Why Is This Happening!

Love Her For Me

After all the fighting was done..

"Sung Gi,are you hungry?Let's go and have our lunch.."

Said Dong Jun who was wiping all the blood stains near his mouth.

"Its okay,I'm not hungry at all."

Suddenly Kwang Hee started smiling and said...

"Let's go to our dance studio!Let's show Sung Gi our new dance!!How's that Sung Gi?"

You just nodded and smiled back at Kwang Hee and when you turned ton Dong Jun you saw the others are staring at Kwang Hee with an expression ' That Was supposed to be a secret! '

"Oooops sorry guys I just got too excited that I blurt it all out".

Kwang Hee apologise for his mistakes towards the members.

"Come on guys!Sung Gi is our friend..In fact our best friend starting today..I think that she can join us too."

Siwan said with a happy smile on his face.

"Fine,let's go.."

Your POV

OMO!What a friendly Dong Jun , a funny Kwang Hee and a cool Siwan!I really hope that my brother and sisters are going to feel very irritated about this as I am joining his and her enemy dance team..

I must do a good job in order for me to join their dance team.

End of Your POV

While walking to the dance studio...

"Here,have a drink..I'm sure you are feeling very thirsty."

You accept the drink by Hyung Syik with a smile on your face and your heart was juping happily!!

"Take this too..You are sweating."

Jun Young was giving you a packet of tissue.

After all the things that the 5 guys you had admired before you started to feel very confused about their actions.

Your POV

Why are they so nice to me?

What is this happening?

I think I should just stay calm and I will surely get to know the real purpose of them.

End Of Your POV

Arrived at the dance studio.

"Wow!What a nice dance studio!"

Dong Jun , Siwan , Jun Young , Kwang Hee and Hyung Syik just turned and smiled at you for your silly cute reaction.

Kwang Hee just walk straight to the radio that was sitting at the table and played a cong named Mazeltov by ZE:A..


"Come on guys let's start dancing!!"

The other 4 just ignored and start to do their own things.


"Come Sung Gi!Let me teach you how to dance this song!"

You just followed Kwang Hee as he did the steps.

"Wow!You really can dance!Now I'll let you do it all by yourself..Ready 1...2....3...........Start!!"

You just dance as though only you and Kwang Hee are in the dance studio and has forgotten about the other 4..While you are dancing they slowly turned to look at you and each of them smiled when they saw your dance.

"Well done!!Hows that guys,can she be in ou dance team?"

Kwang Hee just boldly ask the other members about it.


Your face turns really red as you are embarassed about your actions while they are pretending to do other things but actually they are looking at YOU!

The time shown on your watch is nearly 5 and you have to get back home before 6 as that was the promise that you have told your mom.

"Guys I have to head home,see yoou tommorrow.."

"Wait!Let me send you home..It is already dark...

Dong Jun : I don't want you to be disturb .. Let's cycle back home together

Siwan : I wil send you home by my bike ..

Jun Young : Dong Jun , I thought you had something to do at home , let me send you home Sung Gi

Kwang Hee : I will walk with you home Sung Gi as I don't have a bicycle with me today

Hyung Syik : Sung Gi , let me send you I think you are feeling too tired because of today's activity.. Wait downstairs while I go take my car.. No buts just follow..

As you left the room with Hyung Syik.....

"This is unfair!!Why is Hyung Syik trying to get her attention???"

In the dance studio Siwan , Dong Jun , Jun Young and Kwang Hee are discussing about Hyung Syik's behaviour...





Want to know what will happen ?? Read more and comment....

Thank you! End of chapter 5 ..













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I like DONGJUN!! keke :3
But it's the author's choice.. So, please UPDATE ^^
fizaa123 #2
Update please
omo...i wonder who is going to get her. <br />
but i do think it is going to be hyung shik. <br />
:) but idk too. <br />
let's just read & see. 7
cute funny story<br />
mean key nd tiffany
Chocolato #5
actually, "hyung" is a term used between males. a younger male addressing an older male. <br />
Haha yes yes! <br />
I bet hyunsik has a feeling for her! <br />
Cant wait for the next chapter! Update soon! <br />
:) :)
Hahaah !! all want to send her back home.<br />
ONE LUCKY GIRL XD update more (:
" The four them walk like gangsters but actualy just pretending. "<br />
HAHAHAHAAH wtf ?! funny >.< omg dongjun kiss my forehead too please!!<br />
and dongwoon punched Dongjun !! argh =.= update update update !!
fizaa123 #9
Tiffany and Key ! <br />
Update more aitee :)
OMG LOVE THIS !!<br />
DONGJUNNIE omg his smile *die* <3<3 !!<br />
update more cant waaaaaait XD<br />
hehehehe !!