They Exist, They Really Really Do !


"Kyu,Kyu!" 5-yr old Wookie yelled bounding into Kyuhyuns room disturbing the younger from his engrossing storybook, or so it seems
"Yes Wookie?" Kyuhyun asked "I was just finishing Appa's sudoku book that he finally gave to me, can it wait ?

"NO! Kyu !! Aliens really exist !! Donghae Hyung told me so !!! Thay really exist !!!"Little Ryeowook squealed happily.

"No Thay do not, You and I know that Donghae hyung is a 6-year old with the mental capacity of a 6 month old baby"Kyuhyun answered

" Awwww !! Kyu Kyu !!! Don't use big words, My head hurts."

Kyuhyun sighed heavily, sometimes being a 4 year old genius wasn't good when living in a household of morons, especially with an overprotective mother,A drinker Racoon for a father, an eccentric older brother, an adopted Chinese brother , Twin Brothers that think Aliens exist and a brother whom was the most sensible of the lot being converted to an Alien believer by one of the twins.

Kyuhyun ground his teeth, "Wookie, if you don't stop Trying to tell me Aliens exist I will not hesitate to kick you out of my room Kyuhyun glared at his slightly older brother returning his gaze to his sudoku book.

"But Kyu !!! They do exist !! " 5 year old Ryeowook insisted tugging at his sleeve.

"No they Don't !"Kyuhyun answered 

"They Do !! They really do !!"

Kyuhyun mentally face palmed himself Suddenly he started to tear up. 
Just that moment Their overbearing mother decided to make an appearance in Kyuhyun room, immediately  zero-ing in on his youngest child seeing the tears spilling in his slightly puffy cheeks.

He picked up his youngest son, giving Ryeowook 'the look' before taking Kyuhyun to his own room. "Now Baby Kyu, Stop crying, Siwonnie will be coming , to play with you, no go and play in my room for awhile.

"Okay"Kyuhyun sniffed.

Finally some alone time. Stupid Hyung, The crying kid card always works , Kyuhyun smiled gleefully pulling another puzzle book from the stack in the corner in the room and settling on the middle of the bed, He didn't notice when Siwonnie opened the door and smiled at Kyuhyun.

 "Kyu !!! Do you know Aliens exist !?" Siwon demanded flopping on the bed

Kyuhyun could only face palm again and flop down on the bed from sheer absurdity of the situation.
"I live with Idiot, They're all idiots."Kyuhyun muttered repeatedly
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Chapter 1: this is adorable ;-;
awwwww this is so freaking cute!! XD
lovinkyu #3
Lol !! They're not idiot Kyu, you're just too genius
cute genius
hahahaha this is so funny and cute!!
Kyu-kyu is a 4yrd who can solve sudoku?? He is a genius :D