Scripted Destiny

How Much Time Remains [semihiatus]

:::: NAMI'S POV ::::

The wind had been completely knocked out of me.

I know I flatlined, I just know it.

I reached out into the darkness, hoping it would pull me in. So at least I could feel something. So at least I'd know I wasn't totally lost.

The regret I had was unmeasurable. Those were my final moments and I didn't even think it all through. It took so long to process in my head that... it overwhelmed me. That's the only word I can think of. It was all so...sudden.

Then I thought, that's it? That's all I lived for? I lived 18 years of life to be kicked into oblivion, and absolutely nothing to commemorate it was shown in front of my eyes? I thought you were supposed to experience a flashback before you died. A flashback of every single thing that happened in your life, squeezed into some amount of nanoseconds.

But in a matter of seconds, a small circle of light was gradually coming into sight. It was like waiting for a train to approach you from the start of a tunnel, while you stood right smack dab in the middle, arms wide open, anticipating the moment when your skin would clash with rusted metal.

It's like I was brought by an angel towards the light. With every second that passed, the light became bigger and bigger and bigger, until it seemed like I was running into it...

In five measly seconds, I witnessed my whole life flash before my eyes. From the minute I was born, to my final breath. I could sense my friends weeping for me. Especially him. He's crying the hardest.



I woke up in a hospital bed. With the hospital gown, IVs, and all -- but I had no injuries. No bruises, scratches, cuts...absolutely nothing. My skin was perfectly fine and I was sure I turned insane at that moment. Sanity check: what's 2+2? What century is it? Who are your two best friends?

Easy as pi. 4. 21st. Sohee and Dongwoo.

I sat up at the realization that this wasn't the world I was used to. It couldn't be, right? How could I have survived that accident, let alone walk away without a scratch?

The obnoxious laughs of teenage boys echoed in my ears, then I noticed the windows were open. I walked towards them clumsily, as if I forgot how to walk, but caught the windowsill just in time to regain my balance. I glanced outside. There, below me, was a vast field of the greenest grass I've ever seen. I assumed it was a sports field, because the teenagers were all laughing, dribbling basketballs and swinging bats and whatnot. They all looked familiar, and I swear I heard those laughs before.

I wanted so desperately to gain a sense of comfort and reassurance -- to know where I am, to know how I got here, and to know why I'm like this. They were the only people I saw around here, so I ran out of the hospital room, only to bump into Mrs. Navy Blue Sweater, who really should take her eyes off that distracting clipboard of hers.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" she scolded, shaking her clipboard in the air. I took that as a sign that she was threatening to hit me with it if I didn't back off.

"I'm really sorry," I apologized while bowing a full 90 degrees. "I really have to check something, so I was-"

She took hold of my wrist before I could make a run for the exit. "Miss Kim, I was given orders to keep you in your room until you've fully recovered."

I stared back at her with a confused look on my face. "Recovered? From WHAT? I'm not physically injured or anything."

"No, but you were sent to the hospital after you accumulated mononucleosis. I'm sure you're familiar with that term?"

"O___O ....yes?"

"It wasn't severe or anything. Besides, you should be out of here in the next day or two. I'm sure you can stay until then, right?"

"Erm...sure. I don't even know how I got mono."

"Well, you know it's called the 'kiss-'"

"'ing disease', yeah I know. But I haven't kissed anyone!"

"You sure about that?" she eyed me suspiciously.

"Yes! Positive."

"Hmm." I knew she didn't buy it. "Maybe you're experiencing amnesia?"

"WHAT? I didn't swap spit with ANYONE!"

She put a hand on my shoulder as an attempt to calm me down but all I did was glare at it in utter disgust. "You're in denial. I know what it's like to be dumped by a guy of...that social status."

"What are you talking about??!! I didn't hook up with anyone, I didn't kiss anybody, and I don't even have the slightest clue of how I got here, so if you're trying to test my patience I suggest you stop." I aggressively pulled away from her grasp and stormed towards the exit.

:::: DONGWOO'S POV ::::

A few days have passed since the incident. I tried my best to be strong for her, and also for poor Sohee, who would shed a tear at even the thought of one of her favorite things.

It soon hit me that I couldn't do it. I couldn't live without her no matter how much I tried. I know she'd want me to move on, but in the end, darkness overcame my happiness and my attempts at trying to recover from such a tragic depression ultimately failed.

I was like a lost soul wandering the streets. While the rain poured, I walked along cement pathways, trying to find something to live for. Almost like a motivation. Something that would be worth it in the end.

I loved her with all my being, and I thought it was my job to protect her. Not only because I want to be with her, but also because she's my best friend. We're like family. As it turns out, I did a pretty bad job.

I walked past houses, schools, and stores, waiting for a sign to come. I walked all the way to the hospital where Sohee was a medical intern, so I decided to drop by and see how she's doing.

- (Blehhh. Skipping because I'm getting lazy.)


She asked me to accompany her for lunch, but neither of us really had an appetite for anything, so we ended up just sitting in a Starbucks across town.

We both sat there speechless, not knowing what to say, or even what to think anymore.

"So, how are you holding up, oppa?" she asked, her voice getting quieter with every word.

I sighed. "I'm...okay, I guess. God probably intended for it to happen." I wiped a tear off her cheek. "Don't cry.. she wants you to be strong for her. She knows you can do it."

She nodded. "I miss her so much. Nothing's the same anymore without Nami unnie."

"You have to trust that God is taking care of her, which I'm sure he is. Sohee-yah, we can't dwell on this anymore. We must be strong."

After the song in the coffee shop changed, I started bawling. So much for being strong.

Life goes on

It gets so heavy

The wheel breaks the butterfly

Every tear, a waterfall

In the night, the stormy night

She closed her eyes...

The tears would not stop falling.

She dreamed of para, para, paradise...



When I arrived home, I went straight towards my bedroom. The pain was killing me and I literally couldn't take it. Besides, I had nothing else to do.

A few minutes later, I drifted into a peaceful sleep. 

:::: NAMI'S POV ::::

I looked left and right for the kids on the sports field, and when I spotted them, most of them were tackling each other.

I approached the two, a male and a female, who were sitting on a picnic table, just watching the others have fun. Both of them seemed to be injured.

As I walked towards them, the injured girl immediately slammed her fists on the table. "Who are you??" she asked.

"I-I'm..." I stuttered.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know this field is restricted to all except for students of RM ranking at this hour?"

"RM ranking?"

"Yes, RM ranking." She stared me down like I was a complete idiot. "The highest social rank at this school. You should know that. I've seen your face before, you're not totally new." Now that you mention it, she doesn't really look like a stranger either...

"I'm not?"

She rolled her eyes. "You're wasting my time. Go away. Shoo." She gestured for me to leave.

"Hey, lady! I don't know what your name is. I don't even know what I'm doing here. I just wanted an explanation."

"Well then, ask an RH rank."

"Huh?" It was then that I spotted HIM. "Dongwoo-yah! Hey!" I waved at him.

He ignored me.

The girl snorted. "Do you actually think he'd talk to you? You're just lucky a guy of RM rank chose you. Usually our guys don't even notice RH ranks."

"'Chose' me? What do you mean?"

"He chose you. As in, you two went out for some time before he dumped you. I told him RH girls weren't his type..." she sighed.

"Noona.." the injured boy sitting next to her tapped her on the shoulder.

"What is it, Ricky?"

"I think you're being too hard on her, noona.." the boy, apparently called Ricky, said quietly. "She doesn't know what she's doing."

"Psh. Obviously."

He got up and offered me his hand. "Here, I'll explain anything." He smiled at me. Ricky was a cute kid. He was serious and stood up for what he believed in, but he has a lot of aegyo.

I hesitantly took it.



"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To talk. I have a secret place no one knows about where I go to think." He grinned.

"But we just met each other..."

"Not exactly. You're a pretty familiar face around here, believe it or not."

- - - - - - - - - -

;lajfopewik I had to end it there. If I kept writing, I probably would never stop. xD

I hope you enjoyed ^~^ comments are appreciated :]

I MUST change the background of this story omg. It's kinda distracting me a;lkjfwoeu298owaieflkdjs.


If you want frequent updates on this story, follow me on twitter @tiatoinfinity_ <3

[I dunno if any of you noticed/listen to them but the title of this chapter is a reference to a Simple Plan song. XD I think you should listen to it. LOL bai~]

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ron337 #1
You kind of made me feel like reading that angel beats manga.. hihi.. waiting for your next update... :D