chap 1

You're Mine


“i feel  really tired” I walked home, I saw his house. I started to sweat ‘i must walk faster’ ithink. When I walked i bumped into some one and fell to the ground

“ouch..” I groaned, my hurts

“nice ,huh??” I heard some familiar voice. And ??  I look my skirt and close it. I turned my head and see who is it and I saw kim jaejoong stood in front of me

“yah.. kim jaejoong!! You’re really ert” I woke up and tried to run away but unluckily, he pulled me and pinned me to the wall

“you can’t go anywhere baby” he smirked. His face was juat an inches from my face. I could feel  his breath touched my skin. Oh some body help me, but no one here. What must I do now

He put his left hand on my neck and his right hand played with my . I didn’t like it and…

“aahhhhh” he shouted loudly “ what did you do?? Oh my precious ball “ he said in painful tone

“taste it you ert” i run away. I hate this jerk and why must he live near my house

*next day*

Like usual, I must pass his house again, but seem no sign of him today. I felt safety until some one push me

“YAH!!  let go of me” i yelled at him

“oh, baby don’t be so naughty” jaejoong pull me closer and kiss my neck and crushed his lips into mine. He explored my mouth  and play with my tongue. I want to push him but my body doest let me do it and the worst, i kiss him back.

“seems that you like it” he his lips

“” i just could rin away. My face blushed like a mad person. I enter my room

“what did I do?”  i cant forget that thing, my heart beats so fast. He had already stolen my first kiss.


i have ignored him from some days. i dont want it happens again but i kinda miss him. i walk home with other way, althoug that way a little bit far from my house. i dont know why but i feel someone has followed me since yesterday. 

I walked faster until I bump in to something

"yah.. watch your way" that guy shouted at me

"um.. sorry" I suttered

he stares me for a long time, i have bad feeling about this. he hold and smirked, he tried to kiss me until someone help me

"YOU BASTARD" i see jaejoong punches that guy

"jaejoong please stop this" i dont want if he kill that guy and be murderer. his looks really angry, he drag me somewhere

"jaejoong, my hand hurts" he grips me tight and he stop in a place

"you!! do you know what will happen if i was't there?" he yelled and it make me feel scare, i have never seen this before. he looks angry, mad and pissed. my eyes begin to teary


jaejoong POV

what did i do? I scared her, but i can help it, i really pissed when that guy tried to kiss her.

i saw her eyes began to teary  "i'm sorry" i hug her " i just really mad at that guy"

"thanks for helping me jae" she smile to me, for the first time, i see her smile to me. i feel really happy



sorry if my english kinda

please comment ^^

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your welcome and i will keep reading dun worry kyasss..!!i love ur story keep it up..!!!FIGHTING!
sunshinee_girl #2
@xernie : thx 4 reading.. I will try to update soon.. :)<br />
keep reading okay!!
UPDATE SOON! can't wait
JeEzCharms12_ELF #4
Hello there, I myself love your story. It's wonderful and awesome, I hope you could continue it and the best you can ;_;<br />
Unnie in need of awesome graphics? honest reviews? wonderful trailers? imaginous one shots? <br />
Stop by at and request. <br />
A little request won't hurt a feeling...<br />
Please do stop by we'll love you for that <3<br />
i have subscribed I like your story....!!! update soon..!!!
melfics #6
like it! update soon~
sunshinee_girl #7
@lollidella_ ; i will try to update soon.. ^^
Subscribed! (: I really like this story!! :D Update soon yeah? (:
sunshinee_girl #9
@SHINeeXBeast_bias : tbx for comment, i will update soon
SHINeeXBeast_bias #10
this chapter was good and the end was really cute to me how Jaejoong went to go save her and starting to realize that he likes her