Seoul Arts High School

Choose One! Ü

At the bench infront of the School:


EunJi's POV:


I'm sitting infront of the school door waiting for Bomi to come, I sighed in too much boredom. "Aish, that girl, where did that gorilla go again? Eating bananas? aish" I tapped my foot while humming random songs, In too much boredom I counted the students who's passing me by.







31... 32... 33... 34... 35.. 36.. 37.. 38...


I was about to say 39 but then I saw Bomi running, I approached her and hit her shoulder lightly


"YAAA!!!! Neo jinjja?!?" I took a deep sigh, I really want to burst my feelings but then, I just understand Bomi she's really a slowpoke




I thought of someone again before we enter the school door



where's my bestfriend?




I remembered something and frown






"Oh yeah, he has a girlfriend already" Bomi noticed me with furrowing eyebrows and tilt her head to look at me clearly


I didn't notice her staring at me already, she tapped my shoulder



"Ya! EunJi-ah? gwaenchanayo? You don't look fine, not used without Yoseob here with us?" she said continuously. EunJi just looked at her and nodded slowly


"well, yeah. I forgot he has a girlfriend already" she sighed. Bomi caressed EunJi's back. "It's okay Chubby piggy! let's get going before we'll be late" she chuckled. They entered there classroom aned found out that Yoseob was already there, he's reading a book entitled "Slamdunk" seriously, even didn't notice them enter.


They went into there sit and starts to arrange there books needed on there first subject. EunJi glanced at Yoseob who's busy reading his book. Yoseob accidentally looked at her too, their eyes met.



They began staring at each others eyes.


They were interrupted by the teacher who entered the classroom and suddenly looked away to each other. Bomi just cluck her tongue to gesture the "tsk" sound.

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odinaryperson #1
Chapter 6: New reader here..he3
Your story is coool~
Plsss update soon!!!~ ^^