What a way to start love!


Circus tentPerforming artsRegional indicator for ChinaRegional indicator for Great BritainRegional indicator for KoreaHot springsTriangular flag on postRound pushpinRegional indicator for FranceRegional indicator for SpainRegional indicator for KoreaRegional indicator for KoreaSlot machineRegional indicator for JapanRegional indicator for ItalyRegional indicator for ItalyRegional indicator for USARegional indicator for USAPig facePig noseElephantRegional indicator for USARegional indicator for ChinaRegional indicator for GermanyMoon viewing ceremonyDolphinDolphinAntLadybug/ladybird/lady beetleLadybug/ladybird/lady beetleSpouting whale🐋🐋SnailSnailSnailSnailSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeOctopusOctopusOctopusOctopusOctopusOctopusOctopusSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeSnake
Jeongmin's P.O.V
It was kind of really uncomfortable sleeping beside Donghyun hyung especially since I know that he's really into Minwoo. I shifted my eyes looking everywhere but at him. Closed my eyes and counted goats but nothing seems to work. 
"You know if it's uncomfortable just tell me I can always sleep on the floor," hyung said suddenly and I turned to him. "Um... I don't want you to feel like I would be a threat or anything!" 
"No, no it's okay hyung just weird because I don't really know you," I said straight out . "You don't have to suffer on the cold hard floor." 
He laughed, "Ok, so what would you like to know about me to be closer?" He asked and I stared at the ceiling in thinking mode. 
"Oh, um... Why do you want to be with Minwoo, I mean that is if you could answer to me um..." I said but he just laughed. 
"Well, when I first saw him I thought wow he's just a puny cute kid and was going to just call of the whole thing but then something happened and I was struck by the cuspids arrow!" He said, and I listened attentively. "The thing was after our small greeting he dragged me somewhere and pinned me into the wall and threatened to ruin my life if I didn't turn the marriage down! But at that time I was more focused on his y looking face that I ignored and agreed to the marriage!" He then looked at me and smiled. "And now I just have to make him like me!" 
I smiled at his story and shifted my eyes onto the ceiling once more and told him, "you know hyung I think Minwoo might be starting to like you!" 
"what do you mean, he kicks me like I am nobody tho!" He replied with a hurt tone and I couldn't help but feel Bad for him. "And i kind of have been doubting myself about this whole thing..." 
"Don't hyung!" I shouted and he seemed shocked. "I have know Minwoo my whole life and for the first time he accepted a man like you in his life!" I said to him but he looked confused so I explained to him in detail. "You see Minwoo hater being called cute and girly and decided to kill anyone who could call him that. For what I know that's the time his hate for guys started. That's why until now he's only ever been with a girl for everything. And the last time a guy approached him, he was sent to the hospital in the life threatening area because Minwoo was touched by him. Your actually that he hasn't killed you yet and only gives you small kicks and punches!"
I looked at his expression and it was thinking, "but what about you and Youngmin aren't you both guys?" He questioned me.
I nodded my head in answer, "but the difference is that we have been together since we were in diapers!" 
"How could I trust you I mean..." He tried to say but shut up.
"Minwoo himself said so, I quote he said, 'I am keeping him for a while!'" I told him. "And he even denied our offer of accidentally getting you hurt and keeping you in Coma for the rest of your life!" I said sadly. 
"Why do you sound so sad about not being able to blow me to bits!"  He asked and I just smile at him. He then finally smiled again and told me that he'd keep trying to get Minwoo to like him.
"Okay, I also have another question," I said to him. "Who are those lovelies that you keep saying hyunseong can't get away from?" I asked him.
"Oh them, they were kind of forced upon him by his dad, but after a while he started enjoying them and really it used to get loud especially during the night," he said, then asked me, "why?"
"Oh nothing i was just you know whatever," I said kind of disappointed. But who cares if hyunseong is already married, I mean he accepted but I would have declined if I got an offer. Wait what am I saying I did decline but have they already gone through like the whole thing. What am I saying hyung just said they made a lot of noise during the night so they probably already did it...
"Hyunseong doesn't really like you huh!"hyung exclaimed. 
I nodded my head, "I think it's because I keep annoying him, plus i have always been kind of bossy!"
I told him and carried on, "You know hyung should be careful because Minwoo can be quiet the devil, if he wanted to and he seemed really interested in this battle that your giving him." 
He looked at me with a smile and told me, "Hyungseong isn't an angel either you know and I think he has something against you!" Then he patted my head. "But don't worry I will be there to help you!" 
I smiled at him too and told him the same and we both laughed. After a while of talking the both of use started feeling drowsy and sleep took over us. 
~ time skip, next morning~ 
"Wake up!!!!" Somebody yelled but I ignored it. Because there was a really soft teddy bear and the bed was warm. "Wake up!!!!" Someone shrieked this time and annoyed I opened my eyes to see a pissed of Minwoo. 
"Shut up, you are ruining my sleep!" I said, but he just pointed to my side. I looked and saw Donghyun and also that we were kind of holding each other.
"Just get out of bed and get ready," somebody else said and I looked to see it was non other then Mr. Hyunseong the one I don't want to see and have a grudge on for some damn reason. And because I wanted to annoy him I hugged donghyun hyung instead of getting out. This made him frown but I just kept hugging and smiled. But to my dismay minwoo wasn't amused and kept shooting me dirty glares.
"What~ it's not like you like him, plus even so can't you share we are friends," I told him and he just scoffed. So I shook the still sleeping dead old donghyun hyung and woke him up. "Hyung get up, it's morning no wait afternoon already!" 
"Hmm..." He just said and shifted to the other side. And because that was funny for some reason I laughed and kept poking him. 
"Alright, alright I am up," he said finally getting up, "good morning to you to sleep wrecker!" He said and I only smiled while motioning to Minwoo and Hyunseong. "And why the hell do you two look so grumpy!" He asked as he got up. 
"Ask yourself!" Minwoo kicked hyung and yelled, running out of the room. I laughed my of at the scene. 
Finally after sometime of getting ready and checking myself in the washroom, wall and hand mirror I was set to go. I went downstairs and greeted everyone good afternoon and sat down beside Donghyun hyung. Hyunseong kept staring at me but I ignored him not really wanting to see his face. We started talking about the morning and I told him what happened and we both laughed. 
"What's up with you two, you seem close all of a sudden," youngmin said all of a sudden and I noticed that everyone was staring. 
I looked at donghyun hyung and we both laughed, "what! Me and jeongmin have always been close, but yesterday we got to get to know each other better than before!" He said and we both smiled. 
"Yes, it's not that weird that we are friend right?" I asked them as I ate my bread with cheese spread. And then we finished eating and all settled in the living room and decided what we were going to do today and the conclusion was the amusement park. 
"Hyunmin are you sure you don't want to come?" Youngmin asked once again. "I mean really, really sure!" 
He nodded his head, "hyung I am old enough to take care of my self and anyways I have plans with my own friends today." He said. 
"My baby brother is growing up," youngmin dramatically cried and hugged hyunmin and in the end Kwangmin pissed and cough jealous dragged him always and we were gone. 
"So youngmin and I will be going to the scariest rides first!" Kwangmin said and literally dragged the not so happy Youngmin away. Without even speaking a word Minwoo just dragged donghyun hyung to go knows where! And it was only me and that guy left standing awkwardly. 
"So what do you want to do?" He asked after quiet a while. And I just shrugged my shoulders not really wanting to choose. Then he said again, "you know we are both going to have to choose because I am definitely not going to!" 
I sighed, "it's not like we had to be together, we could desperate and find ourselves some cute girls to hang out with." I said as I noticed some walk by. But before I could go enchant them I was dragged by the stupid pig. 
"Hey, what the hell!" I yelled, trying to get out of his grip.
He just smiled at me and said if I wasn't picking then he would. And in the end we rode half the roller coasters, went to a hunted house and to the place were you can win prizes by throwing things. And I might even add it was quiet fun and thrilling to go on all those rides and the hunted house. You should have seen us we scared the people that tried to scare us and it was hilarious. One of them actually fell out of fright. And I got myself a stuffed domo, the pig got himself an identical one to.
"We'll wasn't that fun!" I sad as I sat down and enjoys my frozen treat. "I didn't think you'd actually be this fun to be around." 
He looked at me and grinned, "it's because you don't know me princess but I will admit it was fun today!" Then he turned to look at the sky and there was a silence. "Why did you keep avoiding me before?"
I was caught of guard and stiffened when he asked me the question.
 Then he looked at me again and asked, "Is it because of the random hug attack you gave me!" 
I looked at the ground and bit on the cone of my delicious treat. I was debating on wether I should tell this creep or not. An in the end it seemed better to just tell him. "Hah~ it was because I just received a very bad call and took comfort from the first person I saw!" I told him. 
"What happened?" He asked gently for some reason. "Ah, I mean you don't have to tell me, if its personal and all, I mean don't tell me!" 
I laughed at him, "oh it was just one of my parents stupid prank and they told me that I was getting married in order to go meet them!" I explained to him and he nodded his head. "And it seems I fell for it because I went to Clarify to them that I wasn't going to marry a complete stranger!" 
He nodded his head but then told me, "but getting arranged married isn't that bad you know, it actually works out quiet well." He said and for some reason I didn't like it and I wasn't happy anymore.
"What speaking from experience?" I said to him annoyed. 
"How did you know?" He asked me and I glared at him annoyingly but the thought disappeared when u thought of the talk I had with donghyun hyung. 
"Donghyun hyung told me, you know he isn't a bad person but actually an awesome one!" I said to the pig, "we seem to have so many things in common and he's really easy to talk to. Now I get how you can be friends with him!" 
"Yeah, yeah whatever donghyun isn't that cool, I am way better!" He complimented himself what a bastard. 
"As if, I find this domo doll way better then you!" I said.
"You know you should say sorry for hugging me and avoiding me for no damn reason," he said to me with that smirk that I absurdly hate. 
"In you dreams retard!" I said, flipping him off. 
"Yah, don't avoid the question and answer already, it's pissing me of princess that I the handsome, cool and talented Hyunseong am getting ignored by a girly guy." He said and I scoffed at his statement.
"I haven't been avoiding you, you have been avoiding me!" I said to him and added, "don't lie to make yourself feel better and let me help you know the truth you aren't handsome and not are you talented either!" 
"Uh-huh says the one that could t stop looking at my face when we were practicing for the play," he replied, "you should stop lying to yourself and confide that you actually love me!"
"Keep dreaming ugly frog, I wouldn't like you even if you were the last person on earth!" I replied. 
He smirked, "of course you wouldn't like me because you would be heads over heels in love with me!" He said and finally I couldn't take it and hit him with my Domo doll. And it led to an even bigger war.  
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This story is about to end..... Ending..... But the story fairy decided to be nice and gave me writers block!!! So pissed


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MizuDrop #1
Chapter 39: Great job on the story~
aiista #2
Chapter 37: You're confessing Hyunseong, not make a speech for your graduation XD
Oh of course I feel happy for you two ><
aiista #3
Chapter 36: Thanks godness :")
aiista #4
Chapter 32: You must find out the truth Jeongmin. Hyunseong really does love you!
aiista #5
Chapter 27: I'm sure I'll kill that for making my precious Jeongmin cry and making both Hyunseong and Jeongmin hurt
aiista #6
Chapter 24: That little sh*t girl really an evil devil queen! Just get away from them!
aiista #7
Chapter 23: Ugh it's too much cute about SeongJeong ><
Ck that evil girl and her group -_- I just want to kick them out of this story
Oh, is that Hyunseong had a bind aid in his arm in the gif? Do you know what happened?
aiista #8
Chapter 22: Eeii you really are fall for Jeongmin Mr. Perfect Shim Hyunseong hahaha :p
Where does Hyunseong know all about Jeongmin o.o heeeee Hyunseong
aiista #9
Chapter 21: What a compact couple hahaha
Eeii what Hyunseong said to Jeongmin?~~ I wanna know too
aiista #10
Chapter 19: So the 'lovelies' is dog named Marc and Lady? Gosh -_- hahahaha