A New Friend

My Amnesiac Ghost


---Jaemi’s POV---

*I can’t believe what I just heard. He told me he’s a ghost. But how is that possible? He can touch me…and I can touch him! This can’t be a joke*

I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. Lots of emotions were mixed up inside of me. Happy because he finally told me what he thinks is the truth; sad because if he really is a ghost, he looks so young to be dead;; mad since a part of me believes that what he said was nothing but a joke; but I was mostly scared because no one would ever pull a joke like this.



---Woohyun’s POV---

I looked at her and saw confusion in those beautiful eyes of hers. I didn’t know what came to me when I told her the truth. But looking at those eyes, I felt like I could trust her. Somehow though, I felt that she didn’t trust me back or if she does, she doesn’t trust me THAT much yet.

She was still had that ‘this-man-is-mad’ facial expression and her and it just makes me want to pinch those cute cheeks of hers. I knew she wouldn’t believe me when I said it, but somehow I hoped that she’d still believe me. It turns out I was wrong though so that means I’d have to show it to her so that she’ll believe me.

A part of me didn’t want to show her my ‘ghostly’ powers though. For the first, I’ve found someone who’s able to see me and at the same time, touch me. I longed for warmth all this time I became a ghost. I can’t remember whom my family was or where I even come from so I can’t even look for them to feel, even just a little bit, warmth.

A part of me wished that I wouldn’t have to tell her anything and yet stay by my side. But that’s impossible right? I’m a ghost. What would people think of her when she talks to me and yet people see her as talking to a non-existent being?

By instinct, I held her hand and surprisingly, she calmed down. Our eyes met and I felt a spark run through me. I flashed her a smile and she couldn’t help but just frown at me.

“You don’t believe me, do you?” I asked.

It took her a few seconds to answer my question. “Nope, not one bit,” she answered.

I shrugged. I quickly thought of an idea to prove to her that I’m a ghost. *I just wish that what I’ll do wouldn’t scare her too much.*

Without even saying anything, I floated through the ceiling and I passed through it easily. I quickly went back and saw her surprised expression. I frowned at her and tried using my aegyo, hoping that it would suppress her fear.

“You…You…You just passed through…the ceiling,” she said with disbelief as she pointed at me.

I floated back in front of her, back to my original position. I was preparing myself to stop her when she runs until a shout came from outside the school. It was a guy.


I saw her stiffen upon hearing the shout of the mysterious man. “Aigoo, oppa is here. What do I do what do I do?” she said as she walked in circles in front of me.

*Oh so your name is Jaemi eh? Nice name! But wait, did you just say oppa?*

“You have a boyfriend?” I blurted out. It took me exactly three seconds to realize what I said and I quickly covered my mouth to prevent myself from blurting out again. By the time I realized what happened, she was already staring at me.

“Boyfriend? Uh no. Sorry Mr. Ghost but that’s my brother you’re hearing.” She bluntly said.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I heard the word “brother” in that sentence.

“Don’t you have to go?” I asked her.

“I do. But knowing my brother, he’s already on his way up here. What do I do if he sees you, huh? He’ll flip out seeing a ghost,” she answered.

“I don’t think he’ll see me. I mean, I’ve tried doing things so people will see me but I failed. I even tried appearing during the morning but nobody can see me,” I assured her.

Before she could even speak, his brother came up from the ground floor. “Yah, Kim Jaemi. Seriously, you’ll be the death of me. Come on, let’s go home,” he said as he dragged his sister away. Before I could even say goodbye to her, I saw her brother’s face. Oddly, he looks somewhat familiar, like I’ve seen him before. But what’s more surprising is, I felt his brother’s stare. I felt like he was staring directly at me but decided against it since that isn’t even possible. *What did just happen?*



---Jaemi’s POV---

Trust my brother to come at the weirdest time, but I felt safe as well when I suddenly heard his shouting. I was thankful because he saved me from thinking on what to do when you find out that the person you talked to and touched was actually a ghost.

*So the rumors were true, there was really a ghost roaming around.*

I let my brother drag me outside of school. He was too strong anyway so I knew that if I resisted, he’ll just pull be back stronger than before. I felt bad though, we just left like that and I couldn’t even say a proper goodbye to Woohyun-sshi.  My thoughts were interrupted though when I heard a familiar voice shouting my name.



I looked up to the direction of the voice and saw that ghost floating above the campus. I looked at my brother and  I swore I felt my brother stiffen for a moment there but that’s probably just me. I looked back at Woohyun-sshi and saw that he was waving at me. I flashed a smile and waved back at him.

Sure he’s a ghost but who knows, this could be like Casper and Wendy. After all, those two ghosts are similar. They’re both friendly and I’m sure they couldn’t hurt a fly. One thing’s for sure though, I knew that starting tomorrow, everything would be different.

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Chapter 4 is finally up ~ Myungsoo has officially appeared XD


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sunshineangel28 #1
Chapter 4: ohhh I like it. I hope you update soon! :)
this is very interesting!
Thanks for reading this ^-^

@strumthatchord = I'm glad you like this ~ :D I will thanks for the encouragement ^^
Chapter 3: awww the story is interesting (: update when u can ! <3
Ahohoho yes he is adorable ^-^ Thanks for reading!
lol woohyun's adorable
Aww thanks ^-^ Please enjoy the next chapter ~
hmmm wow really catchy and WHO IS IT WHO WHO??
OriannaGoldelle #9
update soon ~ :D
Thank you for reading ^-^