Sorry, I love you

A/N: Before I start this chapter. Here some tips.

This is flashback font. WHILE This is present font. Understand. Good. Let's start this chapter


Time: Present, in an office, Seoul, Korea.

"Umma!" A hyper five years old boy ran into the room.

"Ah, Kyungsan. Why are you doing here?" Jessica tried to squat down but wasn't able to due to her bulged stomach.

"Tiffany umma sent me here." Kyungsan was jumping up and down.

"Kyungsan-ah, sit down here. okay?" Jessica smiled warmly. Kyungsan nodded his head and sat down.

"Jess, it's nice to see you."

"Tiff!" Jessica walked and hugged Tiffany.

"How's your pregnancy?" Tiffany asked.

'It's being fine. By the way, why are you doing here?" Jessica asked as she was reading through her document.

"Ah, Kyungsan wanted to see you so I thought I can do him a favor. Besides, he is disturbing Joohyun's nap."

"I'm sorry. He is as hyper as his father." Jessica smiled.

"By the way, Taetae asked, do you guys want to come over for dinner."

"Sure. Why not?"

'Okay, I will see you later." Tiffany walked out from the office. Jessica was concentrating reading her document and Kyungsan fell asleep instantly so she didn't notice there's someone had walked into the room.

"You shouldn't tired yourself." Jessica looked out from the voice and was shocked when she saw the one that standing in front of her.


"Doctor, how is Yuri?" Jessica asked. The doctor sighed. Jessica began to cry.


"Jess, hang on there." Tiffany was supporting her friend.

"Doc!" Taeyeon grabbed the doctor's shoulder.

"W-wait a moment. I was just sighing in relief. The operation is a success and now Ms. Kwon is being send back to her room. You can go and visit her now." The doctor bowed and walked away.

'Jess, did you hear that?" Tiffany was shaking Jessica.

"Y-yuri is safe." Jessica stuttered.

"Yup! Let's wipe off your tears and go see her." Tiffany said. Jessica nodded her head and wiping off her tears. The three of them quickly made way to Yuri's room. Yuri was lying there with the oxygen mask on her face.

'Jess, we are leaving you here because Taetae said she need to do something." Tiffany said.

'Okay, thanks a lot guys. Thanks. I don't know how to repay you." Jessica began to cry.

"You can stop crying and go in and be with Yuri." Taeyeon said but being elbowed by Tiffany.


"It's alright, Tiff. Thanks. I will be going in now." Jessica walked in.

"Finally they are together now." Taeyeon said.

"Just like me and you." Tiffany smiled ans both of them walked away.

In the room, Jessica walked toward Yuri and sat down beside Yuri.

'Pabo. You make me worry so much. You are going to get it soon. But f-first, I need to sleep." Jessica yawned and soon fell asleep. After awhile Yuri woke up. She took  off the oxygen mask and saw Jessica lying on the endge of the bed. She smiled.

"Thanks god, for letting me be with her." Yuri mumbled. Jessica moved a little and lifted her head.


"Good morning or should I say good evening, princess." Yuri smiled. Jessica quickly lifted her head and rubbed her eyes.

'Yuri, you're awake." Jessica helped Yuri sat up.

"Yup. Now come here and let me hug you."

'Being cheesy?"

" I thought you like your seobang being cheesy. Had you read the letter?"


"The answer?"

"For what?" Jessica pretended to being confused.

"Haha, you sweet little princess. Will you be Jessica Kwon?" Yuri looked into Jessica's eyes.

"You already know the answer. Yes, I want to be Jessica Kwon." Jessica answered and being pulled into Yuri's embrace.

"This is the happiest day of my life. I love you."

"Me too. I love you seobang. Don't ever leave me."

"I won't." Both of them shared a sweet kiss and then stared into each other's eyes.

Flashback end....

Jessica looked up and saw Yuri, who was looking at her.

'Seobang~." Jessica used her aegyo.

"Aigoo, how's my Sica baby?" Yuri walked and gave Jessica a back hug.

"I'm fine but why are you doing here? I thought you are attending a press conference."

"It finished just now and I rushed here because I miss my Sica baby so much." Yuri gave a quick peck on Jessica's lips.

"I miss you too."

"By the way, Sica, shouldn't you take a break? Your due date is right around the corner." Yuri said.

"I'm fine besides I just need to see a few more resume about the model."

"Yeah, right." Yuri rolled her eyes on Jessica.

'Yah! How could you roll your eyes on me?"

"Haha, shh, be quiet. Kyungsan is sleeping." Yuri whispered. Jessica smiled but suddenly frowned.

'Sica, are you alright?"

'Se-seobang, ouch!" Jessica winced in pain.

"What's wrong?" Yuri was worried.

"I...t-think....th..the baby is coming. Ouch!" Jessica grabbed Yuri's hand tightly.

'What?! But there's still two weeks before your due date."

"WELL, FACE THE TRUTH! THE BABY IS COMING!" HellSica mode on. Yuri quickly took out her phone and called for her friend.

'Soo, come Sica's office and picked Kyungsan. I'm sending Sica to hospital. Thanks bye." Yuri hung up and carried Jessica in bridal style. She rushed to the hospital as fast as she could.

"It...hurt...Seobang..." Jessica was panting.

"I know, Sica. Try to remember how you gave birth to Kyungsan, okay? Come on, breath in and out."

"I..know..OUCH!" Sica grabbed Yuri's hand as tight as she could which caused Yuri flinched in pain.

"Sometime I hate technology that allow female to impregnate female." Yuri thought.

"Mrs. Kwon, I need you to push as hard as you could." The doctor said.

"Argh~! Ah!" Jessica groaned as she pushed.

"Sica, you can do this. Come on."

"Seobang, I....am..tired..Argh!" Jessica shouted again.

"You can do this. I'm here with you." Yuri said while wiping off her wife's sweat. Although one of her hand was in pain but she knew pretty well that her wife suffered more than her.

"Argh!" Jessica pushed more and after a few pushed, a loud crying could be heard.

"Good job, Sica." Yuri whispered and gave a quick peck to Jessica's forehead.

"Congratulation, its a girl." The doctor handed over a cute baby girl to Jessica.

"She look like you, Sica. As cute as her mother." Yuri said while wiping off Jessica's sweat.

"Seobang, what should we name her?"

"How about Krystal Kwon Soojung?"

"That's a nice name."

"I will be bringing Kyungsan to you. They are sending you to your room. See you later, okay?" Yuri said and Jessica nodded weakly. Yuri walked out from the room and saw Kyungsan was sitting beside Sooyoung, playing with Sooyoung's daughter,  Jukhyun.

'Hey, how's it?" Sooyoung asked.

"Sica gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Sometime I hate technology."

"I know right. When your wife was grabbing on you so hard, just like your hand." Sooyoun pointed at Yuri's hand who had Jessica's nails marked and a bit blood on it.

"That's normal. I going to bring Kyungsan to Jessica. Thanks for taking care of him."

"Whatever for you, buddy. Jukhyun, lets go home." Sooyoung carried her baby daughter and waved at Yuri and Kyungsan.

'Come here buddy. Lets bring you to Umma." Yuri carried Kyungsan and went to her wife. They slowlu opened the door.

"Hey, Sica." Yuri said and Jessica smiled at her.

"Shh, Krystal is sleeping." Yuri nodded her head.

"Buddy, you better be quiet, okay? Don't wake your sister up." Yuri said to Kyungsan. Kyungsan nodded his head. So both of them walked into the room.

"Umma. Are you okay?" Kyungsan said in a low voice so that his younger sister wouldn't wake up.

"I'm fine, Kyungsan." Jessica gently caressed her son's cheek.

"I told you that umma will be fine." Yuri said and sat down beside Jessica. Kyungsan soon fell asleep again in an awkward position.

"This boy, just like you. Can fall asleep whenever and wherever he is." Yuri carried Kyungsan and let her son slept on the couch where was more comfortable.

"But you still madly in love with me."

"Of course. You are just too perfect for me, Sica."

"Being cheesy again."

"Haha, just admit you like me being cheesy." Yuri smiled and she gently pulled Jessica into her embrace.

"Did I hurt you?" Yuri asked.

"Just a bit sore down there." Jessica smiled. Yuri gave a quick peck to her wife lips.


"It's fine. I want to be in yor embrace anyway."

"Haha, my Sica being like a spoil kid. But I love it." Yuri hugged Jessica tightly. Jessica just silently enjoyed her seobang's warmth.

"Sica-ah, thank you."


"Thank you for giving me a pair of wonderful children, thank you for forgiving me on my foolish action, thank you for suffering in order to give me children, and last but not least, thank you for loving me. I love you, Sica. I love you til the end of the world." Yuri whispered.

"I love you too, seobang." Jessica said while leaned in to kiss Yuri. Although its just a short and sweet kiss, but both of them felt satisfied.

"I am the luckiest person because I am able to have you and our children. A wonderful family for me." Yuri continued to hug Jessica and so the couple enjoyed their moment for themselves before being interrupted by their children.



A/N: THAT'S ALL FOLKS!! LIKE IT?? LOVE IT?? HATE IT??? So this is the end of this fic...AHAHAHAHA...Hope you guys like the ending...See you guys next time...

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Chapter 5: Oww que lindo
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