Old Friends

The Popular Project


Sandra was extremely scared at first but became instantly angry to see the two fighting. She ran over to the two and grabbed them by the chest of their bloody shirts.

"I don't want to hear any excuses. Get inside." she said in a stern voice. She let go and walked back into her house.

The two boys looked at each other and raced inside. Sandra was waiting with her first aid kit on the table in front of her couch.

"Sit." she said while preparing the bandages. The two sat on the couch and exchanged angry glances.

"So, tell me. Why were the two of you decking each other in front of my house?" she said without looking up.

YooKwon looks down ashamed. "Well actually, I hit him first." Sandra looks up in suprise. "You? Why?" she asked confused.

Zelo answered for him, "Believe it or not we used to be good friends." Sandra looked up at YooKwon "Explain."

"Two years ago, I went to this school then temporarily moved away due to my audition schedule. The time before I officially met you, you were a new student. Your locker was only a few down from mine. I was thinking of confessing to you.. until Zelo told me that he liked you. I backed off because I didn't want to lose the bond we had. I left when he told me you two started dating. When I came back I saw you sitting by yourself in the library. It looked like you had changed, like something died inside of you. So that's when I decided it was okay to like you again." YooKwon finished. 

Sandra nodded and began tending to

his lip.


"Hey! Why tend to him first?" Zelo whined.

"He's innocent." she declared.

"I am too!" Zelo shot back at her. Sandra ignored him, not wanting to hear anymore.

"Shirt." she said towards YooKwon. He nodded then lifted his shirt above his arms. Sandra gasped to see his perfect body scattered with bruises.

The biggest one being on his stomach. She glared at Zelo then reached into her kit for her bruise patches.

"It's going to hurt a little bit, okay?" she said while applying the bandage. He winced as she spread the patch around his abdomen. She handed him his shirt and moved on to Zelo.

She faltered when tending to his lips, remembering how they felt on hers. She shook her head to clear the thought and gingerly wiped the lip clean from blood.

"Shirt." she said confidently. He shrugged and did as told. As she saw his pale torso, she remembered when the two were snuggled up in bed.

She remembered tracing the lines of his abdomen, her favorite place. She spread a patch onto his side and threw his shirt back at him.

"Out." she pointed to the door.

"Me?" they asked smilutaneously.  She nods, "Both of you. I need time to think." she said packing up.

"You still haven't given me time to explain." Zelo said not moving.

Sandra didn't want to hear it, she ignored him and shut the door to her room. Zelo heard the lock on her bedroom door turn.

He walked out and shut the door behind him. YooKwon, on the other hand, stayed behind.

He softly knocked on the bedroom door. "Sandra, it's me. Open up." he said facing the door.

Inside Sandra had broken down to tears, torn between the two. She got up and unlocked the door.

At the sight of her crying, YooKwon held her in his arms, knowing it wasn't him who caused her to be in such agony.


Zelo walked down the street, only to be faced with an angry Sunny.

"What do you want?" Zelo said in monotone.

"I want you and YooKwon back. The way we used to be." she said stepping closer.

"The way we used to be? If it weren't for you I'd still be with her." he said walking past her.

"Zelo, I'm sorry." she said grabbing his wrist. He looked at her hand then up at her.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that?" He asked ripping his hand out of her grasp.

"I know, I just miss you guys. I mean the friendship the three of us had.. it was priceless." She said looking at her shoes. 

"It was, until popularity changed you." He said sternly.

He walked away, leaving her behind.


Back at the house Sandra fell asleep in YooKwon's arms. Even though it hurt him to have her on his bruised chest, he didn't mind.

It was the first time they had been together like this. He smiled down at her then closed his eyes.


When Sandra woke up in the morning she snuggled up to the warmth next to her.

Wait. Warmth?  She thought. Her eyes snapped open to a sleeping YooKwon. Normally she would be completly embarassed to have him in her bed, but it felt normal.

It felt right. YooKwon opened his eyes and Sandra's face flushed a bright pink as she dove under the covers.

He kissed the top of her head. Her phone rang and she sprang up out of the covers to retreive it.

It was a number she didn't recognize.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hi Sandra, it's Sunny. I have something to confess."


>.< KEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEKEKE welll yeah. Theres your 16th chappie. I hope you liked it.

Bai! XD Thanks to all my readers! Including the silent ones!



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Chapter 25: May i ask what performance all those gifs are from where they perform with their birthdays and names on their shirts !
Chapter 27: He's too innocent. Sooooo... NOT A CLUE . =.= asdfghjkl;; this boy x.x
Tinesha #3
Chapter 26: Time for me to re-read the entire Fic because I don't remember anything :( *sigh*
sandiha #4
Chapter 25: oh no, either something happened to jay or or or or or or or. . . . you found out sunny and joon are starting a gang called the pretty rainbow flowers where they go behind people and throw glitter and flowers at them D: omfg im freakin' out
CALAPanda #5
Chapter 25: Either her ex-boyfriend died or something terrible happen to Jay!!
Chapter 25: I. Feel. Like. Something. Happened. To. Jay.
YudaiM #7
Wow, this story sounds like a good one! :D
sandiha #8
Chapter 24: :Oooooo uhhhhhhhh i think i just died xD omfg
Chapter 24: Oh my god ;-;
Chapter 18: This reminds me of the time when my friend was like I'LL DIE IF -insert Korean idol here- HAS A GIRLFRIEND
My Reaction to statements like that is this link: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3mmva9SUg1qbhj4co1_500.gif