The Painting of the "Perfect Man"




"What are you staring at?"

She breaths in his voice and slowly, dangerously slow, sets down the knife from her hyperventilating hand. Her eyes observe him in disbelief, scanning him from every aspect and feature. It can’t be…

However the phone is within her reach, and she quickly stretches her left arm to dial in 911. But the stranger’s too fast and takes the telephone away before Miyoung can finish ringing in. Being too frightened to cry, the paralyzed girl can only shut her eyes in terror to even watch her end. The last thing she can say to herself is how foolish she’s been to let time fly away from her so fast. All that regret bottled inside of her should’ve been fixed a long time ago, and now there’s nothing she can do about it…

Her heart lifts in a spark of redemption when she feels a hand caress her cheek. It’s as if her body’s on fire, and the spot where his hand’s touching is the only place dumped in ice. And yet just like that, the contact is gone as the hand pulls away. Her eyes flicker open in surprise, watching the man in front of her return the phone back to the charger as he retreats to the couch once more. What should she do? Go outside and yell for help? Make conversation with him?

Her eyes follow his every movement as he flicks through the channels for something decent, and Miyoung can't help but feel stupid when she begins to admire how beautiful he appears. His jaw-line is incredible! She snaps out of her trance and dares to speak up.

"What’s your name and what are you doing here?" The question comes out faster than expected and she inwardly slaps herself for sounding so wimpy. The girl’s always been one to express her emotions through art, not words.





Perfect: per·fect [adj., n. pur-fikt; v. per-fekt]

  • Excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement; entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcoming


Man: man [noun, plural men, verb, manned, man·ning, interjection noun]

  • An adult male person


Perfect Man: per·fect, man [adj. noun]



It’s every girl’s dream to search for the perfect man, and usually you’ll find him by fate or by control. But rarely sometimes…there’ll be more than just those two ways.





credits for the scrumptious poster goes to scrumptious »graphics sites ❝open : batch 02❞


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Chapter 4: Since her friends don't believe in the supernatural, it's likely that they won't link that to her painting of the guy literally. They would be beside themselves with disbelief if they heard the truth coming from her. Now they seem to think that the guy whom she possibly crushes on is her inspiration for its creation. Because his relationships with the girls that he'd dated don't last long, it seems that Woohyun wasn't being serious with them. Dongwoo's got a point about him not being the right person to go to for relationship advice because of his failures in them. As her best friends, they expect her to not keep anything from them since they have each other's trust. Miyoung's relationship with Hoya is something to be curious about. It's obvious that he's someone very dear to her. It's inconvenient to Myungsoo since he has no way of contacting her to find out about her whereabouts. Due to the buildup of anxiety from waiting for such a long time, he quickly went to look for her. There's the possibility that he could meet any of her friends if they're still hanging around there.

"Worriment" isn't a real word. Since you're using it as a noun, the right term is "worries."

It doesn't make sense that her name is Nayoung when it been Miyoung since the beginning. This is at the end of this chapter where the focus is on Myungsoo. The change must've been unintentional. It's not noted that Miyoung is a dancer, so it doesn't seem right for that place to be referred to as a "dance studio." "Art studio" is the correct term because she does her artwork there.

Thanks for the update.
Chapter 3: Miyoung has no source of inspiration at this time to create an artwork. It would take her time to get those creative juices flowing. She is passionate about art to want to pursue a career in that field. It looks like the attachment that he feels toward Miyoung as his creator made him feel like being by her side. In another sense, he could be seeking for a comfortable spot to lie down to sleep and her bed is the alternative available to him. It's possible that he prefers to not be alone because it makes him feel lonely inside; although, he doesn't seem the type to openly express his feelings. The great admiration that she'd shown towards him means that she's proud of her work. He really has a big appetite. Myungsoo has the curiosity of a newborn that had just came into the world. Rather than just sit around doing nothing, he wants to do something with his time. He's finding an opportunity himself to pick up on things in the real world. By thinking that way, Myungsoo is becoming human and more than just an artwork. It's nice of him to want to help out Miyoung so that he wouldn't be much of a burden to her. Other than that, it can be interpreted as Myungsoo wanting to get to know her better by finding out about what her life is like. Taking on a job position in her restaurant could be beneficial to him in acquiring new skills to get by in the world outside. We'll see how that turns out when he starts working for Miyoung. With his natural charm, he's bound to pull in more female customers once they catch sight of him if he's a waiter.
Chapter 2: Wherever her brother is, he must be too busy with his own stuff to make time for Miyoung. There must be a magical quality to the pain that Miyoung's brother had bought for her. Her friend, Yoomi, remarked in the previous chapter along the lines of the paint that she used being special since it doesn't look like just any ordinary paint. It's a possibility that him being brought to life had taken some energy out of her when a certain portion of her essence is needed in the process. Myungsoo coming to life is something that she finds unbelievable since the supernatural is not connected to reality. It is unlikely that a creation would harm its creator. Since he doesn't have anywhere to go, there's no way that he'd consider leaving her place. It must have something to do with the connection that an art piece has with its artist. Though, the way that he looks at her doesn't seem to be one of respect because of how she appears to him at first impression.

You've managed to capture her anxiety here well.
Chapter 1: Miyoung is just like any typical girl who dreams of her ideal guy or Prince Charming. That reflects on her painting. She's one devoted artist to put this much effort into her work to the point that it's practically glowing. The guys are more realistic to not see things the way that the girls do. Yoomi must find the perfect image of Myungsoo so attractive that she wishes to keep him for herself even though he's not real. As his creator, Miyoung treasures him in her heart like he's her own precious child, so she can't bear to let him go. That's normal for her to feel that way. It's a deep attachment formed with the time that she spent working on him. The magic is about to happen at this point.

Overall, it looks well-written. You did a great job with writing out the details to give the readers a clear picture of the scenes. It's like reading a novel.

The typos that I've noticed are the misusage of certain terms: girl's and it's. Since you're referring to more than one girl, it should be "girls" instead of "girl's" since you're not referring to something that belongs to one of them. In one sentence, it should be "its" since it seems to be used as a possessive adjective.
This looks like an interesting concept that you're working on for the plot. I haven't come across a story like this that focuses on idealism relating to one's heart's desire in depth. Although the guy whom she created is perfect in looks, it doesn't mean that he's perfect as a person.

It's true that perfection doesn't exist in this world. Even manmade products have flaws in them. Things can get worn out over time the more that they've been put to use that they tend to lose that durability.
O.O I think I'd freak out too if my painting suddenly came to life. XD

Wah. But I wouldn't be complaining. Myungsoo's hot. HAHAHA. :D

Love it so far~ :)
Ohh. Sounds cool~ :D