Well That Escalated Quickly

One Of A Kind

I sat in home room with my palm against my cheek as Daehyun strode in with that cute smile of his. He looked so natural and handsome that I felt very lucky to be able to be his friend. But his happiness had been so much more than usual and I was too curious not to ask. "Daehyun-ah?" He hummed as a response. "What's made you so smiley lately?" He looked at me as if he'd been caught out but brushed it off with a sheepish laugh. His cheeks blazed pink and he looked down so his dark brown fringe fell across his eyes.

"I would be lying if I said it was nothing." His smile was bigger than when he walked in and I could tell he was excited to tell me.  I felt the excitement transfer to me as my stomach tingled at the anticipation for good news. "After you came over on the weekend," he sighed deeply which put me on edge, "I went to buy some ramen."
"Of course you did. What else is there but your stomach?" Teasing him was fun and he huffed at my remark.
"Aish, you. I don't think I'll tell you now. You don't deserve to know."
"Wah! No please tell me! I promise to behave." It had been a while since I used aegyo what with all the stuff that happened but I found it quite fun to use again to convince Daehyun I was sincere. "Bbuing bbuing~!"
 "Ugh alright. You're too cute you know that?" I nodded and giggled feeling warm from his comment. "Her name is Jee-Sik." I made quite an audible gasp as several students turned to me.
"Daehyunnie~!" I flew over to hug him tight. My excitement was too much. I felt so happy that he might have found someone but since it had only been a few days I wasn't going to assume they were already dating. "I'm so proud of you!"
"Sunny-ah! Stop that. You're embarrassing." But he just laughed and smiled in my embrace. he was embarrassed but happy and that's what counts.
"So what's she like?"
"Like an ever cuter version of you but she's sweet like Hyocha."
"Yah! I can be sweet!" He scoffed after I lightly punched his arm. Evidently I couldn't. "Well I'm happy for you and hey, I'm going to meet her soon right?"
"Soon enough yeoja, soon enough."
"Oppa! How are you?"
"I'm good now that I see you." Yongguk flashed that gorgeous gummy smile and I melted. Despite how my heart raced or my body tingled, everything was completely comfortable between us other than that he didn't really enjoy PDA much.
"You two are gonna make me vomit." Himchan made a gagging sound and I glared. He was still obstinate but he always had been and I enjoyed it, he kept everything light and playful. 
"Just cause you're jealous." Yongguk and I snickered at him. We sat so close together it was hard to know which warmth was whose. "Oppa can you pass me the napkin?" I saw that cheeky smile once more as he passed over the small  folded paper.
"Since you call me oppa what can I call you?" I was caught off guard by the question but the answer seemed obvious enough.
"Ah but everyone calls you that." He sounded discontent almost like a three year old about to throw a fit.
"Well, what do you want to call me? Cause you wouldn't have asked if you hadn't already thought about it."
A smile spread across his plump lips and he had that all-knowing look on his features. I was waiting for some embarrassing pet name I had never considered or something so ridiculous it shouldn't have been thought. "Jagi."
His voice had that sense of finality to it and he nodded as he spoke the one word. The way he said it was quite nice, like it had its very own sound and song. I wanted it to be the only thing he ever called me but I had to remember that I had an actual name. "Sounds perfect to me." I smiled as I continued to eat. Everything was falling into place. I had Yongguk and Daehyun had found someone for him now all that was left was for Himchan to finally wake up to Hyocha. I looked up at him and he was staring with an odd expression. "Aw Himchan is jealous. He wants his own jagiya." Teasing him was as much fun as teasing Daehyun.
"I've already got one." His voice was defiant and a little shaky so I could tell he wasn't telling the truth so all I had to was raise a brow for him to elaborate. "Well not yet of course, but soon." That was when Hyocha came over.
"What's soon?"
"Himchan's hooked himself a girl apparently." Yongguk nodded towards our friend but grunted when I nudged his ribs. As I expected Hyocha's face fell in a barely noticeable way. No one knew who this girl could be or if she even existed, since I was pretty sure he was lying. Despite that I did know he could get just about anyone he wanted with his wily charms. Hyocha knew this too and she hunched slightly while formed a tight line. All her pain was so subtle on the outside that I was fairly sure I was the only one to see it but I could tell how little it reflected what she really felt.
Yongguk and I were sitting at the end of the group with Daehyun and Hyocha on either side so I put my hand under the table and felt for her leg, squeezing it lightly in reassurance. But instead of the small smile I expected, Daehyun glanced at me with wide eyes. Wrong leg. I had to convey my sorriness through my look and somehow Daehyun understood so I moved my hand the opposite direction and finally received the smile I'd intended to get.
When the bell finally rang I kissed Yongguk's cheek and rushed after Hyocha. She smiled again as I replaced my boyfriend's grasp with my best friend's in the only manner that I could really cheer her up.
Himchan and Yongguk had a few classes together one of them being P.E. They didn't have the pleasure of being able to wave to their friends a few floors above since they were inside. So they were mostly left to themselves or their thoughts for entertainment. "Himchan?" Yongguk spoke through his heavy panting as the two were sidelined during the basketball game in the gym. They were both sweating profusely and Himchan wiped at his forehead before pouring half a bottle of water over it, letting it spill down his shirt front and back. "Who is this girl?"
"Do we have to talk about it hyung?"
"Yeah, I'm honestly kind of worried." Himchan turned to the elder and held out the water bottle shaking it a bit before Yongguk accepted.
Himchan had a long pause before he spoke again, trying to regain a steady rhythm to his breathing. "Why should you be worried? It's not like it's Sunny." Frustration flared through Yongguk and he was sure it was evident in his sneer. What kind of crap was he spitting up? It would never be Sunny, never. It made Yongguk proud to be able to say she was his, and only his, despite him knowing Sunny would say she wasn't a possession. He didn't think of her as one and wouldn't dare let himself. Instead he did let his voice drop low and fill with disdain.
"You're damn right it's not." He hadn't expected to sound so fierce but sure wasn't going to apologise. 
"You're damn well about to step over the line hyung." They were heating up from the tension in their words. Their scowls matched  and so did the anger coloring their words. "So you know what, it's none of your business who this girl is. So don't bother asking again."
"Well whatever it is you're planning, don't let them get hurt."
"Sunny and Hyocha." Himchan made to remark but they were both tapped on the shoulder by their team mates. Before they'd had fun despite being on opposite teams but this had turned into something else. Yongguk's defense was strong but Himchan's offense was ferocious. They pushed and clawed and shoved at each other, monopolizing the ball within their feud. Most of the other players got fed up and let them play it out until the teacher called time and  sent the two off to change.
When they stood by their lockers, Yongguk couldn't help but to admire Himchan's build. He admitted that the kid was kind of scrawny but any girl would swoon over him anyway. He felt a little sick that he could have gotten so mad and knew he had to swallow whatever argument he had against apologizing. "Channie, look. I'm sorry about earlier."
Himchan was motionless for a second before he looked up. He wasn't angry and mouth was set in a thin almost smile. "It's alright Yongguk-hyung, I understand why you said it. And I'm sorry too." They smiled wide to each other with great waves of relief. The last thing anyone needed now was for them to be arguing as well. Yongguk appreciated Himchan a lot but he knew it didn't have to be said just that respecting each other was key to keeping it that way. It was a good idea to apologize after the game since Yongguk now felt so much of his frustrations gone and he assumed his friend was the same. Yongguk had a feeling that if they'd sorted it out before hand, they might not have been as calm feeling afterwards. They had actually enjoyed the game a fair amount and making up for their argument was a pretty good bonus after releasing their anger through sport.

SO I found a way to write the new chapters without my laptop it's tiring though cos I'm using an iPad =.= stupid autocorrect keeps giving me retarded words so don't mind the typos and stuff....I'm sorry I didn't put it up sooner but I got around to writing another oneshot. So if you want to read it while you wait for the next update here the oneshot is called I Will Wait

Thankyou and enjoy~!

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Just finished writing two new chapters for this but retardedly deleted the second one...and it was an exciting one too!!!


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Chapter 23: sooo sweett this story!!! >////< though i think theres too much aegyo XD but still sweet like ice cream XD i love it! good job author-nim!i'll be looking forward for the next story~~ <3
Chapter 24: asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkll its not rite??????????? nooooooooooooooooooo my feels
Chapter 21: sstill got no time to read this and I got a completed mark on ur story ;A; gonna miss this ;A;
Chapter 22: Btw, congratz on finishing your exams.LETS PARTAYYYY!!! hasa okay, this is improper fir a lady like me. /flashyouaninnocentsmile/
Chapter 22: WAIT... WAYLT... WHAT??? DAEJAE IS HERE OMFG.. I LOVE YOU ANYDAY!!! ANYWAY!!! HAHAAAHA on a side note: i wanna be a lynchpin too. Sounds really cool, to have a bunch of friends beside you.
lee-eunhee #7
new reader~! ^^
it's sooooo cute! I think I'm gonna puke rainbows soon. e________e
I havent finished yet, just started on the first few chapters and I got hooked
Chapter 21: u going to end it??? :( im sooo going to miss this story... i love the fact that i can see the development of friendship between daehyun and yongguk... tho a tad disappointment in daehyun love line, i wish he will find someone who deserves him. aaaaaaaaa my daehyun feels... cant wait to read more from you. :)
Chapter 20: gud luck for your assignments. i know how it feel to have lots of pending assingments. seesh. hahahahaha xD