Rain and Sunflower

Read Your Mind


“ Yah, MyungSoo!”

The black haired boy lifted up his face, eyes blinked innocently. “ What?” he said while sipping his udon soup in peace.

“ This is why I hate talking with you when you’re with udon,” HoYa sighed, rubbing his forehead with a serious expression. “ Where’s the other maknaes?”

MyungSoo shrugged his shoulder, slurping his udon like no tomorrow. “ Molla, that lovey dovey couple have been missing since the recess bell ringing,” he replied monotone.

SungGyu, WooHyun, DongWoo and HoYa exhanging gaze, and in second they’re holding themselves from grinning. The reason is none other than MyungSoo’s annoyed face.

“ I’m not interested at SungYeol.”

The hyungs immediately stopped smiling like idiots and their eyes staring right at MyungSoo. The target only shrugged his shoulder like he’s not interested and back to his beloved udon.

“ It’s like you’re reading our mind,” DongWoo blurted out.

“ I am not. Your head might be just too transparent, hyung.”

DongWoo ruffled his blue hair, and then asked HoYa innocently, “ Am I that transparent?”

“ Probably?”

“ Yah! Hoaegi!” DongWoo tackled HoYa between his arms, his infamous laugh echoed. “ You should defended me!”

“ Sorry, hyung, heheh.”

MyungSoo rolled his eyes. YaDong’s love scene is about to started, he thought. But they’re lucky. They love each other.

“ Here’s our newlywed couple!” WooHyun welcoming SungYeol and SungJong who walks hand in hand. “ Come and sit, Mr. And Mrs. Lee.”

“ What are you talking about, hyung?” SungJong flipped his hair in a diva way. “ SungYeol hyung is my hyung just like you all. But he’s nicest and treating me well.”

Those small crowd in the corner of canteen made some noise, unconsiously drew attention from everyone there. Well, that seven guys are somehow famous in WooLim high. SungGyu and DongWoo whose on 3rd grade are responsible leader for choir and dance team. HoYa and WooHyun are great activist for student body, while MyungSoo and SungJong are blessed by awesome talent on photography and acting. SungYeol? His skill on art already spreading throughout the school.

“ See? You look like newlywed, for real!” DongWoo laughed, pointing at SungYeol who grinning in amusement when SungJong complimenting him.

“ Aish, you’re exaggerating, hyung,” SungYeol scratched his nose. “ He’s just like my own brother. He did remind me to my little brother.”

MyungSoo scrunched up his nose, mentally facepalm himself. He did have brother? I can’t even know that. Oh yeah, I can’t read your mind.

“ You have brother?” SungJong’s eyes went wide, his arms folded on chest. “ You never told me before.”

SungYeol laughed, and that makes MyungSoo cringed a bit. “ I have one, his name is DaeYeol. But apparently he’s not on Korea. He’s staying in Japan with my parents.”

“ But you said—“ MyungSoo cutted in, suddenly got straight up his position. “ You moved here with your parents, because of your father’s work right?”

Is it only MyungSoo who can see it or maybe others too, but SungYeol’s expression did change. His eyes turns darker, his sight is somewhere. But his smile is still there.

Lee SungYeol, you’re totally making me curious.

“ Well, actually I’m moving to Korea—alone,” gasps heard everywhere when SungYeol finished his sentences. “ The reason is because I get a scholarship here in WooLim, hehehh...”

MyungSoo leaned on his chair, he never gonna get over from this new kid.

“ You should tell us, though,” SungGyu speaked up. “ We’re gonna be great secret keeper, you can trust us.”

MyungSoo’s eyebrows furrowed when he saw SungYeol flinched at the word ‘trust’.

“ Yeah, you can lean on us, we’re your friends, Yeol,” WooHyun smiled.

SungYeol giggled, “ Yeah, I should trust you. Thanks guys. I really appruciated it.”

“ So—hyung, let’s have another lemon sherbet again after, shall we?” SungJong tugged SungYeol’s blue blazer, attacking with his adorable puppy eyes.

“ Uhm—“

“ Don’t tell me you forgot the photography class,” MyungSoo wiped his mouth with a tissue and squeezed it in one try. He got up and glared at the older guy. “ We’re going to take pictures of scenery today. After school’s done.”

SungYeol stunned and replied, “ O-okay.”

“ I should go to class, excuse me.”

Everyone stay silent on their place. MyungSoo never been act like this before.

“ I should go too,” SungYeol bowed and waved awkwardly, then sprinted to his class direction.

“ Me too,” and now followed by SungJong.

“ My, my... A triangle love has been formed,” DongWoo’s words was followed by the other’s nod.



“ Hi.”

MyungSoo knows who’s that voice’s owner. “ Hi,” he replied shortly, not even bother to turned his face.

Somehow his stomach feels weird.

“ Scenery, huh?” SungYeol runs his finger on his camera’s strap. “ Too bad it’s raining now.”

“ Rain is also a scenery, though,” MyungSoo directing his camera lens towards the direction of the school backyard.

“ I know. It’s breathtakingly gorgeous, but sometimes it brings pain and sorrow feelings.”

“ Yep.”

“ The result is coming up nice,” SungYeol leaned closer, peeking through MyungSoo’s shoulder. “ You’re talented. The beautiful sorrow of rain was captured well.”

“ Thanks,” MyungSoo was sure his face were heated up now.

“ Ah! I know where I’ll get nice shoot!” SungYeol flicked his finger, grins plastered on his face.



“ Where are you going?” MyungSoo nearly shouted, cause SungYeol keep not listening to him.

It has been ten minutes he followed SungYeol. The latter takes him to the backyard direction. At first he thought SungYeol was going to the small forest near school. But then he don’t have idea where SungYeol goes cause he keep walking, and now they’re walked inside  the forest.

“ We’re going to lost if we gone too far, SungYeol!”

SungYeol turned his face and grinning like he always do. Bright like sunshine. He doesn’t care his uniform was soaked by the rain, his brownish hair was wet and falls perfectly to his porcelain face.

And that makes MyungSoo stunned.

“ We’re already here, MyungSoo! Come on!” he grabbed MyungSoo’s hand and take him to walk faster. “ Ta-daaaa!”

MyungSoo’s eyes went wide as he saw the beautiful scenery in front of him. It was a wide green and fresh meadow. But one thing that makes it unusual is a cluster of sunflowers on the middle. It was beautiful, plus the raindrop was adorn those sunflowers.

“ It was beautiful right?” SungYeol grins widely. “ Glad that rain is already stopped.”

MyungSoo can’t help but laugh at SungYeol’s sudden act. His laugh echoed through the meadow, and did sent something down SungYeol’s spine.


“ Ha! I got it!” SungYeol throw his hands up in the air, raised his camera and scream in joyfull. “ Wohooooooo!”

“ W-what? Yah! Let me see!” MyungSoo poked SungYeol’s waist umpteenth time, forcing him to show his picture.

“ Stop poking me!” SungYeol pinched MyungSoo’s cheeks playfully. “Here you go.”

MyungSoo stunned right when he stares at the camera screen. SungYeol did takes a nice picture... of him, raindrop and sunflowers. MyungSoo was laughing sincerely, staring at the camera while the newly emerging sunshine brighten the sunflowers on the background.

“ You did well.”

“ Thank you.”

“ You like sunflowers?”

SungYeol nodded. “ Sunflower are the happiest of flowers, and their meanings include loyalty and longevity. They had been through hard time to grow up from bud to a complete flower. Well, its kinda like someone who passed hard time, he will grow up into stronger person and see everything from the bright positive side.”

“ You know well about flowers, huh?”

“ Mom loves it. And he always resembles me to the bright sunflower,” he chuckled.

MyungSoo picked one of the sunflower, tracing the yellow petals with his fingers. “ It did resembles with you.”

SungYeol can’t help but blushed. “ Well—thanks.”

“ Bright and glowing in happiness,” he hands the sunflower to SungYeol. “ But grow stronger over time, till no one knows he had rough time back then.”

The latter didn’t replied anything. He was staring at MyungSoo for seconds and then shifted his gaze towards the sunflower on his hands. His brown eyes was glistening in sad, and MyungSoo can’t help but feel his heart aching to see SungYeol like that. And what’s strange is SungYeol’s smile still there.

I don’t want to remember those painfull times, ever.

MyungSoo’s eyes went wide. He stares at SungYeol in confused state.

I can read his mind!



-to be continued-




hi everyone ! thanks for reading my story until this 3rd chapter !

ah i'm learning about grammar and some tenses too, but i know i'm *facepalm*

anyway, keep leaving comments ! your comments are supporting me ! 

uhm~ since i haven't decided how this story gonna end, so i guess i'll take a break to 

rearrange my plot about one or two days. please be patient :3

once again, thank you very gamsaaaaaa ! #chodingstyle

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i'm so sorry everyone . college tasks were flooding me . plus i'm getting into my 4th semester and its getting so hectic ;;


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Imlovingexo #1
Chapter 11: update this pls.....
Endlessgame #2
Chapter 11: I hope you update soon :(
Chapter 11: u need to finish this okay ^^
fighting !
Chapter 11: this story is good the plot was nice after all, i hope you could finish it soon since it's getting more interesting day by day, but if you're busy if you don't mind can i continue this story? hahaha just kidding. update soon!
Chapter 11: Omo author nim new reader I'm so freaking loving this!! (^_^)
Update soon~~ and good luck with collage
luvluv #6
When will you update,author-nim? TT^TT
Chapter 11: im here... waiting for you..... ;;
strafield #8
Chapter 11: U promised to finish this story and wouldn't leave it hang on ,
Here i'm waiting ..
Where are you ? :'( :'(
newera #9
Chapter 11: reread again and still couldn't get enough of it. update soon author-shi!!!!!
deliciousyou #10
Where are you? Update please ;_;