Strawberries and Lemons

One Of A Kind

Alright, update time~! Enjoy my lovely readers, it's a fluff fest up in here!


Hyocha and Himchan were a little different at school the next week, it was beyond unnoticeable. I felt small pricks of jealousy at the fact that they looked closer than ever and I couldn’t work out why. Those little pricks vanished completely however when my thoughts crept to the idea that maybe Hyocha confessed and rather than rejecting her, Himchan accepted. But that was dashed when I remembered Hyocha telling me he knew how she felt a few weeks ago. I really was praying with all the might of a best friend that the girl Himchan planned to make his was Hyocha.

The most agonising thing was that she and I didn’t have P.E. until half way through the week, so I had to endure their mysterious giggles and smiles since Himchan was never not with us.

“Unnie~!” I had started to whine once we got into the courtyard and to the lawn. “Spill!” She just gave me a mischievous and fleeting smile as she bounded away to our class group for the teacher’s orders. Today it was free play so we could choose whether we participate in the class game or do our own thing. Hyocha and I, of course, went running. “Seriously Hyocha!” I jogged after as she bolted when the teacher said go. “I want to know!” She slowed her pace a little and I fell in to step with her.

“Fine. When you guys left, he and I talked.” I knew she was holding out on me so I nudged her and she stumbled into a small ditch before regaining her balance and pushing me back with the bright fluffy laugh of hers that I hadn’t heard for a long while. “Alright! You don’t have go for attempted murder!” I feigned hurt and we both giggled. This light banter could make my day sometimes. I always felt warmer when Hyocha could make me laugh, if it wasn’t for having different parents I would have said we were sisters.

“You wouldn’t have died, calm down drama queen.” It was her turn to act offended as we laughed again together. We just rounded the art block when she pulled on my hand and we stopped. We both panted as we caught our breath and I looked around, noticing  we were in just the right spot to not be seen by a single soul.

“Okay Sunny, are you ready to have your mind blown?” I nodded my head vigorously. Was she going to tell me my hopes came true? I did have that tickle again that it would be something good but my worrisome nature still forced that nagging feeling right back into the front of mind once again. She didn’t seem heartbroken so that tugging in my head was totally unnecessary...right? She looked at me with her intense eyes, her lips before speaking. “Himchan asked me on a date.”

For a brief second I was frozen, that was until I started jumping up and squealing out of joy. “Finally! I have been waiting for so long! Well, not as long as you of course, but still!” I hugged her as tight as I could, feeling her arms wrap around my waist with our shared excitement. My heart tickled out of happiness for both of them. I still couldn’t get my head around why I’d had those ugly feelings not long ago when she said they’d kissed since any negative emotion I could muster was quashed from every inch of my body at her news. “Wait.” I pulled back from our hug and looked at her with my not-so-great poker face. I pursed my lips, considering her reaction. “What did you say to him?”

She just gave me an exasperated look before pushing lightly on my shoulder. “You know exactly what I said.” I felt a gajillion times lighter, and if that wasn’t a number already, it was now. This had fulfilled all my doting best friend daydreams of seeing them together but I still wondered at how Himchan had changed his mind so easily from me to Hyocha, something had to have convinced him of what was going on in his own heart. I internally face palmed for a second. Daehyun. That boy and his wisdom were surely a godsend. I would have to buy him a really big piece of cheesecake at lunch now.





“Daehyunnie~! I got this just for you.” I beamed down at the piece of chocolate cheesecake before flashing a sweet smile to him. He eyed it carefully, not taking it from my hands as he sat at the lunch table.

“What did you do to it?” I was surprised by his words.

“Why!? I can do nice things for people. I got this for you because I love you and you’re the best oppa ever!” I gave the cutest eye smile I could manage but jumped when I heard a cough behind me. Yongguk stood there with an expectant expression and I blushed hard before laughing sheepishly. “I mean, other than you of course. Just Daehyunnie did something really special recently.” Both their eyes widened.

“What exactly did I do?”

“Well I don’t know specifically, nor do I really know when you did it. But I know it happened.” Daehyun was giving me one of those hurry-up kind of faces, probably desperate to find out whether he really should accept my offering or not. “I know you said something to Himchan. About love or relationships or whatever. I know you did!” His lips slipped into that all-knowing smile he had and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back as he carefully took the cake from my hands. “You honestly don’t know how much I appreciate you right now oppa.” I kissed him on the cheek and I noticed Yongguk flinch. I couldn’t tell if it was the oppa or the kiss that did it but I still thought it was absolutely adorable. My heart fluttered a bit when I sat next to him and he put his arm around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer.

He grunted when I took a bite of his food but when I went for more he just took the fork off me. “No.” He huffed as he put food on it. I was about to pout until he directed the fork at me. I felt myself brighten as I opened my mouth but just as I could have bitten it he shoved into his own and smiled cheekily at me.

“Oppa!” I whined but stomped away to get my own lunch, feeling his hand latch on to mine before I got away from the table.

“Sorry jagi, but you’re just too cute.” He grinned wickedly before planting a kiss on the back of my hand and letting me go. My breath hitched. I was the cute one? Did he just never look in the mirror or what? Yongguk was the definition of adorable. My stomach tingled as I walked away, feeling lighter and all fluffy on the inside. How could one guy do this to me? I had to admit, I loved the feelings he gave me but I couldn’t help but feel a little vulnerable in his presence; like the whole world could get to me just as I opened up to him. The one thing I really loved about him though, was that feeling didn’t matter. I could open up but he would protect me from whatever the world could throw at us. We would get lemons and he could turn them into strawberries. Not to mention strawberries, at least to me, were the greatest fruit on the planet.






Walking home was never boring anymore. I used to go with Himchan but he could never come often, now Yongguk was with me each day, living only a few blocks away from me himself. I felt a buzz through my body when he took my hand and led me down the street, straight passed my door. “Oppa, where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” In that moment I got a rare wink from him and the buzz turned to a shiver when the warmth of his hand spread through rest of me as he pulled me close to him. Eventually, after only a few more minutes, we got to the ice-cream shop where Yongguk worked. He grinned at me as he pulled me in. Why were we here? I felt the coolness of the ice-cream tickling my tummy before we even got through door, already knowing what flavour to get. “Cup with a blue spoon right?” I snapped out of my thoughts about ice-cream and nodded at his gummy smile. “Strawberry? And, wait don’t tell me, um caramel?” I was impressed that he could remember my favourite order when I’d only been here once with him before, and he was working.

“Definitely. I’ll go sit down.” I did just that, outside where my favourite seat was in the warm afternoon sun. The ice-cream would melt quickly but that’s why I always got a cup. Yongguk brought out our orders and sat opposite me with his back facing the sleepy sunlight. His face was dark but there was a glow to the edge of his silhouette that made me admire his perfection more than usual. He looked up from his ice-cream to see me staring and gave me an innocent, doe-eyed look.


“Nothing.” His face was soft and it was like our lips were in permanent smiles the whole day and I wasn’t going to get tired of it. “So why did you bring me here?” He shrugged taking a long at the ice-cream atop his cone. He was much more skilled than Himchan at not letting it melt onto his hand.

“Just something different to usual.” I was happy enough with that answer. It was late spring so it was a perfect moment for the creamy snack especially in the warmth of the late afternoon.

When we were done we stayed a little while. I didn’t want to leave this for my homework that beckoned to me from my backpack on the floor. “Oppa?” He’d been twiddling with both mine and his fingers in our comfortable silence before he looked up, his inviting eyes twinkling with that childish recognition. He hummed in response. “I...I…” The words that I wanted to say were right on my tongue. I knew how my heart beat that little bit faster each time I thought about him, how my stomach fluttered when I got to see his face, how my body shuddered from his warmth when he held me, how my day felt brighter when I heard him say my name. This wasn’t something I was going to give up and I knew he felt the same way, he said it without saying the words, he showed me without giving me anything to see, he let me feel it without even touching me. “Oppa, I love you.”

To my surprise, he wasn’t surprised. All Yongguk did was take my hand in his and flash that winning smile before pulling me across the small table. I saw the fireworks burst before my lidded eyes when he kissed me, whispering quietly against my lips. “I love you too jagi.”

From then on I forgot about trying to make lemonade and decided to learn the recipe for strawberry milkshakes.



AAAAH I had my own butterflies writing this lol especially the strawberries and lemons bit >.< its going to be my life's motto now haha i praise fanfiction more than anyone knows.......

anyways comment/subscribe/enjoy ^-^ <3

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Just finished writing two new chapters for this but retardedly deleted the second one...and it was an exciting one too!!!


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please pick up your request here -
Chapter 23: sooo sweett this story!!! >////< though i think theres too much aegyo XD but still sweet like ice cream XD i love it! good job author-nim!i'll be looking forward for the next story~~ <3
Chapter 24: asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkll its not rite??????????? nooooooooooooooooooo my feels
Chapter 21: sstill got no time to read this and I got a completed mark on ur story ;A; gonna miss this ;A;
Chapter 22: Btw, congratz on finishing your exams.LETS PARTAYYYY!!! hasa okay, this is improper fir a lady like me. /flashyouaninnocentsmile/
Chapter 22: WAIT... WAYLT... WHAT??? DAEJAE IS HERE OMFG.. I LOVE YOU ANYDAY!!! ANYWAY!!! HAHAAAHA on a side note: i wanna be a lynchpin too. Sounds really cool, to have a bunch of friends beside you.
lee-eunhee #7
new reader~! ^^
it's sooooo cute! I think I'm gonna puke rainbows soon. e________e
I havent finished yet, just started on the first few chapters and I got hooked
Chapter 21: u going to end it??? :( im sooo going to miss this story... i love the fact that i can see the development of friendship between daehyun and yongguk... tho a tad disappointment in daehyun love line, i wish he will find someone who deserves him. aaaaaaaaa my daehyun feels... cant wait to read more from you. :)
Chapter 20: gud luck for your assignments. i know how it feel to have lots of pending assingments. seesh. hahahahaha xD