

The sun had risen into the sky, just like the day before. Some creatures of Earth we waking, while others were ready to go back to bed. The sun shined brightly, into the window and under the curtains of a certain room belonging to 2 evil maknaes. Shim (Max) Changmin and Cho Kyuhyun. But it seemed that Changmin woke up first. A groan escaped his lips, his eyes squinting at the stinging sensation. Changmin stretched his arms slightly, trying to get the blood flowing to his numbed arms. Then, turned his head to the side to view the picture perfect scene.

Cho Kyuhyun.

Changmin smiled silently, staring at his sleeping boyfriend. Kyuhyun was laying right beside him, the softest expression plastered onto his delicate face. Changmin let his fingers quietly graze Kyuhyun's features, he simply looked so irresistible. It was nearly time for Kyuhyun to wake up, but he probably wouldn't have gotten up from bed. Changmin and Kyuhyun would always spend at least 30 minutes in bed just snuggling comfortably. And on the subject of time, Changmin would usually wake up 15 minutes earlier than Kyuhyun. Why you ask? Well, simply because he liked to spend time doing nothing but looking at how pretty his boyfriend was in the morning. Changmin didn't really know why, but there was just something special to him about the way Kyuhyun looked in the morning. Completely messy hair, naturally pretty skin, loose clothes worn and absolutely no make-up on his face. To Changmin, that was when Kyuhyun looked the best.

"Hmm..." Suddenly. a humming noise escaped Kyuhyun's lips. Changmin was a little more than accurate when it came to the time Kyuhyun was about to wake up. Changmin smiled once again, watching the Super Junior maknae's eyes flutter open slowly.

"Kyuhyun?" Changmin whispered silently, his voice somewhat hopeful and joyous. Kyuhyun let out a yawn from his lips, stretching his arms up to get the numbness out of his body.

"... Changminnie, are you're awake already?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically, turning his head to face Changmin. There was a with a still sleepy expression on his face.

"Yeah, I woke up a moment ago." Changmin muttered in reply, his fingers quietly threading though his lovely boyfriend's hair. Kyuhyun let out a slight smile crawl to his lips.

"... Really? I thought you would have woken up much earlier than that." Kyuhyun retorted with a slight laugh, the day felt just like the day before. And hopefully, it would stay that way for a while.

"I did too." Changmin replied, seeing the way Kyuhyun's eyes shone brightly as they stared at each other. Changmin loved looking into Kyuhyun's eyes, and he really didn't know why.

"Ah, it's so early though... Why did you wake up before me anyway?" Kyuhyun suddenly questioned, his hand reaching out for Changmin's and holding it tightly. They were still lying on the bed, a blanket covering their figures.

"... I just wanted to watch your pretty face sleeping." Changmin spoke without any hint or trace of hesitance. With those words, Kyuhyun felt his cheeks suddenly beginning to burn.

"... Ah, that's so creepy!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, trying to hide his almost obvious blush. Changmin let out a loud laugh, earning a glare and a hit from the slightly older hyung.

"How is that creepy?" Changmin asked rhetorically.

"... Because you woke up and watched me sleep without me knowing, why didn't you just wake me up?" Kyuhyun asked with a slightly disappointed expression on his face. Changmin couldn't help but smile at Kyuhyun's cuteness, he was happy much to easily when it came down to it. Well, he was only easily happy when it came to Kyuhyun.

"Well, you don't really  like it when I wake you up. You always end up getting mad at me." Changmin replied, looking directly into Kyuhyun's shining eyes once again.

"That doesn't matter. You could have still woken me up." Kyuhyun pouted at Changmin with a whiny and stubborn tone of voice. Changmin laughed at his boyfriend once again, if only all days were like this.

"And face the consequences of an angry Kyuhyun? No thanks." Changmin replied with a slight smirk plastered onto his lips.

"Yah~" Kyuhyun whined.

"You're too noisy..." Changmin muttered as he stuck his tongue out. Kyuhyun let out another pout.

"And you're too annoying." Kyuhyun retorted, Changmin simply didn't understand why he wasn't mad at Kyuhyun for saying such things to him. Well, it seemed like love turned him into an idiot.

"...What day is it today, Kyuhyunnie?" Changmin suddenly asked, changing the topic.

"Um... I don't know, Friday?" Kyuhyun replied in an unsure tone of voice.

"Don't you have to meet your other hyungs today?" Changmin asked Kyuhyun.

"Not now, I don't want to leave yet..." Kyuhyun muttered, suddenly feeling a chill go up his spine. Kyuhyun quickly moved closer to Changmin's body, wanting to feel the warmth. With their legs entwined and arms around each other, let a smile grace their lips.

Changmin and Kyuhyun simply let the silence engulf them, just enjoying the warmth of each other's presence and company. Kyuhyun laid with his head pressed against his boyfriend's chest, tightly hugging him. Changmin let out another smile, wrapping his arms around his older lover's waist. Changmin sometimes wondered if Kyuhyun knew what he was doing to him. Everything Kyuhyun did was simply so mesmerising for Changmin. Kyuhyun sometimes seemed unconscious of the effect he had on Changmin. Not that Kyuhyun did actually know. He was much to oblivious to it, not to mention how much his hyungs would become over-protective.

"What do you think your hyungs are doing now?" Asked Changmin.

"Mmm, does it really matter?" Kyuhyun asked back with a somewhat annoyed expression on his face. Changmin let out a quiet laugh.

"...I guess not." Changmin replied.

Without any warning, Changmin quickly stole a kiss from Kyuhyun's lips suddenly. Kyuhyun's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yah!" Kyuhyun exclaimed with red cheeks.

Changmin simply smirked.

"But babe, I thought you said you didn't want to leave yet."

"...Where's Kyuhyun?" Asked Shindong at the dorm.

"Didn't he say he was spending the night at Changmin's place or something?" Replied Ryeowook.

"..." And then, there was a silence.

"GIVE ME THE PHONE!! I NEED TO CALL HIM NOW!!" Leeteuk practically screamed, getting his phone out and beginning to call Changmin.

'I'm sorry, your call was unable to be connected'


Let's just say after that, the dorm was in total chaos.


Sorry, it's a little short!~

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LovingKyu #1
Hahaha, it's so cute~ I love the ending
maedeh #2
it was cute and cheesy
4everkyuhyun #3
Ahh! This is so cute!! I've decided! I am gonna be your stalker hehe!! Love it!
sashi91112 #4
LOVELY ENDING! XDDD HAHA oh the hyungs are so epic. Seriously you should make a fic wherein changkyu breaks up because of a misunderstanding and then all the hyungs get all "over-protective" then changkyu can go back together after finding out the problem with the help of certain..." 12 people" XDD lol just a suggestion!
Ending is precious xD
Whooo can't wait this sounds like its gonna be another sweet little fic! Please update soooon :)
4everkyuhyun #7
Ahhh!!! You're killing me with your ChangKyusss!!!! Can't wait!! Please update soon!! I'm waiting :)