His Ability

My Amnesiac Ghost

---Jaemi’s POV---


That night when we arrived at home, my brother started bombarding me with questions.

“Why are you at school that late?”

“Did someone try to hit on you?”

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

I sighed. “Calm down Myungsoo oppa, I’m fine see?” I assured as I did a little twirl in front of him. “I just fell asleep after cleaning our classroom, is all. Good thing umma called or I would’ve probably slept until the next day!” I continued, letting out a little chuckle.

My brother wasn’t amused with my joke though and took is seriously. “And what? Have mom call in the police and say that you’ve been kidnapped? Or worse, you get inside the school and then get killed and and and…”

I threw a pillow to stop my brother’s babbling. Luckily, he stopped but he returned a glare at me. A shiver ran down at my spine at that moment. Trust me, Kim Myungsoo’s glares can kill you.

“Okay fine I get it. I’m sorry oppa ~ It won’t happen again I promise,” I cooed, If there’s one thing he has a soft spot for, it’s me using aegyo on him when I’m in trouble.

He sighed and ruffled my hair. The gentle oppa I love came back soon after. “Just be careful next time arasseo? I don’t want to hear any news of you disappearing or getting killed.”

“I promise!” I said as I held out my pinky.

“And that’s L oppa to you, missy,” he added. He chuckled and left my room but not before ruffling my hair again.

“Your birth certificate says your name is Kim Myungsoo, pabo,” I argued back as I stuck out my tongue in his direction. He was already gone but I know he’ll hear what I said. After all, the Kim siblings are two peas in a pod.



---Myungsoo’s POV---


I went back to my room after I scolded my little sister. Really, she had me worried this time. She’s still in junior high and she comes home at eleven? I know she’s not the kind of person to party at night, even if she’s a queenka. Yes, I know those little stuff about her. I have to keep an eye on my sister after all, right?

But there was another thing tugging my mind that night. I saw someone, someone who wasn’t supposed to even be there anymore. And if I saw correctly, he was holding on to Jaemi’s hand.

I rummaged through my old stuff and saw what I was looking for, my middle school yearbook. I wiped the dust from the cover and went to my old classmates’ pictures. I looked for a certain name and when I found it, I accidentally let go of my yearbook.

*It couldn’t have been him… He’s dead.*

Inside my yearbook, written in gold letters was his name, Nam Woohyun.

He was my classmate during my middle school years and my freshmen year in high school. I studied in Jaemi’s school only for a year and then I got transferred after I got a scholarship in Seoul High. That was the last I saw of him. We still contacted each other and we’ll even meet from time to time. But during my senior year, we slowly lost contact because of our busy schedules.

The next thing I heard was that he was brutally killed. The culprit hasn’t been found up to now but police suspected that it might have been a student since a ballpen with the school’s logo was left in the murder scene.

Jaemi was still 15 then and I’m sure she had only met Woohyun once or twice. Knowing my sister, she might’ve forgotten about those encounters because of her goldfish memory.

I tried to recall the face of the man my sister was with hours ago. Then reality hit me, I was struck with horror and relief. I was horrified by the fact that Woohyun’s soul still hasn’t ascended and is still roaming around but I was relieved because I remembered how he looked at my sister that time, there was sincerity and I knew then that he isn’t the type to hurt anyone, much less someone who can see him.

What made me think again though was the fact that my sister can see him. My parents told me that they had this ability to foretell the future and see ghosts. They said that I inherited both of that ability since I was the first-born and a male. Then, Jaemi was born but they told me she won’t have any of those ability inside her.

*But then, how in the world can she see Woohyun?!*

I sighed. There’s no point in finding it out now. Besides, it’s too early to conclude anything. But for now, I’ll just observe those two. They don’t need to know that I can see Woohyun.

“Kim Myungsoo, it looks like you’ll finally have a use for those acting lessons you had,” I said to myself.

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Chapter 4 is finally up ~ Myungsoo has officially appeared XD


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sunshineangel28 #1
Chapter 4: ohhh I like it. I hope you update soon! :)
this is very interesting!
Thanks for reading this ^-^

@strumthatchord = I'm glad you like this ~ :D I will thanks for the encouragement ^^
Chapter 3: awww the story is interesting (: update when u can ! <3
Ahohoho yes he is adorable ^-^ Thanks for reading!
lol woohyun's adorable
Aww thanks ^-^ Please enjoy the next chapter ~
hmmm wow really catchy and WHO IS IT WHO WHO??
OriannaGoldelle #9
update soon ~ :D
Thank you for reading ^-^