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How Much Time Remains [semihiatus]

:::: NAMI'S POV ::::

I tried to let it all sink into my mind for a second.

"Jang Dongwoo, what are you trying to pull? Are you trying to tell me something? Do you think I'm stupid?"

The only reply that came was the slam of a door. As I blinked, I saw his blurry silhouette in the corner of my eye, then he left.

My determination to get my answers just increased with every footstep. I turned corners and dodged glances just to find him.

It was then that I realized he didn't have my answers, he was my answer. And I think I've just been ignoring that thought all along.

Maybe he was the one that exited the school building? Possibly, but where could he be?

I thought I should change into something more comfortable, so I ended up heading to the girls' dorms. I didn't know where I stayed, who I stayed with, and what I would do with myself after I was relieved to find closure. Lucky for me, Muna and I met each other on the way into the building. I asked her where I stayed, only to be replied with "I'm not sure, sorry". Instead, Muna offered to let me stay the night in her dorm. I hesitantly agreed.

"Are you sure it's alright?" I asked warily.

She shrugged. "You don't seem like your intentions are to cause harm here, so I don't really mind." Then she asked if I had any clothes to wear to bed, to which I responded with a nervous shake of the head. She reached into her drawers and picked out sky blue pajama pants with a black t-shirt, and proceeded to push me into the bathroom.

From inside the lavatory, I asked what the big hurry was. She claimed that curfew is very strictly enforced, and anyone found violating it would be severely punished. Guards would be sent to each room to check if the occupants were inside and sleeping.

"Wait, curfew? I thought it was 5:30...."

"Time passes fast in this world, so you have no choice but to at least learn to make the best of the day. Hurry up and change. Curfew is in ten minutes."

"Okay," I answered weakly.

I scrambled to complete the outfit, pulling the black U-KISS t-shirt over my head. After I tied my hair in a neat ponytail, I looked at the mirror, at the person staring back. Was it really me? Was I really in this world?

This was the first time I looked at myself ever since I entered this purgatory. I stared deep into my own eyes to find something...something I had now that I didn't quite possess before. Sincerity? Compassion? I don't know.

I shook my head and opened the door, quietly tip-toeing to the countless layers of blankets Muna had laid out for me. I reluctantly lowered my body down on the "bed".

"Nami," Muna called quietly. "Do you wanna sleep on the bottom bunk?"

"Am I allowed to?"

"Of course. Just hurry up, the guards will be here in about two minutes."

I scurried to the bottom bunk and hurriedly dug under the covers, accidentally hitting my head on the top bunk while I was at it. This caused Muna to giggle before she turned off the lights.

My brain took the initiative to calm me down, and for a while, I could hear nothing but breathing. My own.

Five minutes passed and I sensed light pouring into the room. The guards were here.

"Are they sleeping?" I heard one say.

The other took a single step into the room. "Positive." Then the guard cautiously shut the door on the way out.

"Muna," I whispered after the guards left.


"Will you get Jang Dongwoo to talk to me tomorrow?"

"I'll try."

:::: DONGWOO'S POV ::::

It was another sleepless night. I don't know what was going on, but I didn't like it. Have my feelings for Nami subsided? Have her feelings for me disappeared as well? 

No matter how much I want to talk to her, this force pulls me back and I feel helpless.

On the other hand, people in this world were treating me like a king. Did I do something that won them over? As far as I know, I haven't done anything except wander around like a lost soul.

I want to tell Nami I love her. I was never given the chance.

I want it to be special.

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*All stories will be updated at least once within the next seven days. Thanks for your patience!*


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ron337 #1
You kind of made me feel like reading that angel beats manga.. hihi.. waiting for your next update... :D