Ch 27

Let's fall in love slowly than all at once


Hi! Welcome to the new chapter for my story. I hope that everybody had a nice weekend and we are on the home stretch!! This is so close to being finished that I can almost taste it lol Once again, thanks for all the support you guys have given me and this is a word that I just can't seem to say enough. 

Hee-young wiped her face dry with a towel and looked to Jaejoong where he was sitting on the couch, tapping his fingers nervously on the couch. She walked over and stood in front of him and he looked up at her.

"I'm going to bed now Jaejoong, do you need anything?"

"No, umm...I'm fine. I'll just see you tomorrow morning."

"Goodnight then." Hee-young leaned down and pecked Jaejoong lightly on the cheek before heading into her own room. Jaejoong watched as Hee-young made the way to her room and just kept on walking without looking back. He, on the other hand, kept looking and waited for her to make her way back to him.  He waited until he heard the door close, he waited until he heard the light turn off and finally he accepted the fact that Hee-young had gone to bed...without him.

He crawled into his own bed but he found himself unable to get comfortable, knowing that Hee-young was so close to him. In the past, it wouldn't really have bothered him as much as it did now.  But now that everything was in the open, it was really hard to ignore how she was calling to him.

So he did what any self respecting man would do... he snuck into her room. The room was dark and  he could tell that she was deep asleep by the sound of her deep, steady breathing. Jaejoong tiptoed over to her and made sure that she was still deep asleep, which she was. Slipping an arm under her head and another one under her legs, he picked her up bridal style and held her close to his chest. She shivered when she left the warmth that was her blanket and leaned even closer against Jaejoong, letting him warm her up.

The journey to his room wasn't the hardest part, the hardest part was making sure that Hee-young didn't wake up on the way. She would probably make a big fuss about going to her room. He slipped her carefully under the covers before slipping under the covers himself and automatically her head came to rest on his chest. He wrapped his arm tightly around her shoulder and felt his eyes start to become droopy with fatigue.

"You are horrible at being sneaky." A gentle voice rang out, waking Jaejoong up completely now.

"You were awake?"

"I wasn't but I woke up when you lifted me."

"And you just let me carry you to my room?" He felt a shrug.

"Well, you were warm and comfy." Jaejoong chuckled and to his side, enveloping Hee-young further into his embrace.

"You are too." The silence was warm and comfortable as the two of them relaxed further into each other.

"Did you really mean what you said today, about moving out?" Jaejoong asked.

"I mean if you want to, I'm not going to force you. But this place just has too many memories, and not a lot of them good ones. The fact that so many of your "companions" know where you live is extremely disturbing to me. Besides, that room where you would bring them to needs to be either burnt down or disinfected with an obscene amount of bleach. That room is just...ugh."

"That room has had a lot of female company in their but you know that you're the first and only one who's ever going to be in my room, right?"

"I know, but I want a place where I can look and just see the happy memories without the bad ones that are here."

"Where should we move to then? Because you know that you're coming with me."

" Why, Kim Jaejoong, are you asking me to move in with you?"

"Do you really expect me to beg?"

"I don't know, this is all so fast." Hee-young said dramatically.

"Yes, I am asking you to move in with me, the very goddess of my heart. Please accept for my heart shall wither away and die without your very presence." Jaejoong said just as dramatically. Hee-young gave a delighted laugh and looked at Jaejoong.

"Well I guess I can then. But we're getting a big dog."

"We can negotiate those terms later."

"Goodnight, Jaejoong. "

"Night." Later on, Jaejoong would admit that he never slept better.


Jaejoong pulled on his suit and checked his hair making sure that every part of him was presentable. He opened his drawer to pull out his watch and came across a piece of crinkled paper that he had nearly forgotten about due to the excitement of the last few days. During the last year or so, he had read over these 7 words again and again but still he was unable to understand what Hee-young had meant by breaking the rule. The bathroom door opened and Hee-young stepped out, dressed comfortably and ready to work.

"Jaejoong, you okay? What are you looking at?"

"What rule did you break?"

"What are you talking about?"

"This note. I've been reading it again and again for such a long time and I still don't know what you are talking about?" A look of confusion settled on Hee-young's face until understanding suddenly dawned in her eyes.

"You still have that note?"

"Well, you know. I just never got around to throwing it out." Hee-young enjoyed watching Jaejoong fidget, it was so rare that he looked so unsure and caught by surprise. She walked over to him and pecked him lightly on the lips wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You are so adorable."

"And you're weird." He replied wrapping his arms around her waist in return. "Are you going to tell me what it means now?"

"When you remember what I wanted to say to you then I'll tell you. Now I have to get going, do you want to grab lunch together today?"

"That sounds great. I'll come pick you up around noon."

"That's ok. I can come to your place, besides I promised Junsu that I would go check out his new office and bring along some cupcakes."

"I still can't believe you found a place just a few blocks away from my office."

"You would think that I would try and get as far away from you as possible, how would you be able to guess that I would be so close." She said simply.

"You got me good." Jaejoong admitted grudgingly.

"No, you got me." She replied. He smiled and leaned down to press his lips against hers gently.

"I really have to get going to the cafe." Hee-young said once they separated.

"Let's get going then. I'll see you at noon then."

"You sure will."

   See you guys next week! Can't wait to hear from you guys!

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Chapter 30: Thanks author for giving such beautiful story.
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 30: OMG this has got to be the cutest story ever xD Jaejoong <3
miakay #4
Chapter 30: Heeeeeeee *giggling nonstop*...this is so freaking adorable!! Super like! >.<

Straightly come to this story after finishing "perfect stranger"...your writing is addictive^^ Well done XD
Chapter 30: i just randomly found this and don't regret reading it at all in one go even though i have so much homework ^^"
this is a super adorable and i loved it ! :D <3
duckybaby #6
Chapter 30: Speechless here :)) I don't know what to say! :)) I just love it from the start till the end :))
cocozilla #7
I'm so happy to came across with this story!
One of the best jaejoong's story i've read so far and i really like the way you write down each character's thoughts.
Please do write more stories authornim :)
Chapter 30: Hi! Your so story is beautiful! Your are one amazing writer. I love how you described the character's feelings and you didn't rushed your story.
helloimkl #9
Chapter 30: Such a sweet couple~ love them!
fishcakes #10
Chapter 30: YAYYYY what a happy ending ♥