Relief for Some, Anger for Another

The Popular Project

Sandra sits staring at her blooded hands as YooKwon is driven off in the ambulance. She just sits there shaking as Zelo tries to comfort her. 

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He's got a strong head an-" Zelo starts. "I killed him." Sandra cuts him off. Tears escape her eyes as continues to stare at her stained hands.

Zelo shakes his head, "That doesn't make any sense. You couldn't have possibly killed him." he says rubbing circles on her back. 

She looks at him and moves his hand in protest, "I did Zelo. I-I almost got hit by that truck.. but then he.." she starts to break down again, unable to finish her story. 

Zelo helps her up by the shoulders and helps her into his car. "If you're that worried, let's go to the hospital." he says before closing her door. 

He slides in and starts up the car, looking at Sandra. She has her face buried in her knees and hair covering every inch of her face. 

He helps her move into an upright position and straps her seatbelt around her. "Sandra.." he says lifting her chin to look at him.

"Everything is going to be okay.." he says her cheek with the pads of his thumbs. She looks at him with big watery eyes and leans toward his hand smiling. 

"Thanks, Zelo." He looks at her and sends her one of his small side smiles and puts his hands on the wheel. 


Sandra stands in front of the hospital doorway, remembering the last time she was here. It was the other way around. 

With Zelo in the hospital bed and Yookwon by her side, comforting her with every step. Now that it is the other way around, she wonders how she would react to this. 

Zelo thought she needed time alone to see YooKwon when he woke up, that is what YooKwon had done for him.

Now he sits in the lobby six floors below them. waiting for Sandra to return. Sandra places a hand on the door knob and slowly turns it, stepping inside. 

YooKwon looks up from his book and smiles. He positions his hospital bed in an upright position and pats the side of the bed next to him. 

Sandra slowly walks to the side of the bed and sits down cautiously next to him. Only then does she notice the bandages around his chest and arms.

YooKwon's smile fades as Sandra pulls the covers off of him and finds his right leg in a metal contraption that starts from his thigh and leads all the way down to his foot. 

She gasps and looks at him in horror. "I-I did this to you.. What's wrong with your chest?"  Yookwon shakes his head, "I did this to myself, Sandra." 

"What happened to your chest?" she repeats. He sighs, "I broke two ribs and fractured one.." he says looking down. 

"A-And your leg?" she asks lightly feeling the stint. "I shattered it." he says grabbing her hand and placing it on his chest. 

"None of that pain compares to this pain." he says looking straight into her eyes. "Ever since I stopped seeing you... I haven't been myself." 

"YooKwon.. I-" Sandra starts but is cut off by YooKwon. "Just seeing you now makes me happy. I don't feel any pain when I'm with you. "

Sandra stays silent for a while then looks back at him, "How is your head?" she asks trying not to cry. 

YooKwon puts her hand down, but continues to hold it. "They stitched my skull back together. More like stapled." he says wrapping an arm around her waist. 

She lightly leans her head on his shoulder and sighs. "What am I going to do?" she  says looking down at their hands. 

"About?" YooKwon asks leaning his head on hers. "I thought I lost you..." she says in a shaky voice. 

He tightens his arm around her, "Don't cry, Sandra. I'm right here." he whispers soothingly. Before she can realize it, she is sniffling and crying into YooKwon's shoulder. 

He places his lips on the top of her head and her hair with his free hand. She looks up at him as he wipes away her tears and holds her face in his hands. 

"I love you, Sandra." he says tenderly placing his lips on hers. 


Zelo's hand reaches for the doorknob, but quickly drops to his side when he looks through the window of the door. 

He puts his back to the wall and slides down into a sitting position. As cliché as it looks, he doesn't care. 

Silent tears fall as he thinks about what he just witnessed. 

Sandra and YooKwon, kissing.


Hey there OuO did you like? 

Have you guys heard BAP's new song, Rain Sound? 


And YooKwon spam <3



I dunnar O///O im done byeee! 

Oh and could you guys please support me by clicking the upvote button in the foward by the title? Thankies!~

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Chapter 25: May i ask what performance all those gifs are from where they perform with their birthdays and names on their shirts !
Chapter 27: He's too innocent. Sooooo... NOT A CLUE . =.= asdfghjkl;; this boy x.x
Tinesha #3
Chapter 26: Time for me to re-read the entire Fic because I don't remember anything :( *sigh*
sandiha #4
Chapter 25: oh no, either something happened to jay or or or or or or or. . . . you found out sunny and joon are starting a gang called the pretty rainbow flowers where they go behind people and throw glitter and flowers at them D: omfg im freakin' out
CALAPanda #5
Chapter 25: Either her ex-boyfriend died or something terrible happen to Jay!!
Chapter 25: I. Feel. Like. Something. Happened. To. Jay.
YudaiM #7
Wow, this story sounds like a good one! :D
sandiha #8
Chapter 24: :Oooooo uhhhhhhhh i think i just died xD omfg
Chapter 24: Oh my god ;-;
Chapter 18: This reminds me of the time when my friend was like I'LL DIE IF -insert Korean idol here- HAS A GIRLFRIEND
My Reaction to statements like that is this link: