

You live your childhood with your parents contentedly. You shared your secrets with them and they support you on everything you do but it doesn’t last forever. You thought that everything between your mom and dad was fine but it was all a lie. Your dad left you and your mom to live with his new family. After that you don’t trust anyone easily especially if it’s a guy. You and your mom recovered from what happened but when you turned 15 your mom got diagnosed from a colon cancer. Your mom went through chemo therapy but her disease got worse. A week after you turned 16 your mother died. Since then you hated the world, you act cold towards other people. If you’re not on your school you would stay in your room crying all day. You stop mingling with your friends and with others. One day a woman came looking for you. She introduced herself as Mrs. Shin and she told you that she is your grandfather’s secretary. She informed you that your grandfather wants you to live with him in Korea. And your journey will start here. 


It's my first fan fic so that means i'm a new writer. Actually I posted it first at winglin but somehow i decided to post it here also. Please comment and subscribe. Comment is a MUS!!! C=3


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Chugyeokja #1
Donghae & Key in a fic together, that's unusual, but I like it anyways :)