five ;

Polaroid, You







Myungsoo finds himself in a somehow awkward position. He glances at Lizzy, but she is already too engrossed in chatting at the counter, with the guy, she calls Hyunsik. They seem pretty comfortable around each other, he heard lots of giggles and some murmured words, which he couldn’t really grasp. He assumes Hyunsik to be Lizzy’s long lost friend, or maybe, her cousin who stays in Seoul, or perhaps, her stepbrother from his father’s new family? He shakes his head and places his bag pack at a table, next to the window pane.


He walks around the small, square-sized coffee shop, and glances around at his surroundings. The place is unique, classic and its wooden interior gives it an old school vibe. There are also some murals on the walls, together with a few posters of some famous Korean groups, including, the one he likes the most, Girls’ Generation. He smirks. Myungsoo likes Tiffany.


A mural of a cupid catches his attention. He extends his hands to touch it and the fine details amaze him. He reaches his Polaroid camera, clicks snap and curves his lips into a smile, feeling please with its result. It looks just as pretty as it is in picture.



“Taking pictures?” Lizzy chimes in his wandering thoughts, startling him.


He furrows his eyebrows. “No, I’m just babysitting the camera.” He shots, sarcastically, and grins.


She chuckles. “So, you’re a photographer now?”


“A photographer for fun.”


“Then, do you carry this thing to everywhere you go?” She says as she points out to his Polaroid camera. Myungsoo scoffs. She is definitely not the first person who asks the same old question to him. He hears it every time and he utters the same answer each time too.


“This thing is called a Polaroid camera.”


“Fine. Polar bear, Polared, or Polaroid or whatever it is called.” She bits her lip in annoyance, and rolls her eyes in return.


The two same-aged pair then settles themselves at the table where Myungsoo has placed his bag before.  The guy called, Hyunsik, decides to treat them with a free breakfast, to thank Lizzy for her thoughtful help to get the groceries to his coffee shop this morning.


“Anything I could get for you guys?” Hyunsik asks them with his smile, that smiles together with his eyes.


“I would like an egg sandwich, and a hot, Caramel Macchiato.” She replies, clasping the palm of her hands together. “And also don’t-”


“Don’t forget to make a heart shaped foam on top of your drink, right?” Hyunsik continues.


“Yes!” She giggles afterwards.


“What about your friend here? What would you like?”


“A warm green tea would do. Thanks.” Myungsoo replies, simply.



Hyunsik then leaves the pair, to get their orders done. For a few minutes, both Myungsoo and Lizzy are engrossed with their own little worlds. Lizzy flipping the pages of the magazine (not really reading) and Myungsoo playing with his camera, snapping random pictures of random things – and sneakily snaps a few pictures of Lizzy, without her knowing.



“Can I ask you a question?” Myungsoo cracks the silence, as he puts his camera back on the table.


“What kind of question?” It catches her attention. She closes the magazine, and puts it on her lap.


“What is the relationship between you and Hyunsik?”


She crosses her legs and smirks.


“We’re friends.” She returns. “Friends with some memories, to be exact.”


Myungsoo raises his eyebrow, and makes his guess. “So, you guys used to date?”


“Yeap. He was my high school boyfriend.”


Myungsoo chuckles, a bit disbelief with what he heard. “And you guys can still be friends?”


“Of course, why not?”


“That’s one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard.”


“So, you’re not friends with your exes, then?”


“Nope. I don’t even stay in touch with them.” He continues. “I don’t like to be attached with the memories I had with them.”


“You’re just bitter.” She replies. “You’re bitter and you hold a grudge, which is not good for someone as good looking as you.”



Myungsoo pauses at her remarks. Is he really a bitter person? Perhaps, Lizzy is right. Myungsoo recalls how he threw all of his ex-girlfriend’s gifts, on that very day, she asked for a break up. He burnt their pictures and he deleted all of her text messages in a single click. He completely cut off their connection and when she requested to have him as a friend – he denied it harshly and he told her off to stay away from him. He guesses that Kim Myungsoo, is after all, one bitter person.



“I used to hate him a little, or maybe a lot, when we first broke up. Like how I would wish him to fall into a large drain, and sprain his ankle or get bitten by a shark when he goes surfing.”


Myungsoo chuckles at that remark and yet, he keeps listening.



“But you know as time passes by, I realized that holding grudges is not a wise thing to do. Why become enemies, when you can be friends with them, instead? I’m lucky that Hyunsik is open-minded about us being good friends too. He’s a good guy.”


“I guess you’re more matured than how you look.”


She giggles at his point, feeling satisfied, she grins.


“Now, it’s my turn to ask you a question.” She says as she matches her eyes with his.




“Do you mind if I borrow you for the rest of the day, today?”





MiNSTAL_SHiPPER: Myungliz gives us feels :) Pineapple Myungsoo is a gentleman lol.

eternalove5: Myungliz is like my secret ship (that I ship pretty strong). They're very opposite of each other, like how Myungsoo is so quiet and reserved, while Lizzy is like all over the place lol. But that's what I love about them. They are so different and yet, the possibility of them being together is really cute :)

Pistachio: Thank you :) I'm grateful that you're willing enough to read this ^^

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AHHHHHH, its so beautiful looking only the forward. kekeke im gonna marathoned this chapter!!
Chapter 15: eonnie that was nice story i loved every moment of it specially btw myungsoo and lizzy but the only thing that hurt me it the end i wished them more happiness i would love if you are gonna to write speicial chapter if you can
Sophiana #3
Chapter 15: Sequel please!!!!! ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 15: this is 3rd times im reading last chapter and hoping for sequal!!
Chapter 7: lol its ken buahahah totally agree talkactve person there
Chapter 6: a lot of 92' liner that befriend with these two, zico, kyung, minari and seunghyun well since they bcome friends
Chapter 2: omo i like chpter 2 so far so good
Chapter 15: awhh the best ending.. sory i read ending first.. i almost forgot that i actually subscribe to this story..
and u know what i love it when u include all 92' friends in here
do u mind a sequal?
Chapter 15: happy ending aw aw \0/
Chapter 15: Myungliz! Love these two together. Their friendship is somewhat cute to me. Haha! Thanks for writing this simple but cute fanfic :D