Chapter 2: Cho Hee

The Way I See You




Walking through my new surroundings I easily slipping past groups of people happily chatting. Not one person giving me a second glance, just enough so they could avoid me as I squeezed past. Although a few did give me looks I was used to, looks of judgment that in turn lingered with repulse.

An unsavory feeling of familiarity washing over me I released a sigh then returned to my search. My eyes grazed over many of the small black plaques that were bolted to the lockers, one-twelve-four B, one-twelve-four B...

Scanning the numbers I was getting closer to where my locker was supposed to be, but as my attention was towards the locker I was surprised by the sudden force on my shoulder as I stumbled back, along with who ever I had bumped into.

“M-mianhaeyo...” Bowing my head I apologized, feeling the eyes of the other sizing me up like the others had at my previous school. Back there it would have been considered lucky for someone to stare at me this long without backing away in disgust. Disgust in my short height mixed in with the excess weight around my middle unsuccessfully hidden by my over sized shirts and sweaters. My doctor had told me before that I was only 15-20 pounds above average, and that if I maintain this weight by the time I reach my full height I should be fine. But that's just an outsiders opinion. To me these 'few pounds' were enough to make me want to be swallowed whole in social situations. And right now under the gaze of a face I didn't dare to look up at, I was ready to be up by floor.

“It's okay. Are you new?” Reflexively I flinched at the sound of the others, his, voice.

Shocked by his sudden and unexpectedly friendly interaction with me the question wasn't received.

“Huh?” I urged him to repeat his words, but still didn't remove my eyes contact with the tiled floor.

“I asked,” He lightly tapped on the top of my head prompting me to look up, “Are you new?” A small grin was shown on his pale, baby like face complimenting his almost orange, blond hair.

“U-uh, neh. I transferred her t-today.” The words stumbled out of my my mouth as I held out the tightly folded sheet of paper containing my schedule, locker number, and additional information like my name.

The still unnamed boy took the paper from my hands and looked at it thoughtfully with his brows slightly pinched together, he then began looking around the halls before his gaze stopped behind him.

“There it is!” He turned back in my direction, “Your locker should be down there by the water fountain, Cho Hee-sshi.” Returning the paper to me he smiled a toothy grin, “If you need any more help come find me, My name is Woo Sunghyun but I go by Kevin.” He held out a hand for me to shake.

I looked up to his face still adorned with a friendly smile and hesitantly took his hand, shaking it before gently pulling back unused to the contact.

“See you around 4th year student Kwon Cho Hee.” He repeated what was on my sheet of paper and sent me a playful salute as he walked off down the hall, blending in with the other students.

“Well, that was unexpected...” I mumbled to myself still in a state of shock.

But none the less I needed to find my locker before the first bell rang for class.

up a long breath I released it and continued on in the direction that guy, now revealed as Kevin, had pointed in. A small surge of hope for this new school pushed an unintentional smile across my face.

I reached the water fountain and stopped by the lockers just before the area the wall dipped in for the fountains. Once again scanning the numbers of each metal door I noticed a boy standing in front of his own open locker, another blonde. But his hair was more of a white blond that was pulled into a short pony tail positioned in the middle of his head, differing from Kevin's tousled, orange tinted blond.

The boy stood with a slight slouch showing off a bit of a rebellious misdemeanor, that matched his dark toned outfit of a black varsity, grey skinny jeans, and shiny black Doc. Martens decorated with silver studs.

Seeing his open locker I curiously read the numbered plaque, 1125B. I lit up with recognition realizing that my locker must be beneath his.

Clearing my throat I approached him and nervously raised a hand to tap his shoulder.

Feeling the tap he dropped his hand down from his locker shelf and turned back to face me with a stoic face, “What?” His tone of voice matched his outward appearance; unapproachable.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I just needed to get to my locker.” I answered simply, as I ignored the taint of annoyance in his face and gestured past him to my locker.

“Oh.” Without another word he moved to the left enough so that I could get to my locker.

“Thank you...” I said quietly feeling the full affect of his cold aura, but he didn't reply. Either because he didn't hear, or he didn't care.

I opened the unlocked metal door, ped my school bag, and began placing my notebooks, binders and other generic school supplies into the limited rectangular space provided. As I continued to organize I couldn't help but be aware of the boys presence as he shuffled around beside me. Absentmindedly I felt my gaze repeatedly roll to his face but I quickly lowered my eyes and continued to pull things out of my bag.

“Just say it.” he spoke without warning making me drop my lock back into my bag.

“Pardon?” Timidly I looked up to see him leaning against his now closed locker with his bag at his feet.

“I know what you're going to say, so just say it.” He stared ahead at the row of lockers across the hall.

Realizing that he must have noticed my looks I spoke with a surprising lack of stuttering, “Huh? Oh, well I was just thinking that your style is nice. It makes you look cool.” Attaching my lock to the door I stood up slinging the bag over my shoulder, sending him a small smile I walked away to class.

Remembering I had English first period I went off to the class room without checking my paper.

I stopped in front of the class room door and took a calming breath before slowly turning the knob. I peeked though the open door seeing my classmates spread out around the room conversing with their own groups of friends. Seeing the friendly atmosphere I pushed the door open fully stepped in shutting the door gently behind me. As I did so a few students raised their heads as I walked by trying to get a good look at the 'fresh meat'. Looking for an empty seat I walked around hearing comments and sniggering obviously directed at me.

Yikes! Look at her clothes!”

How did she fit in though the door?”

What a geek...”

Holding my books close to my chest my shoulders slumped. Without looking up I went directly to the back of the room and found an empty seat by the window.

'This is how it should be, away from the rest. At least now I can focus better...' I thought dryly while staring out the first floor window, and past the many bushes that lined the bottom of the glass out onto the field where students huddled around who I presumed was a gym teacher.

Annyeong Oppa!”

Omo! Did you see?? he looked at me!”

Waaahh~ His face is so flawless!”

I looked up hearing the eruption of squeals and giggles, to see the girls in my class lined up next to the door while the male students looked away uninterested by the scene like it was a typical thing.

I craned my neck to get a look at what or who was causing such a ruckus, but from my seated position I was limited to looking at only the back views of the crowd.

“Okay, everybody settle down!” Assumed the teacher had entered as I heard a wave of disappointed groans replace the excitement with the usual dull morning whispers.

As everyone dispersed I reached into my bag pulling out my pencil case in preparation for class, when I felt a somebody slide into the chair beside me. Not looking up to see who it was I place my pencil case onto my desk then turned back to the front with my arms neatly folded on the desk.

Carefully watching and listening to the teacher I felt something brush against my arm. Glancing down I noticed it was my sheet of paper. 'Didn't I put that in my pocket?' I thought picking up the paper.

While I was looking down at the desk I recognized the black and while striped cuff of a familiar varsity jacket. Following the arm up my prediction was correct and sitting beside, me staring boredly to towards the black board was the boy who's locker was above mine. While I moved my stare from him back to the front my eyes grazed across his spiral bound notebook that read: Choi Minki in thick black marker across the cover.

His name mulled around in my head, 'Choi Minki...It doesn't seem to fit him...'

Shrugging slightly I refocused my attention to the lesson in progress.



Yo! That was my first 2 chapters! I hope you guys are enjoying it (and I hope I'm not talking to myself right now...) ^_^

What do you guys think? It it okay? Please let me know by commenting! And if you don't want to comment, please subscribe! But if you don't want to subcribe then...maybe I don't want your subcription, HMPH! (who am I kidding of course I want it!)

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Kevinwoo143 #1
Chapter 2: OMGEE! I LOVED IT! UPDATE SOON! If I like it, I just might subscribe! ;) Great story line so far. You have AMAZING English! You're not like one of those writers who I can't understand. LOLZ. Anyway, hope you continue soon! Luv it so far.