His first Apology

Boyfriend For Rent! XD

My mind was flying when...


I startled... I looked at the floor to see what fell.. and I saw his phone on the ground moving...

It was vibrating on the table and I didn't notice so it fell..

I picked it up and saw..


'Seven calls?'... Then it vibrated again...


"Kysha.. Are you alright!?"

"Omo! Oppa? Why? Yes, I'm alright."




That word sent electricity through my spine!... I couldn't answer him... but I think he realized my long pause so he started talking again...

"I'm sorry if I offended you in any way..."

"O-oppa.. It's alright..."

"Really? So your not upset anymore?"


"Then I'm relieved."

"ahmm.. Oppa, c-can I be vulgar now? This will be the last time I promise..."


"I'll talk now so just keep quiet okay?.. I'll tell you when you can talk..^^"



I took a deep breath..

"Ever since I was little, my mom taught me to be honest.. always! by all means...

She said that lying won't bring any good... Maybe for a short while it would bring you some relief,

but soon, it will eat you up until you lose something really important to you...

Of course back then I didn't understand what she was saying.. but now ... somehow I think I

understand where this is coming from....

I remember one time she told me.. 'One lie, Kiki, one lie, just one lie and I lost all his trust.. He left because of that one lie and never returned... ' Then she cried... 

Jiyong-ah... I think that's why I'm like this... That's why I say it all... Because of my mom.. Do you understand me?"


He didn't answer... "Ya! are you still there?"



"You can talk now, you know.."

"Oh! Araso..."

*clears his throat*

"Kysha... I want you to close your eyes.. Are they closed?"


"Now I want you to imagine the world without lies...

You know, the world we're living in right now is circled with lies... Lies

have chain reactions, one lie, will have to be supported by another and the other

should be backed up with a new one and so on....

I'm not sure if the world would be better without lies... but I can say that right now,

with it being domehow surrounded with dishonesties, I like it... 

I consider lies as part of life... It's like the challenges we face.. They keep coming

but we have to stay strong and trust in our faith."

~Long pause...

"I'm done talking, ya know?.. ^^"

"Oppa... nomu kansahamnida.."

"Neh..^_^)".. I felt his smile.. I don't know, but somehow I know that he smiled...


We talked on the phone until we fell asleep...

I think I'll be dreaming of him tonight..^_^)

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mikadosm #1
Chapter 16: Like the comment before me I read this because of Gtop :(
dabygael #2
Chapter 17: I read this because gtop, but there's no gtop </3
Iheartlife #3
AWWW! so cute ^_^
I LOVED THE STORY~!! Jiyong is so CUTE! My Dragon hehe
yuyixiayo #5
i love your story..(^_^)
fishcakes #6
that was cute:)
please make a sequel :D
PurplePearl #8
Jiyong is always bad boy, but he's nice :p
So cute, totally love it <3
pixieGD #10
short but CUTE!!!!!!!!! please write another one!:)