
He's no longer the same.




He is different. No matter how much I try to deny the fact that he’s a changed man, it will never change. Plain. Dull. Unloved. I, like any other women, wanted to be loved. Loved by that one man. 


Now he made me feel like I'm just his toy, something that he can play around with. I tried countless times to change him to who he originally was, to make him change. For me and most importantly, for himself. But obviously, I failed. I would never get Myungsoo to love me like before. He was so close yet so far. Always right beside me but when it comes to feeelings, we were no longer that sweet old loving couple.


“Myungsoo, get out!” I pushed him out towards to door with all my might but he just stood there. Not affected.


“Why? You’re scared?” He scoffed coldly.


“Leave now!” I cried.


“As you wish. ” He smirked and turned his back on me as I heard the door slam shut.


I was left alone in cold empty room. I collapsed on the ground, knees weak, tears falling from my eyes. I've lost count of the number of times I've cried silently in the corners.


And I knew just where he went. Clubbing.


He would come home, reek of alcohol, reek of . Every single night, he would hang out late in the club with his friends who call themselves, Infinite. And of course, girls that were pretty and young, that had the figure all men desired. He had it all, easily. Besides, who could resist the Kim Myungsoo that's so charming and god-like?


It pains me at the very thought of it. The thought of Myungsoo hanging out with other girls and having fun while I'm alone, all by myself, heartbroken. There is nothing I can do no matter how much I want him to stop. I know that he wont listen to me, not anymore.


Even though he hurt me so much, I still cannot forget our past.The beautiful memories with him. Every single one of them.







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I've actually edited the story quite a bit so I strongly recommend you guys to re-read. Love you guys! /Pyong!


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NamSooHyun #1
Chapter 8: i'm really curious about her pass . Myungsoo why u can't forgive her ? she's your wife right ? kkeekeke (too emosional when i'm reading this cause it's really sad) btw update soon !!! can' t wait for it ^_^
Chapter 8: update soon pleaaaseeeee :3
Plzz update soon!!
Hi! I'm your new reader.. Really love this fanfic
I need you to update soon
I want to know about their past and also about the ending.. C:
Belle_xxoxo #5
Please update soon ><
Chapter 8: author-nim.
/bangs tables.
asdfghjkl. a cliff hanger. ; u ;
i wonder who's that unexpected guest. wah!
Chapter 8: can't wait to know why myungsoo changed :) update soon :) you can take your time to update
musix_lover #8
Chapter 8: So exciting!! Thanks for updating! ^^