Chapter 12

Hoya Hyung is such a Player =___=

After Hoya left the dorm, the mood was tough. Everyone was awkward, everyone was stuck in their own little world. Woohyun was thinking about different methods to swoon fangirls at their next appearance, Myungsoo and Sungyeol was trying to be as quiet and calm as possible, while Sungjong and Dongwoo were both stuck in their thoughts. Sunggyu was locked up in his room, refusing to come out.

*What is wrong with Howon?! He never acted like this before....was it something I did? I'm such an awful leader. I should've never yelled at him like that...I'm worried. What is he does something stupid? UGHHH, why did I yell at him?! I shouldn't have released my stress on him like that...*Sunggyu thought to himself, his head pressed onto his pillow. He never showed his tears in front of the members, but he couldn't handle it. All the stress, yelling at the members, he couldn't continue doing that. He sniffed again and looked at the picture that was wedged on top of his bunk bed (or at the bottom of Woohyun's). It was a picture of the members during their trainee years. Their happy, smiling faces were so different than they were now. He flipped the picture over and saw the handwriting of the members. "Hyung! When we become famous, I want you to know that, although we may be more moody than normal, we still love you and will always be there for you! Don't be shy about your thoughts and express them to us! We're you're second family and don't you forget it! Signed, Lee Howon." He sighed and kinda chuckled at the irony. *Damn you Lee Howon, you're the one who told us that we'd be able to express our thoughts openly. How come you can't do so now?* He looked at the handwriting at the bottom of the photo. It looked different, but he knew it was his. "Kim Sunggyu, you must promise that you won't ever pick on these kids just because of your own stress. You swear that you will look after these kids and make sure that they are all well. If you do any less, I will haunt you forever. Signed, Past Gyu." He giggled at his silliness back then but then became serious. He reread the note and realized that he had done wrong. *AISHHH, how am I such an idiot?! I promised myself that I would never pick on these kids because of my stress and here I am doing this to Hoya....How do it fix this? Should I talk to him? Is he mad at me? Ok ok, I'll solve this when he returns....*


Hoya looked at his phone. 6:57PM it read. I should probably go home...should I? Aishh...I'm going to get my whooped once I get home though...Whatever, I'll go home later and just grab some dinner. He made his way to his favorite samgyupsal and galbi restaurant. The ahjumma that owned it was like his second mom, especially since her Tofu Stew tasted exactly like his mom's. 

"Ahh, Howon-ah! You're here! We haven't seen you in a while. Is it just yourself?" The ahjumma said from the counter in a Busan accent.

"Neh, I've been quite busy lately so I couldn't come. But I really missed your food so I came back!" he said casually in his Busan accent.

"I see, well what did you want to eat? Galbi or samgyupsal?" she said with a bright smile as she walked him to his table.

"Hmm...I'm craving samgyupsal. Oh, yeah can I get a small bowl of your tofu stew? And also one bottle of Chorum Chorum Soju please!" Hoya said as he sat down. This place really did feel like home.

"Oh my, you've grown up! I remembered when you first came you never touched any alcohol." she got up, placed the order and brought back a bottle of soju. "There is something on your mind, isn't there?" Hoya flashed his canine smile. She knew him like a mom, and he was always glad to talk to her about what's on her mind. The waiter that worked there came back with the food. 

"Eh?! YAH! LEE HOWON!!!" the waiter yelled, shocking the other customers in the restaurant.

"EH!?! JUNG JUNHYO?!?!" Hoya yelled back, jumping up from his seat.

"Do you two know each other?" the ahjumma said, shocked.


"I work here now! Haha I've been going out with ahjumma's daughter so I work here to see her more often. She went to the grocery store to get some snacks. I'll introduce you to her!" Junhyo said with excitement.

"Ahhh, our Junnie grew up! Haha I can't wait to see her! Ahjumma, you never told me you had a daughter!" Hoya turned to the cheerful lady sitting next to him.

"Oh, it was a tiny detail I must've missed out on." Ahjumma chuckled. "You two catch up! I'll handle the orders!"

"Thank you!" Hoya and Junhyo said in unison.

"Ha! I guess things never changed huh?" Junhyo laughed as he poured Hoya some soju, filling his own cup also.

"So tell me how things are! How long have you and this girl been together?" Hoya said as he drank it one-shot.

"Let's see...It's been almost 3 months now! I'm so glad I met her. Did you find your lucky guy?" Junhyo replied. Another thing Hoya was thankful for was that Junhyo wasn't closeminded like his other friends when he came out.

"Haha, I sure did! His name's Dongwoo. We've been together for.....6 months almost!" Hoya said as he grinned.

"Our little Hoya has grown huh? Proud of you kiddo, really am." Junhyo said as he poured another cup for them. Junhyo was a year older than Hoya was, but they didn't care about age. 

"Haha yeahh. Things have been going pretty smooth for us for now...but something's wrong with me, I can feel it." Hoya said grimly. Junhyo looked at him with a worried expression, an expression Hoya knew well.

"Well...I've been kinda getting some signals from Sungjong, the youngest in the group. I mean like, I don't think I like him like I do with Dongwoo, but I don't feel as if I can just be brothers with him either..."

"I know what you mean....these things are kinda hard to tell. I can tell that you and Dongwoo have a wonderful connection, I can see it by the way your face lights up when you just say his name." Junhyo said as he played with his shot glass.

"Yeah....I feel kinda bad because I've been kinda ignoring both of them lately..." Hoya said as he fiddled with his glass as well. When he reached for the soju bottle, an old lady's hand stopped him.

"Young man, you shouldn't drink on an empty stomach." The old lady smiled, revealing her missing teeth. 

"Excuse me, who are you?" Hoya said as the lady sat down.

"I'm the owner of this restaurant. I've seen you here a lot young man." The old lady said as she started grilling the lonely looking meat.

"Uhm..okay." Hoya said awkwardly while watching her. He felt a leg hit his knee.

"That's the real owner, the ahjumma's mother. She is like the master of solving problems. Maybe you should talk to her?" Junhyo whispered.

"It's awkward telling a stranger about my problems!" Hoya whispered back.

"It rude to whisper about someone who is clearly in front of you." The old lady said as she chuckled and flipped the meat.

"I see you've met my mother! Mom, you should be inside, its too tiring to be out here." Ahjumma cooed.

"I should be where my restaurant is, shouldn't I dear? Plus I sense a great conflict in someone's life, I feel as if I should help the young man." The old lady said as-a-matter-of-factly.

The ahjumma sighed. "Alright then. Have fun you two! And Junhyo, Jin-ah is stopping by the animal shelter so she'll be a bit late. Stay a while till she gets back!" 

"Alright! Thanks Ahjumma!"Junhyo said and smiled.

" What's wrong?" The old lady said as she pointed her frail finger at Hoya before pouring herself some soju.

"Well...uh..."Hoya stuttered.

"Spit it out boy, it's not that hard to speak. I'm all ears." The old lady said as she pointed to her ears and grinned. For some reason, Hoya felt as if he was at his house talking to his grandma.

"Well, you see. I'm kinda in a not-so-really love triangle with my members, but I'm not sure if I do have feelings for this person but I know that I love my boyfriend, but I feel like I'm kinda betraying him when I act all skinship-y with the other person and I'm just really confused and-"Hoya said in a rush.

"Calm down boy." the old lady interrupted. "You speak too quickly. It's hard to understand. Eat some meat first, it'll do you good." The old lady said as she placed meat into his plate.

"Thanks..." Hoya mumbled as he filled his mouth with the piping hot samgyupsal. He forgot how delicious the food was here for a bit. 

"Junnieeeee~" Hoya and Junhyo turned around and saw a short cute girl running towards their table. 

"Jin-ahhhh~" Junhyo said as he stood up from his chair and hugged her. They look so cute together. I wish Dongwoo and I could be like this in public. 

"Hoya!" Junhyo said, interrupting Hoya's thoughts. "This is my girlfriend Jin-ah. Jin-ah, this is my best friend Hoya."

"Nice to meet you!" Jin-ah said with a grand smile. Her big doe eyes shined and she put her hand out.

"Nice to meet you too!" Hoya said and shook her hand.

"He's the one that's in Infinite!" Junhyo said.

"REALLY?!?!?! OH MY GOODNESS OPPA!!" Jin-ah said as she jumped excitedly. Junhyo and Hoya had to smile at her cuteness. "Oppa I'm a really big fan of Infinite!"

"Oh really? Well its nice to meet an Inspirit!" Hoya said as he touched his neck awkwardly. He never really knew what to say in situations like this. 

"YAH! This girl, learn to be more lady-like. You must grow up my dear!" The old lady said from her seat.

"Aww, hi too grandma! What are you doing? You should go upstairs! It's much warmer up there!" Jin-ah cooed as she slipped in the seat between Junhyo and her grandma.

"This girl...." her grandma mumbled as she continued cooking the meat. " You two, eat! Jeez, two fully grown men who can't even eat in front of girls. How lame." Jin-ah giggled as she stared at Hoya across the table.

Hoya glanced at his phone. 8:45PM. I have some time to spare. Guess I'll stay for a while.



A/N: HAI HAI HAAAAI~ How are you guise? Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been so busy with all my school work. Especially since finals are coming up, I might not be able to update for a while. How did you guise like this chapter? I'm conflicted on whether I should use Jin-ah to be a bad character or leave her be......Hmmmm...tell me what you guise think in the comments below! :) Oh yeah! I almost forgot, if you guise have a tumblr and you like Infinite as much as I do, check out my tumblr! :)Don't forget to subscribe and comment! You guise's comments are like my energy source to write! :D Haha til my next update, be well~

Bye bye~~

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tashira #1
Chapter 17: cant choose between hojong and yadong. i just dont want jongie to be alone
sone4lifee #2
Chapter 17: Since so many ppl wants yadong, I won't be selfish to ask for hojong but author, can u at least find someone for sungjong?? His so miserable, everyone has a couple except him and woohyun scolded him too (previously haha )
sone4lifee #3
Chapter 8: I really hope sungjong would fInd someone that loves him <3
Chapter 16: Awww u read my comment ^^ yes!!! Yadong moment!!
Thank u for making that author nim
Ukhhh hoya!!! U finally made our baby dino crying!! Aarrggghh!!!!
Poor jongie, he don't know what to do T.T
I Just hope that hoya will made his decision soon
Who will he choose T.T *pray he'll choose dongwoo*
don't forget to update author nim, can't wait for your next chappie
Chapter 16: what would happen to Hojongg !?
chizu99 #6
Chapter 16: Ah... you update. thanks GOD.
I'm new in AAF, but I was read your fic before. kinda complicated, but I love it...

ah I love woogyu and myungyeol couple in this chap...
kinda feel so bad with jongie...
AllHailMochi #7
Chapter 16: AN UPDATE!!!! And I was like O.O Lol!!!! I missed thiss!! ^^ And from the looks of it, the YaDong is finally happening, leaving a Sungjong bored with kids. Kinda sad for Sungjong :( Please update soon author nim!!!
Chapter 15: new reader here~~
poor jongie and dongwoo TAT
please don't make our baby dino broken heart author nim T^T
*pray so yadong will happily ever after*
Chapter 10: Ooooh HoJong I like it! Cuddle cuddle cuddle him to death!
Chapter 8: They ran out of grapes? How smart!