Kwon Yun Mi

It's A Miracle

Kwon Yun Mi

Birthname: Graziel Zapanta


Position: Lead rapper | Lead dancer | Vocalist | Maknae


Birthdate: 12 January 1999


Stage name: Yu Seong


Height: 5ft 3inch


Ethnicity: Filipino


Languages: English | Korean | Tagalog | Irish


Personality: Shy, but Confident when she's with her friends | Awkward sometimes | Best friends with ChoColat's Tia and T-Ara's Dani | In a healthy relationship with B.A.P's Jung Daehyun | Brings laughter to all members of MIRACLE no matter what mood they're in | Gets confused easily | Vulnerable, but strong | A gamer | Always smiles even if she's hurt |


Likes: Red, Black and White (favourite colours) | War | Weird things | Doing chores and work |


Dislikes: Her irritating brother | Being confused | Not being able to help others |


Hobbies: Rapping | Drawing | Eating | Playing computer games | Surfing the internet |

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story's doing great so far :D can't wait for the next update haha


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