» Rules ¦ How to Join

» s t o r y b o o k ¦ open & active.


oo1¦ One account per person unless instructed otherwise. No recycled accounts. 

oo2 ¦ Be active. This is the most important rule. We want people who will be active almost everyday. Can't handle it? Don't join.

oo3 ¦ We want drama, and we want cheating, we want it all besides killing. So, go for it. Please also pretend that you are aganist people dating. That way, the couple feels like they are aganist all odds. Of course, you can still date, but other roleplayers, please pretend to frown upon until they prove themselves to you.

oo4 ¦ This roleplay isn't centered around , it's centered around making yourself the roleplay's top dogs. So keep any kind of in pms.

oo5 ¦ Going on hiatus? Your partner will take on both of your missions.

oo6 ¦ Subscribe with both accounts please, so I can contact you if you become inactive.

oo7 ¦ Do not add people outside of this roleplay. 

oo8 ¦ Keep ooc to a minimum or in messages. 

oo9 ¦ You can switch partners only if you have a valid excuse. Saying they hurt my feelings won't cut it. Also note, you might not get the opposite gender. It's not a dating roleplay.

o10 ¦ No god modding for god sakes. If you don't know what that is, please pm me.  But please, don't invade everything. Take into consideration that other person's weight, structure, history, and strength. Like...there is no way Ren will cause any damage to Taecyeon.

o11 ¦ This is a third person roleplay in a alternate universe. If you don't know what that means, pm me. No one liners. If you do one liners, your rank will be docked. You get three strikes and then you're out. Talk in proper English as well.

o12 ¦ Too many people aren't reading the rules and everything; so there will be a password. Watch out for it. 




oo1 ¦ Check the masterlist to see which idol is open.

oo2 ¦  Look up the idol's zodaic sign. Comment in this format: I want to be (idol's name) from (group name)  Zodiac sign:

oo3 ¦ You can make your account if you are 110% the person is open. Make the account with SB_ in the front.

oo4 ¦ Comment below and let us know you're here.

oo5 ¦ Add everyone and talk to everyone!!

oo5 ¦ Sub to the admin blogs.

oo7 ¦ Add the admins; Yoona and Tiffany; if you don't add us, you aren't going on the list.

oo8 ¦ Greet the admins first, so we know you're here. And by greeting, I mean properly writing a paragraph or something. NO ONE LINERS.

oo9 ¦ This is weird, but create as much drama as you can. I'm not kidding you. It makes things more interesting. 

​o10 ¦ Put @Storybook at the end of your profile. Make sure to include a biography and select a job. Think outside the box. 

o11 ¦ A whole lot of people forget rule o10, especially the biography and job part; please remember. Or else we will come after you.

o12 ¦ Oh. Remember the password we mentioned? The password for now is "writing my own story". No password? No rp-ing.

o13 ¦  In your profile you must include your sign along with who you are partnered with.




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Guise, we have another admin now c; she's Seuk Hye. Remembered? Good 8D


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Chapter 2: May I be eunhyuk of Super junior?
Zodiak sigh :Aries
Password : writing my own story
Chapter 1: I want to be jisook from rainbow ^^
Zodiac sigh: canser
Passward: writing my own story
Deactivating ....Sorry but I have loads of projects to do and I have no time to come on :( Thanks for the fun though ^^
Deactivating.....sorry but i dont really get time to rp plus grades come first
Ara is deactivating I'm working and its too hard to Roleplay at the same time
→ Checked and updated by Tiffany