Chapter 1: Ren

The Way I See You





“Wahhh~ Oppa you're so cute!”

“You look like a porcelain doll! Nomu areumdaoon!”

“Omo! You're so pretty! I want to just keep you in my pocket!”

I scoffed lightly; Cute? Beautiful? Pretty? Three words, all sharing one meaning. I've really heard each synonym more times than I can count, yet each one still brings the same feeling of slowly baked anger.

I'm not trying to sound conceited but I'm sick of it. Sick of the girls fawning left and right, and not because they think I'm cool or anything like my Hyung's, but because they 'want to keep me in their pockets.' What kind of accolades are those? Am I supposed to be humbled by the fact that most of my Hoobae's see me as a Dongsaeng? Sure they still call me Oppa but what difference does it make when it's trailed by words usually reserved for your younger siblings and beloved pets. Even after 4 years this title of being the school's 'cute prince' is still stuck to the bottom of my shoe like a used piece of gum, almost as if I've been branded. I really do wonder what it was like for the previous owner of the title, also known a the owner of my 'used gum'

I continue to brush past the swarm of girls around me when I spot my Hyung's surrounded by their own little fan clubs.

“Oppa's! You looked really cool at the soccer game yesterday!”

“Neh, Oppa's are jjang!”

Rolling my eyes I walked past them to my locker. See this is what I mean! They hear things like this while I get compliments that could just as easily be used to describe one of their friends on prom night.

Finally reaching my locker I shooed the girls away, trying to be as nice as I could.

I swung the door of my locker open and took my time in gathering my supplies for class. As I was reaching for my notebook I felt I light tap on my shoulder.

“Hm?” I turned around to see a slightly chubby, but petite girl with a folded slip of paper standing before me.

“What?” I asked sounding harsher than I had intended, but she seemed unfazed.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I just needed to get to my locker.” She pointed to the empty locker beneath mine, making me think that she was new.

“Oh.” I moved over to the side a bit giving her enough space to reach the empty locker.

As she placed her books in her locker I couldn't help notice the side glances she was sending me.

Well, here it goes again.

“Just say it.” I stated not looking at her as I shut my locker.

“Pardon?” She looked up at me questioningly

“I know what you're going to say, so just say it.” I crossed my arms and leaned back on the metal surface of the lockers.

“Huh? Oh, well I was just thinking that your style is nice. It makes you look cool.” With that she shut her own locker. Giving me a light smile before she walked of to class as the bell rang, leaving me standing their in awe of, not only her honesty, but also in her choice of words.

A pleased smile spread across my face, but I immediately shook it away and returned to my usual indifferent expression.

I stepped forward hearing the soft crack of paper under my foot, kneeling down I unfolded the paper and recognized it as the slip the girl from before, my new locker neighbour, had been holding.

Hmmm, Kwon Cho Hee...1st period English...Huh, looks like I have class with her. This could get interesting.

Tucking the paper away into my pocket I headed to class feeling a giddy feeling rise in my stomach.

Cho Hee...


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Kevinwoo143 #1
Chapter 2: OMGEE! I LOVED IT! UPDATE SOON! If I like it, I just might subscribe! ;) Great story line so far. You have AMAZING English! You're not like one of those writers who I can't understand. LOLZ. Anyway, hope you continue soon! Luv it so far.