chap 2

You're Mine

he brings me inro a beautiful restauran and orders me some food. when i am eating, i can feel his stare fous on me and make me feel unconfortable

"am I that beauty so you're staring me like that" i tried to

"yes you are" his words makes me blush and speechless, I dont know what must I say

"i..i want to go home" I said

"okay then" he insist to walk me home, but i dont want to. it's danger to be with him for long minutes

"you dont need to walk me home, i am not a baby so i can walk alone"

"who said that you're not a baby, you're my baby" she put me closer to him and put his hand on my waist

"yah kim jaejoong!! call me baby again and i will kick your " i dont like when he called me baby

"okay, but i will call you yeobo" he hold my hand and walk me home


*infront of my house*

"good bye my yeobo" he peck my lips and make me shock

" KIM JAEJOONG, YOU.." i wake from my shock and want to kick his but he has already gone

in my room,  i look at that photo again and it makes me sad. i miss him so much, i want to forget him so bad but i cant

he still in my mind. i cry again. i want to erase all memory about him



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your welcome and i will keep reading dun worry kyasss..!!i love ur story keep it up..!!!FIGHTING!
sunshinee_girl #2
@xernie : thx 4 reading.. I will try to update soon.. :)<br />
keep reading okay!!
UPDATE SOON! can't wait
JeEzCharms12_ELF #4
Hello there, I myself love your story. It's wonderful and awesome, I hope you could continue it and the best you can ;_;<br />
Unnie in need of awesome graphics? honest reviews? wonderful trailers? imaginous one shots? <br />
Stop by at and request. <br />
A little request won't hurt a feeling...<br />
Please do stop by we'll love you for that <3<br />
i have subscribed I like your story....!!! update soon..!!!
melfics #6
like it! update soon~
sunshinee_girl #7
@lollidella_ ; i will try to update soon.. ^^
Subscribed! (: I really like this story!! :D Update soon yeah? (:
sunshinee_girl #9
@SHINeeXBeast_bias : tbx for comment, i will update soon
SHINeeXBeast_bias #10
this chapter was good and the end was really cute to me how Jaejoong went to go save her and starting to realize that he likes her