Rally - continued


they have all met now, exchanged numbers and its been a week since any contact. when key and taemin invite minho, onew and jongyhun out to the shops one day the nerves are on the loose. 

this will be a two-shot, as an experiment whether i should just leave it as a sequal type thingy or if i cna make it into a story :)

hang with me :)


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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 2: so funny your are so awesome love the couples and jong made it even better write more like this
SohAnna #2
Chapter 2: Im loving jong here!!!
If only he was staright in this story,i would really want him to roll into my arms!!!
PoisonInMyCookie #3
Chapter 2: "you're a wheel. Think wood" made me laugh my ___ off.:))

Loved your story. Keep up the goon work!;)
"JUST PICK A COLOUR AND STAY THAT COLOUR!" ~ Best. Line. Ever. And totally Onew as well :P
"JUST PICK A COLOUR AND STAY THAT COLOUR!" ~ Best. Line. Ever. And totally Onew as well :P
boondoks1 #6
OMG,,,that was just so cute,,,and yep,,looks like onew will be the girl in onkey's relationship,,kekeke but 2min's love is really starting to blossom(sequel pls,,kekeke),,they're just so precious,,,kekeke and wheelie jong is funny as always,,,kekeke
Cute! I LOVE then ending! XD Hunting elephants.. heheheheh~ I wouldn't mind a sequal though~ The ending is so open >.<
janekawaii14 #8
Update soon... !!!! It's cute
i-amfr #9
Love it!!! Onjongho's bickering is so amusing.. Can't wait for more!!!! XD