Christmas Eve

Life Without You

It was the end of the school year, now time for the holidays. Everything was pretty good. Well, pretty good for everyone but Changmin I guess. Shim Changmin, one of the students who had just graduated from their school life. He sighed to himself once again, feeling his chest tightening once again. But of course, his heart hurt much more than his chest did. You see, his best friend, the smartest student in the whole school, Cho Kyuhyun, was going to move away because he was going to another university. And to tell the truth, Changmin really hated that fact. Why did he hate it so much you ask? You could simply seem very odd. After all, it was just his best friend moving away, correct? Well, wrong. Wrong. Wrong. And wrong. Cho Kyuhyun was not just his best friend. Cho Kyuhyun was his childhood friend, his most trusted friend, his best friend and his secret crush for so many years.

Yes, secret crush. And since it was a secret crush, Kyuhyun had no idea. Changmin bit his lip, not wanting anything to change. Kyuhyun was a highly important and vital part of his life. For so many years, they were together. And now, now of all times, the time when Changmin needed Kyuhyun the most, Kyuhyun was going to leave him. He didn't want that to happen.

Suddenly, there were footsteps behind him.

"Changminnie." Called a voice, a sweet and lovely voice.

"... Kyuhyun-ah." Changmin forced a smile onto his lips.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Kyuhyun with a childish look in his eye.

"Nothing much." Changmin replied.

"... So you're still thinking of me moving away and sulking?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically.

"How did you know?" Asked Changmin.

"I'm physic." Kyuhyun smirked.

"Liar." Changmin accused.

"I'm glad you know that. Anyway, I'm not moving away until next year in January. Don't be so depressed." Kyuhyun spoke.

"Really, don't remind me." Changmin mumbled.

"Why not?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"Because I don't want to remember." Changmin muttered as he quickly began to walk away.

"Changmin-" Kyuhyun was quickly cut off by Changmin. He didn't want to hear Kyuhyun's voice any longer. He didn't want it to haunt him anymore, it simply hurt to much.

"Leave." Changmin ordered rather coldly, his face showing no expression what so ever. Kyuhyun stared for a second in surprise, a little hesitant but too persistant than to just leave. Why on Earth would Changmin suddenly say such a thing to him? Kyuhyun simply really didn't know. But there was no way he would be pushed away so easily. He couldn't leave now.

"But Changmin-" Kyuhyun was once again cut off by Changmin.

"I said leave!" Changmin shouted at Kyuhyun angrily. Kyuhyun flinched slightly, seeing the enraged and irritated expression on Changmin's face suddenly appear. Not once had Changmin yelled at Kyuhyun in such an aggressive manner. He gave a twisted expression, wondering what was happening. But since Kyuhyun knew that Changmin wouldn't have lashed out without a certain reason, he decided to stop.

"... Can I come back later then?" Kyuhyun asked rather quietly, trying to find some well needed bravery to speak in such a tense situation. The look in Changmin's eyes simply weren't like before, it was just so violent. And scary. Kyuhyun didn't know what to do. Never had he once been even a tad bit scared of Changmin.

"No! Just leave and don't come back! My life is messed up enough just the way it is, I don't need you to be there and make it even worse!" Changmin yelled with a very strained sigh at the end of his sentence. His expression was so cold at that moment. Kyuhyun stared back with widened eyes, completely and utterly hurt by the cruel words Changmin seemed to speak out at him without and hesitation. He was pained by the fact Changmin could say them to him so carelessly, without even thinking. Kyuhyun bit his lip, his eyes quickly watering.

"... If that's really what you want." Kyuhyun muttered through the piercing and utterly painful silence, running away, running as fast as his feet were able take him. And only then, when Changmin looked into Kyuhyun's watering eyes for just a split second, had he realised what he had just done.


Changmin slowly walked along the paved and lonely street. Yes, there were many people around him walking by, but Changmin still felt so lonely. In his head, he silently questioned the process of things around him. Why... Why on Earth was his heart hurting so much now? He had pushed away the person who was causing him hurt, but now it stung even more. It had been a week since he had last talked to Kyuhyun. Or, in simpler terms, it had been a whole week since he pushed his special Kyuhyun out of his life without actually wanting too. It was what he thought he had to do. It's just, Changmin was so mad at the time; his mind was clouded. Now, he was completely regretting what he had just done to Kyuhyun. He shouldn't have pushed Kyuhyun away in the midst of rage. He seemed to hurt Kyuhyun badly, and now he hurt also. Well, it was probably just the clever work of this thing called karmar The world suddenly felt so cold, chilling him to the bone. Changmin didn't realise how hard life was without Kyuhyun beside, but now he did. Changmin thought life without Kyuhyun would have hurt less, but it just became stronger.

Kyuhyun would usually ease his pain.

And it seemed that Changmin took his best friend for granted.

He felt a hot tear threatening to roll from his eyes. If Kyuhyun was here right now, he would have quickly wiped it away with his soft hand. Just like before. he felt his hands go numb. If Kyuhyun was here, he would have taken Changmin's hand and held it tightly. Just like before. He could sense his expression going gloomy. If Kyuhyun was here, he would have done something to make Changmin smile again. Just life before. He could feel a freezing chill go through his bones. If Kyuhyun were here, he could have hugged Changmin tightly and give him that ever so pretty smile. Just like before. He could feel his feet getting cold. If Kyuhyun was here, he would have laughed and dragged Changmin into a random store. Just like before.

With these memories, Changmin let out a gentle smile. Did you know, as Changmin was thinking, he realised just how much he actually loved Kyuhyun. Love always has starts from friendship, but it seemed that he had forgotten about that rule. Of course, Changmin always knew and acknowledged his love for Kyuhyun, but he didn't realise it was this strong. Changmin searched through his memories, how good it felt when Kyuhyun was right by his side. Oh, how good it felt when Kyuhyun was with him.

"So... I ended up falling in love so much with that pabo?", Changmin asked himself quietly as snow gently fell onto his figure. "Out of all the people living on Earth, I decided to in love so strongly with him... Well, I can't really say I'm surprised though. He is someone special to me I guess...". He put his hands in his pocket, suddenly feeling a piece of paper. He took the small piece of paper out, wanting to see what it said.

As Changmin read the words, his eyes widened suddenly.

To: Changminnie
I'm writing you a note in case you forget about our arrangement, and I know you definitely will, so that's why I'm writing this note right now. So, this is to my precious and forgetful Changmin. Remember that we're supposed to meet each other by the Clock tower on the 24th of December at 8pm sharp, okay? Hehe, don't you forget about this! I'll wait all damn night for you if that's what it takes! You don't really notice anything, do you? I put this note in your pocket like 2 weeks ago without you even noticing! And how do I know you would wear this jacket? Well... I guess I know you well, a little too well actually. Don't you dare forget about me, alright? I'll be waiting right outside the clock tower! I won't go inside until we see each other! Can't wait to meet you, I want to tell you something really, really important! Even more important than food! But I know, for you, food is the most important thing in the entire world. Of course, your best friend Kyuhyunnie is much more special, right? I'll be waiting here! See you later!
From: Kyuhyun

Changmin breathed in sharply after reading those words, there was no way Kyuhyun could be waiting for him. Right? Changmin looked at the time, 9:23. Surely, Kyuhyun wouldn't have waited for him after what he did. And even if Kyuhyun did wait for Changmin, he would have probably left by now. But then again, with Kyuhyun's stubborn and ever so persistant attitude... With that, Changmin bolted down the snowy street, not caring for other people staring at him.

Changmin ran and ran, as fast as he was possibly able to go at this point. A side of him believed that Kyuhyun wasn't even there, believing that Kyuhyun already left or never bothered to show up. But the other side of his heart was actually hoping Kyuhyun was there, waiting for him outside the clock tower just like the note said. Changmin quickly ran even faster, hoping to end his feeling of anxiety. The memories in his head caused him to speeden up. Soon, as the scenery quickly passed, he could spot the clock tower a couple meters away. And with that, he reached the clock tower. Changmin looked around to see all sorts of people, but he couldn't see Kyuhyun. Changmin expected this in his head, but was somewhat disappointed on the inside of his heart.

"...Pabo... Of course Kyuhyun wouldn't come to see you... After what you did... " Changmin muttered to himself, turning back and biting his lip. But just before he walked away, a voice called him.

"... Changminnie?" A hesitantly questioning voice asked behind him, Changmin's eyes widened in shock. He turned his head to see Kyuhyun standing there, but not in the best condition. Kyuhyun's cheeks were pale and his eyes were half-lidded. His nose was red and he was shivering. Changmin looked at the state of his best friend and widened his eyes in shock once again.

"Kyuhyun!" Changmin exclaimed as he quickly ran up to Kyuhyun. For an hour and more, Kyuhyun waited for him in this weather? Changmin felt bad, why did Kyuhyun always have to be like this? He wrapped his arms around the slightly older hyung quickly, feeling the coldness.

"Hm... Warm..." Kyuhyun muttered quietly, wrapping his arms back around Changmin quicky and holding on. Changmin felt his knees go weak, never having Kyuhyun wrap his arms around him so tightly.

"Did you... really wait here since 8pm?" Changmin asked hesitantly. He knew the answer he wanted, but there was definitely no way he was ever going to say it out loud. Kyuhyun, chilled to the bone, looked up with his arms still tightly wrapped around Changmin.

"Yeah, I've been here for more than a hour now." Kyuhyun replied, his tone sinking slightly and becoming very hesitant. Changmin didn't know whether to be happy or mad.

"Why... Why on Earth did you wait?! You know that there was a chance of me not coming?! You know that you could have hurt yourself by being out here?!" Changmin asked with an enraged and worried tone. Kyuhyun bit his lip.

"I already knew that there was a chance you weren't coming to see me, but I didn't leave just incase you did actually come. And you did, so I'm happy." Kyuhyun muttered, a somewhat weak smile planted onto his face. Changmin stared, there was no way he could continue to be angry at Kyuhyun, his long time secret crush.

"... I'm sorry." Changmin mumbled, Kyuhyun gave a twisted expression as he parted from Changmin.

"You're sorry? Why?" Kyuhyun asked, trying to pretend he didn't already know the answer to his very own question.

"... For everything. I'm sorry for yelling at you like that last week, and I'm sorry for making you wait out here in the cold." Changmin replied, his hair gently covering his eyes.

"But it wasn't your fault. Isn't it my fault?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically.

"How?" Changmin questioned.

"Because I'm moving away and I was the one who arranged for us to meet." Kyuhyun replied in a monotone.

"... But it isn't your fault either." Changmin stated.

"Then whose fault is it?" Asked Kyuhyun rhetorically.

"... Destiny's?" Changmin questioned.

"Destiny put us through all of this? Why on Earth...?" Kyuhyun seemed to trail off. Changmin thought about the situation, was it time to confess? He held the note tightly in his hand, his hands cold as ice.

"Neh... You wanted to tell me something, right?" Changmin remembered. Kyuhyun's eyes widened, then slowly closed.

"... I did want to tell you, but I changed my mind. I think I'll just keep it to myself. Well, for now anyway." Kyuhyun let out a secretive smile. Changmin twisted his expression.

"Why won't you tell me?" Changmin asked.

"Because it's a secret." Kyuhuyn quickly replied.

"Kyuhyun-ah, tell me!~" Changmin exclaimed with a whining tone. Kyuhyun simply smiled.

"It's not a big secret. I just wanted you to know that I fell in love." Kyuhyun replied, Changmin stopped with that sentence. He could suddenly feel his heart being stabbed repeatedly by something.

"... With who?" Changmin asked, not wanting to hear the answer. Kyuhyun scowled slightly.

"Idiot! I fell in love with a man who is taller than me, younger than me and is standing right in front of me!" Kyuhyun shouted, his tone letting out an annoyed sigh. Changmin simply let a silence sink in, then realising Kyuhyun's words.

"Wha-" Changmin was quickly cut off.

"And just so you know, I'm not moving. Cancelled it a couple days ago, all thanks to me." Kyuhyun then muttered, Changmin's jaw literally dropped to the floor.

"... I-" Changmin was once again cut off.

"Don't worry, I already know you love me. I could tell by the photo of me on your desk... Not to mention the way you stare at me when I was wearing those jeans a couple weeks ago." Kyuhyun quickly added. Changmin was silent.

"..." Changmin didn't know what to say, he really didn't.

"Speechless?" Kyuhyun asked with a slight smirk. Changmin glared.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Changmin quickly asked Kyuhyun.

"... Well, I think it's kind of fun to tease you like this. After all, countless times you've teased me." Kyuhyun replied, not letting the smirk fade from his lips just yet.

"Would you stop smirking?" Changmin asked, an annoed expression on his face.

"No thanks." Kyuhyun replied, loving how much Changmin was annoyed.

"Stop it." Changmin growled.

"Make me." Kyuhyun replied.

"...Okay." Changmin smirked. And with that, he quickly pulled Kyuhyun in closer to him, their lips touching each other for the first time. It burned slightly, but was rather pleasurable. Changmin then wrapped his arms around his now not-secret crush's waist. As they shared the kiss (ignoring the people staring), a lingering sensation was spread. Changmin quickly pulled back, seeing Kyuhyun's face go completely red. A smirk wasn't on his lips, but instead was a shocked look.

"..." Kyuhyun was silent.

"I win." Changmin replied with a smirk.

"I hate you so much." Kyuhyun said.

"I know you love me." Changmin replied.


Hehe, sorry, I rushed it... How was the story? Did you enjoy it?~ ^^

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Aw this was lovely! The angst was awesome, and I loved evilandsweet!Kyu in this! Thankyou for writing another great story!
maedeh #2
it was fun and I love kyu and what he did!!!! he is a big evil and thanks for nice story it was fun
maedeh #3
hope its fun please update soooooooooooon
Ooooh angsty! Well, as they say, the more chankyu one-shots, the better! they don't really say that.
But I do! Please update soon! Your stories are all wonderful, so I'll wait!
I'm looking forward to this I'll say it again : I love all of ur stories ^_^
I'm stalking u so be careful ^^