Ch 2 The one rule

Let's fall in love slowly than all at once

Hi! I hope that everybody had a nice week of school. So, as prmoised here is the second chapter and the chapter of this week. I'm really happy about all you guys who read this story and subscribed. It's really nice to know you guys like that stuff I put up. As always subscribing and commenting are always appreciated and I really hope you guys like this chapter! See you guys next week!


"I already said I was sorry jeez!" She said putting an ice bag on Jaejoong's swollen cheek. He didn't answer but glared at her choosing to nurse his throbbing cheek instead.

"What kind of woman punches a guy in the face when he kisses her!"

"Well, what kind of man kiss some random woman who appears to just return your wallet?!?" She retorted.

"How was I suppose to know you actually came to return my wallet? Every girl who walks in usually comes for " Jaejoong mumbled seeing Hee-young throw him the dirtiest look that he had ever seen from a woman.

"You have got to be the most disgusting man on the face of this earth that I ever had the misfortune to meet. Egotistical, self obsessed, narcissistic ."

"Yah! Watch who you're talking to. I'm Hero Jaejoong, owner of one of the most powerful corporations in Korea. Without me, half of Korea's population would be unemployed!"

"Tell someone who gives a crap" Hee-young said coolly making her way out. Jaejoong walked in front of her and blocked her way out. "What do you want ?!?"

"You're not leaving until you apologize!'

"I already said I was sorry for punching you in the face!"

"No! For insulting me..." She gave him a disbelieving look.

"It's not insulting if it's the truth! You're lucky if I don't sue you for ual harassment. Look, I don't have time for this. I have to hurry home. Have a nice life."

"You're not leaving until you apologize to me." Jaejoong replied matter of factedly.

" If you don't get out of my way in two seconds, I'll make sure your right cheek matches your left cheek."

"Are you threatening me? Why, you stubborn woman. I have never in my days met someone as obnoxious as you..."

"Likewise, ." The two of them stood where they were glaring at each other, neither willing to back down.

"Oppa! Where are you?!? I missed you!" The two of them turned towards the sound of that highly obnoxious voice and saw once again a woman.

"Look, I'll make you a deal." Jaejoong said desperately. "Pretend to be my girlfriend this once time so I can get this crazy girl to leave and I'll give you 2000 dollars." Hee-young's eyes widened. 2000 dollars!?!She would have said yes on the spot but it was this guy, she had to take him for what he was worth.

"Make it 3000 and you got a deal." He glared at her but she only grinned smugly at him as the knocking grew louder.

"Deal." Jaejoong finally promised. "Okay remember, you're my girlfriend and we're madly in love. Do try to do this right."

"Ya ya ya. Just go open the door." She took a moment to compose herself when Jaejoong opened the door.

"Oppa, where have you been lately? You haven't talked to me in months" The girl pouted trailing a long manicured fingernail down his chest.

"Uhh..hi" He had forgotten her name too."I haven't really been out lately, been a bit busy lately." Hee-young took this as her cue to enter.

"Honey, who is it?" She called out in what was meant to be a love sick voice.

"Oh, hey babe. It's nothing, just an old acquaintance." Jaejoong replied reaching out his hand for her.

"Can I introduce you to my girlfriend..." Jaejoong didn't know her name.

"Hi, my name is Hee-young. It's a pleasure to meet you." She greeted her, reaching her hand out for her. The girl chose to ignore it of course and instead chose to focus all her attention on Jaejoong instead.

"Jaejoong oppa, who is she?"

"Well, as you just heard, she's my girlfriend." He replied sneaking an arm around Hee-young's waist. She glared at him as a warning to make sure his hand stayed there and did not travel any further down. The girl eyed the two of them suspiciously.

"Well then, how did the two of guys meet?"

"Uhh... yes. Where did we meet, honey?" Hee-young nervously giggled throwing the ball in his court.

"Well..." Jaejoong started, not before throwing a glare in Hee-young's direction.  "We met one day in a cafe, I just took one look at her and I knew that I was insanely in love with her. It was just love at first sight." Hee-young quickly tried to compose her features into one that looked like a girl who was completely lovestruck. Apparently it was effective because she could hear the person at the door literally growling at her.

"So, if that's all, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Jaejoong and I have reservations at a restaurant soon and I still  need to get dressed." She made up on the spot nudging Jaejoong painfully in the ribs so that he would follow along.

"Yes! I mean yes, dinner and reservations at a restaurant. So we shall bid farewell to you and go get ready." The two of them made to close the door and leave but the girl suddenly slammed a hand on the door, startling the two of them and effectively preventing the door from closing.



"If you two are so in love, I want to see you two kiss."

"Sure." Jaejoong gave a non-committal shrug and started leaning in but Hee-young stopped him before he could get too far.

"Look Ms. I don't see any reason that we have to prove ourselves to you. Me and Jaejoong are in love and I don't think you have the right to challenge that. So, here's what is going to happen now. I'll give you two seconds to get out of our house and off our property. Are we clear?" Jaejoong nodded his agreement.

"And if I don't?" She said crossing her arms.

"And if you don't, I'm going to call the cops and tell them that you're trespassing." The two women stared each other down with Jaejoong watching intently from the sidelines. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity she snarled  angrily and stalked off. The moment she left, Hee-young and Jaejoong left out a huge sigh of relief and slumped down.

"So what's her story?"

"I think I slept with her a few months back, now she thinks that she's my girlfriend or something." Hee-young gave a snort of laughter.

"You always know how to pick them, don't you?"

"What can I say. The ladies love me and I love them. Thanks for your help."        

"You're welcome" Hee-young smiled holding her hand out. "I believe the deal was for 3000" Jaejoong swore under his breath and slowly counted out the bills from his wallet.

"Here" he said slapping the bills into her hand.

"Thanks. It was a pleasure doing business with you." She replied heading for the door.

"Wait!" Jaejoong screamed at her, he had suddenly gotten a brilliant idea. "I have a business proposition for you."

"Whomever it is, this time it's 6000." Jaejoong gave her a smirk looking her up and down.

"Don't worry, I'm paying you much more than 6000 for this time." She looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm not going to sell my body if that's what you're going at." He laughed heartily at her comment.

"No, I want to hire you as my housekeeper."

"What makes you think I would want the job"

"I'll pay you 20000 a month." Hee-young's eyes widened in shock. That much money would help her family out immensely.

"I'll take the job. What do you need me to do though?" Jaejoong shrugged.

"You know, the usual. Cook, clean, pick up after me." She rolled her eyes.

"Basically, you want me to clean up after the girls you're done sleeping with and make sure they don't come back and cause any trouble."  

" You are a smart one. Now remember, I like my breakfast at 7:30 and I always have plain oatmeal every morning. I expect you to have dinner ready by 7:00 and I expect you not to  disturb me when I come home with whomever I choose. Basically, whenever I need something I expect you to have it ready."

"So, what time do you want me to be in?"

"Hmm... around 6:30. But if I have a meeting, then even earlier."

"So, in conclusion..."

"What about this then? My room is on the second floor but I'll give you a room on the first floor so that you can stay overnight when need be. If there aren't any questions, I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."

""Sounds fair enough." Shin Di decided. "Any other rules I should know about though?" He turned around to throw a charming smile at her.

"Just one. Don't fall in love with me."

Hee-young smirked at him. "Done."

Ooh... it's on lol Comment and subscribe! But most importantly comment lol I live for your comments!

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Chapter 30: Thanks author for giving such beautiful story.
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 30: OMG this has got to be the cutest story ever xD Jaejoong <3
miakay #4
Chapter 30: Heeeeeeee *giggling nonstop*...this is so freaking adorable!! Super like! >.<

Straightly come to this story after finishing "perfect stranger"...your writing is addictive^^ Well done XD
Chapter 30: i just randomly found this and don't regret reading it at all in one go even though i have so much homework ^^"
this is a super adorable and i loved it ! :D <3
duckybaby #6
Chapter 30: Speechless here :)) I don't know what to say! :)) I just love it from the start till the end :))
cocozilla #7
I'm so happy to came across with this story!
One of the best jaejoong's story i've read so far and i really like the way you write down each character's thoughts.
Please do write more stories authornim :)
Chapter 30: Hi! Your so story is beautiful! Your are one amazing writer. I love how you described the character's feelings and you didn't rushed your story.
helloimkl #9
Chapter 30: Such a sweet couple~ love them!
fishcakes #10
Chapter 30: YAYYYY what a happy ending ♥