
The Popular Project


It had been hours since Sandra left Zelo at the hospital and no one could contact her.

At one point, Zelo ripped the IV out of his arm and ran out of the room, only to be escorted back by a nurse.

Now he sits up in his hospital bed with his cell phone in hand. YooKwon said he would call him if he had any luck finding her. 

So far, he hadn't had any luck. It was getting to the point where Zelo felt like he would die of worry.

When the snow began to fall, that's when Zelo reached the tipping point.

He figures clothes he came in will make him less suspicious, but his blonde hair easily stands out.

With his clothes on, stands up and walks out of the room, sucessfully making it to the first floor. 

He peers out from behind one of the pillars that lines the lobby. The front desk has about five people taking calls and helping people find their way.

A person walking in carries an umbrella and sets it down at the front desk. Zelo walks up to the desk and spots five umbrellas.

"Sir, what can we help you with?" a lady asks. "I was here visiting one of my friends and I left my umbrella here. At the front desk." he replies cooly.

"And what is your name sir?" she asks tapping away at her computer. "Z- Uh." he stutters losing confidence.

He looks at the umbrellas and sees a name written on the handle, "SooHyun." he answers.

Finally looking up from her computer, she reaches for the umbrella. While handing it to him they make eye contact. 

"A-Are you sure your name is SooHyun?" she says holding onto the umbrella. "Yes, why?" he asks pulling on the umbrella. He smiles. 

"Because you look like a Zelo to me." she says with stars in her eyes. His smile fades as he rips the umbrella from her hands. 

He makes a mad dash for the door, finally breaking free. The cold hits as soon as he bursts through the door. 

He begins to worry he won't find Sandra in time, and she'll just freeze to death. He racks his brain for all of the possible places she could be. 

YooKwon already checked the places he thought she would be, even their park where they had their first date. 

"She must have been so confused..." he says out loud, his breath showing in the frosty air. 

Just then, he remembers what she told him on one of their many dates.

"Whenever I'm confused or I need to think, I run. And I always find myself along the Han River." her voice ran clear through his head.

He took off into a sprint and headed for the Han River. 


YooKwon frantically searched high and low for her. He roamed the streets asking neighbor hood people if they had seen her.

But they all had the same answer. Worry was starting to eat at him. He can feel his eyes starting to well up as he admits to failure.

The thought of her out here in the snow scared him, and he felt he could do nothing for her. Then again, it was always like this.

He always felt like he couldn't ease her pain like Zelo could. Second rate. That is what he is.

Still, being the fool he his, he continues to run in search for her. There is one place he hasn't looked yet, the Han River. 

He went there whenever he was confused and upset, so that's where he was headed. 


In the snow, Sandra's chest moves up and down. Her lips are purple and her skin is almost as pale as the snow surrounding her. 

She shivers uncontrollably without being able to feel. She could stay like this forever.

She figures a slow and painful death would suit her, freezing in the snow.

Anything would be better than having to choose. With either one she picks, she would feel wrong inside.

Her thinking stops when a dream washes over her.

It starts with her father walking her down the isle and YooKwon waiting for her with an outstretched hand. 

She feels the heavy white dress drag behind her as she walks towards him. After exchanging their vows, he kisses her. 

But underneath that kiss she feels his lips turn upward into her favourite smile. Zelo's smile.

She pulls away and Zelo vanishes along with everyone else, leaving her alone. Her knees crumple to the floor. 


From oposite sides of her, Zelo and YooKwon run. After seeing each other, they run harder and faster. 

Zelo, reaching her first, lifts her up from the snow and dusts her off. Seeing her purple lips and snow white skin he panics. 

"This isn't good. Call a cab." he says looking at YooKwon seriously. He takes off her wet jacket and replaces it with his. 

YooKwon hands him his scarf and vest. After an attempt to warm her up with their clothes, they carry Sandra into the cab.      

They pile into the back with Sandra in the middle, and give her adress to the driver.

With Zelo on the right and YooKwon on her left, they hold both of her hands. Her head tilts and lands on YooKwon's shoulder.

He smiles and her hair. Seeing this, Zelo scoots in closer and kisses her on the cheek, causing Sandra to smile.

The whole car ride the boys do this, trying to win her over in her sleep. 


Sandra opens her eyes to a familiar ceiling. She tries to sit up, but somthing is weighing her down.

The two boys that took her home are cuddling her by the waist. Their arms cross over her torso and their heads are turned inwards.

Zelo's eye lashes rest lightly on his cheeks as his breath tickles her neck.

She turns her head in the opposite direction and almost gasps at the sight of YooKwon sleeping.

She has never seem him sleep, he looks completely angelic. With the two beautiful boys next to her she closes her eyes and opens them again.

When she realizes it isn't a dream she screams. The two boys jolt upwards then smile down at her.

"Your'e okay." 


Mhm. Well... Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! This semi long chapter is my gift to you! :)                                                             





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Chapter 25: May i ask what performance all those gifs are from where they perform with their birthdays and names on their shirts !
Chapter 27: He's too innocent. Sooooo... NOT A CLUE . =.= asdfghjkl;; this boy x.x
Tinesha #3
Chapter 26: Time for me to re-read the entire Fic because I don't remember anything :( *sigh*
sandiha #4
Chapter 25: oh no, either something happened to jay or or or or or or or. . . . you found out sunny and joon are starting a gang called the pretty rainbow flowers where they go behind people and throw glitter and flowers at them D: omfg im freakin' out
CALAPanda #5
Chapter 25: Either her ex-boyfriend died or something terrible happen to Jay!!
Chapter 25: I. Feel. Like. Something. Happened. To. Jay.
YudaiM #7
Wow, this story sounds like a good one! :D
sandiha #8
Chapter 24: :Oooooo uhhhhhhhh i think i just died xD omfg
Chapter 24: Oh my god ;-;
Chapter 18: This reminds me of the time when my friend was like I'LL DIE IF -insert Korean idol here- HAS A GIRLFRIEND
My Reaction to statements like that is this link: