Ch 25 Stay with me

Let's fall in love slowly than all at once


Hi! Welcome to the new chapter for my story. I hope that everybody had a nice weekend and happy family day to you guys tomorrow... I wanted to give a big shout out to R3G1N3 who made me a poster but I was too much of an to check my messages. Thank you so very much!! It means so much that you actually like this story enough to make a poster for this story. But of couse also to all of you fabulous people who message me all the time and comment. 

Jaejoong leaned back in his chair and tried to think about other things beside the fact that he had no idea what was going to happen. He didn't like this feeling of not knowing. It led him to feel unsure, uncertain, and maybe even a bit scared if he really wanted to be honest. It was a first for him. But there seemed to be a lot of firsts for him since Hee-young entered his life. You had to take the good along with the bad.

This woman was unpredictable. You never knew what she wanted from you. One second she could be all mad because you forgot to do something and then the next second, it was like nothing had ever happened.  That was one of the reasons why Jaejoong was so mesmerized by her, he never knew what she was going to do next. She was just so lively and perfect and good, too good for him.

With a sigh, he went back to his work, once trying to put tonight to the back of his mind.


Hee-young took advantage of mid afternoon lull they had in business to grab a cup of coffee and just think. Junsu's words were still ringing in her head. What would happen if she stopped running away? Would it really be as simple as Junsu made it out to be? So, what if they did work things out and got together or something, it didn't mean that everything was going to work out in the end. Wouldn't it be even worse if they went through all this just to experience even more heartbreak in the end?

Then, on the other hand wouldn't it be worth taking a risk just to get everything that a person wanted. She could finally have the love that her parents had always told her about, the kind that she always saw between her parents even after so many years.

Well, everything would come to a close by tonight. After all, she never had the power, it was always Jaejoong.


Even though it had almost been two years now, her actions were still second nature to her. She could still one glance at the kitchen and know where everything was. So, it provided a welcome distraction for her cooking dinner as she waited for Jaejoong to come back home. Eventually though, the cooking was done and she was left staring at the door.

She tried to remain calm as she heard Jaejoong's footsteps entering the house no matter how fast her heart started beating or how her palms started getting all sweaty.

"Hi." She said timidly as he came into her sight.

"Hi" Jaejoong replied looking as nervous as she felt.

"You hungry? I made dinner."

"Ya, that'll be great. It smells really good. Did you make my favorite?"

"When don't I?" She joked like she always did when Jaejoong asked the same question. Jaejoong gave a chuckle at the familiar joke and went to sat down at the table as Hee-young grabbed the food off the stove.

Dinner was awkward   as no one knew what to say or even how to say it. Eventually, the dinner was completed in silence and she cleared away the dishes before sitting back down and clearing .

"I wanted to apologize Jaejoong, no matter whose fault it was yesterday, I didn't mean to blow up at you like that."

"No, I mean it's not really your fault. You were right about all the things you said. I'm sorry that I yelled at you last night. But to tell you the truth, I'm not sorry about making you stay here with me."

"Jaejoong, I-"

"No, just listen to me for a second here, Hee-young.  The truth is that I didn't know what to do. Ever since I was a kid, if I wanted something I got it. This didn't change much as I grew. When I wanted something, I got it. Then I realized I wanted you. I wanted you so much more than I ever wanted anyone in my life and I got scared. Especially when I realized that maybe you didn't want me or need me as much. So, I freaked. I started doing all these things and I didn't realize that they were going to push you away. So, when I saw you again, all I knew was that I couldn't let you leave again so this was the best way that I knew how to make you stay."  Jaejoong looked at Hee-young who looked shocked at Jaejoong's long declaration.

"But now I'm going to do the right thing. I can't make you love me but I want you to know that I'm right here waiting for you. So, I'm going to let you go. You can go back home and I promise you that I won't fire Junsu. If you want to, I can have somebody deliver all your things back to your house by tomorrow. So, that's all I wanted to say, I hope that you won't mind if I go to your place for a coffee every now and then."

Jaejoong stood up and went to leave but a firm hand grabbed his hand and pulled him back down to his seat.

"People say that I'm a nice person and that might be true to varying degrees but the truth is I'm not that nice as to do something that I really don't want to do despite Junsu being my oldest, dearest friend."

"I don't get what you're saying, Hee-young."

"What I'm saying is that there is a part of me that is here because of Junsu but there is a even larger part of me that stayed for you Jaejoong. You caught me because I wanted to be caught." Now Jaejoong was really confused. Was Hee-young saying what he thought she was saying? That she wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her.

"If I asked you to stay with me now, would you? Not for Junsu, but for me?"

"Well, it never hurts to try." Hee-young tried to keep a straight face but her smile betrayed her thoughts.

"Hee-young, would you stay with me because I don't know how to function without you."

"Sure because the truth is I'm the one who needs you more."

Can't wait to hear from you guys! See you guys next week!

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Chapter 30: Thanks author for giving such beautiful story.
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 30: OMG this has got to be the cutest story ever xD Jaejoong <3
miakay #4
Chapter 30: Heeeeeeee *giggling nonstop*...this is so freaking adorable!! Super like! >.<

Straightly come to this story after finishing "perfect stranger"...your writing is addictive^^ Well done XD
Chapter 30: i just randomly found this and don't regret reading it at all in one go even though i have so much homework ^^"
this is a super adorable and i loved it ! :D <3
duckybaby #6
Chapter 30: Speechless here :)) I don't know what to say! :)) I just love it from the start till the end :))
cocozilla #7
I'm so happy to came across with this story!
One of the best jaejoong's story i've read so far and i really like the way you write down each character's thoughts.
Please do write more stories authornim :)
Chapter 30: Hi! Your so story is beautiful! Your are one amazing writer. I love how you described the character's feelings and you didn't rushed your story.
helloimkl #9
Chapter 30: Such a sweet couple~ love them!
fishcakes #10
Chapter 30: YAYYYY what a happy ending ♥