Drastic Change

How Much Time Remains [semihiatus]

(A/N: No comment on the kissing scene. Absolutely nothing.)

:::: NAMI'S POV ::::

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAMI!~" Our guests exploded in unison.

It was my 18th birthday. I was finally becoming a woman, and I was determined not to let anything get in the way of that.

I have waited too long for this day.

Despite it being a big day for me, I didn't want my house to be filled with people. Regardless of how big the house is. That's why I only invited the people who matter to me and are always there for me -- my two best friends.

Jang Dongwoo and Ahn Sohee.

We basically did everything together.

They've always been there to give me advice, listen to my rants, and comfort me when I cry. We all met at the beginning of elementary school, and somehow our trio just instantly clicked.

Sohee was the type of friend every girl wished for. She was loyal, caring, trustworthy, and she would never hesitate to give you a hand if she saw you struggle. She was the kind of person to show her bubbly personality inside through her appearance outside. Like now, her hair was put up into a neat bun, her light blue blouse matched the friendship bracelet both of us were wearing (except mine is red, my favorite color), and the moonlight shone off her sweet smile.

I could say the same about Dongwoo, but it wouldn't be true. You know what they say -- opposites attract. He was the laidback type, with the mysterious personality, and the "don't bother me unless you're dying" persona. But to say he has an ugly smile is the worst lie you could ever tell. Nicknamed Gummed Angel (by nickname enthusiast Sohee), his smile is beautiful enough to outshine the sun. Beautiful is also an understatement...

My name is Kim Nami. I only have a few things to say about myself. I am the eldest in the trio, being just two months older than Dongwoo. My beauty is not comparable to those of my friends. I am not pretty. The only things I have that benefit me are my good grades in school, and my singing voice.

Well, that's what I'm always told. Anyway, back to the current scene.

My father, a well known artist in Daegu, emerged from the kitchen out onto the patio with the most magnificent cake I have ever seen. A huge, rectangular, double chocolate cake that had "Happy 18th Birthday Nami" spelled out in sprinkles on the top.

"Hurry and blow out the candles before the wind beats you to it!" Sohee clapped eagerly.

I did what she asked and extinguished the tiny flames in one swift "SWOOSH".

"Yay, our Nami is a woman now!" I heard Dongwoo point out next to me. He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh, shut up, Mr. Jang." I elbowed him in the ribs. "I'm not gonna do what you're thinking of for a longggggg time."

"Okay, if you say so..." he shrugged it off. "But you know, the temptation gets stronger as you-"

"Oppa, stop!" Sohee pleaded playfully.

Dongwoo sighed. "Alright."

I shot him a guilty smile.

"Do you kids want to go out for karaoke? I'll give you some money if you want," my mother offered.

"I-I'd love to, Mrs. Kim, but my parents won't let me go to the downtown area without an adult," Sohee looked on guiltily.

"Sohee-yah, you WILL be with an adult." I winked at her and laughed.

"Oh yeah," she chuckled. "I forgot about that."

I giggled childishly as I took the money from my mom and tightly embraced her.

We walked off our property, then began my journey as a woman.

:::: DONGWOO'S POV ::::

They made me drive. Birthday girl and bubbly girl made me drive. *sigh*

Sohee's excuse? She might eventually get intoxicated (even though her innocence is still well kept and she hasn't had alcohol ONCE), and Nami's excuse was...well it's her birthday.

They know I hate driving downtown. Especially at night. The traffic is heavy and all the drunks come out of their caves, doing who knows what.

-fast forward to when they arrive at the karaoke place for fear of making this chapter too long and scaring readers away LOL-

All three of us stepped into the karaoke room with somewhat of a new dignity, knowing that one of our own is finally an adult.

"So," Nami said, "who's gonna go first?"

I flopped down on the couch and spread my arms out while Sohee laid down lazily with her head in my lap.

"Nami-yah, it's your birthday, why don't you go first?" I suggested.

"Yeah unnie, plus your voice is the best among all of us," Sohee prodded.

Nami turned her attention to the screen and smiled.

"Please don't tell me you're gonna sing that one song I think you're gonna sing." Sohee sat up.

"Oh I will." Nami pressed four numbers on the keypad and the song started.

I squinted my eyes and read the writing on the screen. "'Coming of Age' by Park Jiyoon?" I asked.

Sohee turned to me. "Yes, oppa, isn't it such an appropriate song for today?" She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

As soon as Nami opened to sing, Sohee and I were mesmerized. She sounded like an angel. I could've fallen asleep right there...

The chorus came. I couldn't think of any more identical lyrics than those.

I'm not a little girl anymore.

Don't you hesitate any longer.

I've waited just as long as you for this day...

It took reality a while to actually hit me, and when it came, I was surprised.

Now I close my eyes and wait for you...

Is that the truth?

:::: NAMI'S POV ::::

After all three of us finished our second rounds of singing, we were pretty much tired. Singing wasn't all we were doing, we were dancing too.

Dongwoo even did a few girl group dances. Let me just say it didn't fit him and his manly image. Heheh. But I guess guys do it at least once.

"Alright guys, I have to go," Sohee sighed.

"Nooo~! Don't leave." I gave her my infamous puppy eyes.

"Aww." She patted my head. "It's three hours past my curfew."

"Eh?" Dongwoo checked his watch and realized it was 1am.

"Oh..you're right.."

"You guys can keep hanging out." She smiled at us. "I'll take the bus home. They usually run until 2 on weekends."

"Are you sure?" Dongwoo offered. "It's no bother to drive you home. Safety over fun."

Sohee shook her head. "Nah. It's okay. You guys can go. I reallyyyy have to leave now. Talk to you both later, okay?" She gave both of us tight hugs before walking out the door, and it wasn't long before we decided to take our leave too.

I closed the door to Dongwoo's car and both of us just sat there for a few minutes, completely motionless.

"So what should we do now? I'm not tired yet so I guess I still have a couple more hours to kill." Dongwoo started the engine.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "Why don't you just drive around the city for a while? It must be pretty at this time with all the lights and stuff."

"You know what else is pretty?"

"Aw, shut up and stop trying to flatter people." I smacked him lightly on the back of the head. "Jeez."

After driving for a few minutes we ended up in the heart of the city, taking in all the scenery set out in front of us. The lights on the buildings were beautiful and the moon looked like it was painted silver, making everything even more extraordinary.

We stopped right in front of a huge lake, which reflected the lights from the buildings and the disappearing clouds up above. I hurriedly got out and stared at the breathtaking view, not believing any of it was real.

Dongwoo followed after me. "Amazing, right?" He took my hand in his.

I smiled. "Yeah. Very."

He turned his attention to me and suddenly everything became serious. "Nami-yah...I like you.."

I stared at him in silence.

He continued, "and I never thought you liked me back...."


"You make me happy, Nami."

I looked into his eyes, and there was something I've never seen before. Sincerity.

"I d-"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and threw me in a kiss before I could even respond. His breath rang heavily in my ears as our lips touched and I moved my body closer to his. It wasn't very comfortable, but I didn't hate it.

He inhaled and exhaled as he pulled away, but I grabbed his hair and pulled him back into it before he could think. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his tongue while he slid his arms down my back...

My phone rang. I didn't care. It was probably my parents asking where I was. This moment was much more important.

Park Jiyoon's Coming of Age was playing in my pocket. My parents would not stop calling.

Don't you hesitate any longer.

I've waited just as long as you for this day.

Finally we both pulled away.

"Are you happy, Nami-yah?"

I nodded.

He held me in his arms for what seemed like forever, not that I minded.





LOL, I couldn't have picked a better song to link this story to. Just thought I should share that. If you haven't listened to that song, I suggest you do~ listening to it while reading this is even better xD I squealed when I learned it was Sungjong's solo song pahaha >:D

THE LYRICS ARE SO ACCURATE THOUGH. "I'm not that little girl you used to know anymore, don't you see?" "I am grateful that you waited for me." "Now I'll become a woman when we kiss." AND WOULD YA LOOK AT THAT. XD

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ron337 #1
You kind of made me feel like reading that angel beats manga.. hihi.. waiting for your next update... :D