Now or Never


There will be times where it feels like everything's against you; retrictions that separate you and your dream.

              There will be people who, honestly, refuse to accept who you really are, or even who you want to be.

                           There will be days when Life pushes you down.

                                              The key is whether or not you get back up. 

                                                                 Now or Never.


"Are you okay sweetie? Zelo, you seem a bit pale." My mother concerned. "We don’t want you to miss out on school tomorrow." She added on, my heart drowned.

The thought of missing education brought my father’s head up from the newspaper, watching me as if he could see right through my soul. I bit my tongue, aware that it was going to leave a bruise.

"Is there anything new today?" He queried, his voice left off a sharp tinge.

My heartbeat raced with panic, uneasiness brought me apprehension. I didn’t give myself time to think it over and spitted it out.

"I know what I want to be."

It was a start.





hope you guys like it! and come on guys, let's all be friends and not plagiarize.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story. For those that need the drugs of inspiration!!!


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