I have no idea what i'm doing.

Don't Leave

Something from the series , " the rangers Appentice" . Not sure if many of you have read the book , but well this is basically based on it. I don't know if it'll make sense or not. But .. Oh Well.  

I also want to apologise for my dissapearing act.I'm having writers block more or less, But the only diffrence is i can't dance, sing, write, draw and photoshop. So i'm like tearing y hair out, Going crazy . So Well Yeah, I have no idea when i'll post more or whatever but  i will just not sure when. 


Kyuhyun wraps his molted green cloak tighter around himself muttering all sorts of incoherencies under his breath. His hawk like eyes following every movemt of Siwon, his partner supposed knight in shining armor. 

As Kyuhyun was only a forth year apprentice he had to have a companion wherever and whenever carrying out missions. Siwon also an apprentice but from battleschool was assigned to him by his mentor, the legendary Will Treaty.  Kyuhyun had been given the task of retrieving a bag of precious stones from a band of renegade theives for his year end assessment .

It would have been an easy job unfortunately he had been assigned a partner.

Choi Siwon.

An idiot in Kyuhyuns eyes.  Siwon was all muscles, sometimes Kyuhyun thought he didn't have a brains. Blundering into every situation in front of him. Kyuhyun couldn't deny Siwon wasn't handsome with a chiseled jaw and a perfect face Siwon was the epitome of on legs except for his annoying nature.

Kyuhyun watched Siwon while he sat rock still under the shelter of a cluster of trees about 20 meters away. Siwon had successfully made contact with the leader of the renegade theives minutes prior and was trying to worm himself in. 

Kyuhyuns eyes quickly registered the presence of 3 purple cloaks and he found this strange. Why would genovesans be hired for the transportation of precious jewels ? Kyuhyun filed away that small piece of information for further use.

After about another hour of watching Kyuhyun quietly creeped away back to camp where  he left Leeteuk and Donghae his horse and dog repectively.  Leeteuk nickered a soft greeting when he entered the clearing and donghae's thumped his tail softly against the green grass.

So how is Siwon ?

"He's set on just fine." Kyuhyun said patting his horses muzzle at the same time giving Donghae a belly rub.

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stargyu #1
Chapter 1: Lololol siwon is and idiot in kyuhyun's eyes...
Also leeteuk the horsey and donghae the doggie kkkkk
Wait for update :D
Saravy #2
Chapter 1: Leeteuk's a horse and Donghae's a dog! Hahahaha!!! That's hilarious! Sorry...this is really interesting so far. I can't wait to see where you go with this! ^^
Chapter 1: I'm waiting!! ^^
waiting for it ^_^
I don't care! Just post it :D