to get my script and doing so cursed at my two friends that ditched me to go practice for drama. s, I hope they get into something awful today! I looked around for my script but when I found it I noticed Hyunseong with a girl. Immediately I hid behind a big bush that I never knew existed in our school. 
"Oppa, I love you, will you go out with me?" The girl asked, her fade red and she looked nervous, scared and pale like a ghost. 
Hyunseong didn't say anything and stared at the girl and then replied, "look I know this is going to sound cruel but I don't know you, so I definitely can't date you! I am sorry, you are pretty really you are but I don't date people I don't know." Then he gave her a small smile. 
The girl stared at Hyunseong, processing the reply she had gotten and then when she got it. She had it bad because she started crying and lost it. Hyunseong on the other hand went up to her and put his hand at her shoulder. The girl looked up at him with sad eyes and he smiled to her. "You can probably find a better person than me because you are worth it!" And then he walked away. 
I just witnessed a confession and it was to Hyunseong. I looked around to see f anyone else saw but it was only me. I looked at the girl crying there and then at Hyunseong that was fading away. I didn't know what to do for a while. Finally, I decided to so what was best and went up to the girl. 
"Why are you crying? Did you get hurt?" I asked, but kept the fact I knew why she was crying hidden. Taking out my napkin I wiped her tears. "If so then you shouldn't cry because of it but take it as a Lesson and next time avoid or be strong about it." 
"Tha-thank you!" The girl said and I smiled at her. Hyunseong was right she was kind of cute like one of my little sisters. "Um... Bye!" She said and literally dashed away with a flushed face. I laughed at her and then headed towards our rehearsal place. 
"Hello Minwoo, Youngmin what are we doing?" I yelled as I walked in to the dressing room I think. 
 "Shut up, you are too loud! Can't you see that I am trying to finish wearing this stupid gown!" Minwoo yelled back as he sighed trying to slap away Hannah's hands, which were helping him. 
Then Youngmin came yelling at me angrily, "You! How dare you skip half of drama and who were you with? What the hell did you do? Why wasn't I invited and did you do anything bad?" 
 I stared at the two and started laughing, "You-you two look so ugly as girls, haha OMG hahaha this is hilarious!" I took out my phone and started taking pictures of them as they scowled at me. That is until two people decided to ruin it and capture me. I looked to both my sides to see Junara and Harago holding me with their ever so innocent smiles. 
"It's your turn now!" Minhun said and I turned to look at Youngmin, Minwoo, and for some reason Minhyun smirking evilly at the statement. I looked at them horrified not knowing where I was taken away to.
"Finally finished, huh? How come it took so long?" Minwoo asked after I came back dressed in this light blue and white gown that was similar to Cinderella's dress. Though there was a difference, my gown sparkled because of glitter that was put on it. Also, it seems that they had carefully stitched some bows along the dress and the long gloves. Blonde wig placed properly and a touch of blush, mascara and light pink lipstick. I glared at him but finally noticed what he was wearing and to be truthful it kind of looked good on him. He was wearing a salmon coloured gown with the edges coloured a beautiful gold along with a long caramel coloured wig and a tint of makeup that made him look more feminine. And the dress seemed like it was made for him, since it perfectly fit his body.
"Yah, Jeongmin, you look so girly," Youngmin stated and I replied with a look-at-yourself expression. I noticed a difference between our gowns. He was wearing a tiara while all I had was this stupid headband. He was wearing a more detailed gown than Minwoo. From the stomach and up, it was red and had detailed frills and such with light brown ribbons, with his sleeves that went until his elbows unlike mine and it was all frilly. Then his stomach down, it was chocolate coloured and had various ribbons and frills. His hair was similar to mine, blonde, and in it was placed a beautiful tiara that shone brightly. I pouted looking at his gown and then at mine and repeated the cycle five times. "I know you are so lucky that you don't have to dress up like me!" Youngmin said as he noticed me looking at him but I only pouted. 
"What's wrong, oppa?" Hannah asked and I turned to her. 
"How come my dress is so plain and he gets a freaking good looking gown?" I asked pointing at Youngmin, who started laughing along side Minwoo and Minhyun. "Shut up you idiots!" I yelled at them. 
 "Ok Jeongmin, come out already. It's time to practice!" Mrs. On yelled and I only cursed at her but had to go out. I didn't dare raise my head up because I knew he will be laughing at me. I kept walking and stumbled a bit with the dress but kept my posture. 
> "Can't you be faster than that Mr., I mean Mrs. Jeongmin?" Mr. Kim asked  teasingly and I started walking faster, ignoring his stupid, fat comment. I came to my place and stood beside Hyunseong but I didn't dare look at him. 
> "Ok, today we will rehearse from the ball scene since we practiced the whole thing yesterday and the princess is dressed for the occasion." Mrs. On instructed and the rest hummed in response. However I wasn't ready to meet the smirking, taunting prince yet, or maybe he's the same as before neutral, with no emotions. 
> "Ok and start!" Mr. Kim yelled and I got out of the fake carriage. I walked up the stupid fake stairs into the fake castle background with a curious expression. Then, I was in the place with the prince and the fake room background with the fake people that were faking their acting. And I faked my expression, disguising my curiously looking eyes that wandered around the room. Until I saw him coming towards me as he pushed my fake, annoying, y sister's Aru and Kiru. He was wearing whatever the prince wears and looked quiet good. 
> "Would you care for a dance with me?" He asked with dreamy eyes that looked like they were truly entice by me and I smiled sincerely at him. I nodded my head and bowed to him and we danced together as I fell deeper and deeper into his expression. His face and body close to mine as we had our hands intertwined. Him holding my shoulder and me with my hands wrapped around his shoulder. We danced and danced until my dress decided to trip me and I fell. Stupid dress! Ruining a good moment too!!!! 
> "Woah there, I got you!" Hyunseong said and got me before I fell and we went back to dancing as we had been told. I sighed, relieved and looked back at him whispering a thanks. And somehow he finally spoke today without being his grumpy self and neither the taunting self. But he did seem more friendly and said, "That's what friends are for." 
> I stopped smiling and looked at him. He said the word friend and I should be happy that he is accepting me, right? But-But, why does my heart feel a pang of pain stinging my chest at the word "friend"? At the fact that he suggested that we are "only friends"!!!! Friend right isn't that a good thing since, i called him a friend before and thats what we are. Right we are friends, friends! Friends right, but why am I feeling pain in my heart at the word friend....
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This story is about to end..... Ending..... But the story fairy decided to be nice and gave me writers block!!! So pissed


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MizuDrop #1
Chapter 39: Great job on the story~
aiista #2
Chapter 37: You're confessing Hyunseong, not make a speech for your graduation XD
Oh of course I feel happy for you two ><
aiista #3
Chapter 36: Thanks godness :")
aiista #4
Chapter 32: You must find out the truth Jeongmin. Hyunseong really does love you!
aiista #5
Chapter 27: I'm sure I'll kill that for making my precious Jeongmin cry and making both Hyunseong and Jeongmin hurt
aiista #6
Chapter 24: That little sh*t girl really an evil devil queen! Just get away from them!
aiista #7
Chapter 23: Ugh it's too much cute about SeongJeong ><
Ck that evil girl and her group -_- I just want to kick them out of this story
Oh, is that Hyunseong had a bind aid in his arm in the gif? Do you know what happened?
aiista #8
Chapter 22: Eeii you really are fall for Jeongmin Mr. Perfect Shim Hyunseong hahaha :p
Where does Hyunseong know all about Jeongmin o.o heeeee Hyunseong
aiista #9
Chapter 21: What a compact couple hahaha
Eeii what Hyunseong said to Jeongmin?~~ I wanna know too
aiista #10
Chapter 19: So the 'lovelies' is dog named Marc and Lady? Gosh -_- hahahaha