The truth

Sorry, I love you

Jessica finally arrived Seoul and she saw Nickhun was waiting for her. She quickly walked toward Nickhun.

'Hey, honey. Miss me?" Jessica said.

'Of course. Did you meet with Yuri there?" Nickhun asked while helping his wife to carry her bag.

"Yup. She is the designer of K.Y."

'Wow, she had become so famous but you are not bad too, famous Jessica the model!"


" Jess, I don't know is this right to ask, but do you still love Yuri?" Nickhun's question had left Jessica dumbfounded.


"Jess, you know that this marriage was being protested by both of us. I am sure that right until now you still don't love me, same goes to me." Nickhun said while looking at Jessica.

"I d-don't know, oppa."

"Jess, follow your heart."

"But oppa, she had move on." Jessica began to cry. Nickhun quickly pulled her into his embrace.

"Jess, you never know what you can do without trying."

"Oppa, I'm tired. Can we go home now?"

"Of course, honey." Nickhun sighed and so both of them went back to their house. After a good sleep, Jessica walked toward the living room and saw Nickhun sitting at there with an unexplainable expression.


"Jess, let's divorce."


"Jess, you know clearly that we love other people and we had to up with our parents attitude."


"Let's just give each of us freedom, okay? I always be your brother and you always be my sister."

"Oppa, I scared that-"

"I will take care of our family." Nickhun smiled. Jessica quickly took out her phone.

'What's wrong, Jess?"

"I promise Yuri that I will call her when I reach Seoul. She must be worry sick."

'Haha, that Yuri. You better call her if you don't want her nagging you." Nickhun laughed and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, this is Yuri. I'm busy right now so please leave a message." Jessica was confused that her call reached the voicemail. She looked up at the clock.

'Now should be afternoon at there." Jessica mumbled and called again but the result still the same.

"Nickhun oppa, I can't reach Yuri."

"Maybe she is busy."

"I try to call Yoona."

"Go on ahead. Oh ya, help me say hi to that alligator."

"Okay." Jessica dialed Yoona's phone and not for long Yoona picked up.


"Yoona, its me."

"J-jessica u-unnie."

"Yoona-ah, why are you crying?" Jessica could heard sobbing sounds from Yoona's side.

'Jessica u-unnie, Yu-yuri unnie is now in the hospital."

"What?! Stop joking, Kwon Yoona!"

"I'm not! Yuri unnie is now in hospital."

"O.....kay. I k-know now. Bye." Jessica hung up before Yoona could say anything. Nickhun walked into the living room and saw Jessica crying.

'Jess, what's wrong?" Nickhun quickly pulled Jessica into his embrace.

"Y-yuri is in the hospital."

"But why?"

"I d-don't know."

"Let's go to France tomorrow morning."


"Don't worry, Yuri will be alright. She is tough." Nickhun said while gently rubbing Jessica's back. Jessica only nodded her head and continued to cry.

Nickhun and Jessica were now in the airport, preparing to go to France just like Nickhun promised. Jessica was sobbing for all the time and Nickhun only can comfort her by patting her back.

"Yuri-ah, you better be safe." Nickhun thought and prayed hard for that friend of his.  They rushed to the hospital when they reached France. Jessica had got the name of the hospital from Yoona. When they reached the hospital, they saw the others were sitting on the chair.

"Yoona, how's Yuri?" Jessica quickly rushed to Yoona.

'I don't know." Yoona looked at Jessica with that red eyes of her.

"Nickhun oppa, hi." Taeyeon greeted.

"How is Yuri?" Nickhun asked.

"We don't know. The doctor is checking her." Taeyeon smiled bitterly.

"The doctor had been running all kind of checkup on Yuri unnie for this two days." Seohyun explained. Suddenly they saw the doctor walked out from the room.

"How's my friend?" Sooyoung asked.

"I had to say that Ms. Kwon brain's cancerous tumour is worsen and the only way to remove it is through operation but sadly she refused last time and no matter how we convinced she still remained her answer. Now I need to do my job now. You guys can go in." The doctor walked away. The others rushed into the room and saw Yuri lying at there lifelessly.

"Unnie." Yoona sat beside Yuri and hold Yuri's hand.

'Yuri-ah, why did you refuse the operation?" Sooyoung asked but sadly there was no response from Yuri. Jessica couldnt bear it and walked out from the room. Taeyeon saw it and followed Jessica.

'Jessica, are you alright?"


"Jessica, I think I need to tell you something." Taeyeon sat beside Jessica.


"Do you remeber two years ago when Yuri dumped you?"


"Actually this is what happened that time." Taeyeon started to tell Jessica.


"Yuri, are you serious?" Taeyeon stood up and looked at Yuri with shock.

"I am. Does this look like a joking matter?" Yuri rolled her eyes on Taeyeon.

"Taetae, what's wrong?" Tiffany walked out from the kitchen.

"Fany-ah, Yuri said that the doctor told her there's a tumour in her brain and its cancerous."


"Oh god, Tiff, you are going to make me deaf any second now."

"Yuri-ah! What are you going to do?" Tiffany asked.

"I d-don't know." Yuri just stood up and walked away. The next day they found out Yuri was now facing Jessica in the school garden and Jessica was crying. Taeyoen and Tiffany heard the whole conversation and they couldn't believe Yuri was letting go of Jessica.  Taeyeon quickly followed Yuri while Tiffany was left to look after Jessica.

"Yuri, where are you?" Taeyeon mumbled but soon found Yuri at the rooftop. Yuri was curling into a ball, sobbing sound could be heard. Taeyeon walked closer.

"Yuri, why did you do that?"

"Tae, I love her. That's why I'm letting her go.because I'm going to die. I can't stay with her forever."

"But you are breaking her heart."

"At least she will hate me instead of cry over me when I'm dead. I am okay with it as long as she remember me."

"But she will hate you and find another person."

"She deserve to find someone better than me. Someone that is healthy and not having brain cancer!"

'But Yul-"

"Tae, I had make up my mind. Lets go home." Yuri stood up but soon fell down.

'Yuri, your nose is bleeding." Taeyeon said. Yuri just wiped her nose.

"It's okay. Its one of the symptom. Lets go." Yuri walked away and as day passed by Taeyeon and Tiffany saw Yuri was getting thinner and paler. Until one day where they recieved notification of Jessica getting married. That day Yuri locked herself in the room for whole day and whole night, not bothering to eat or talk. Taeyeon and Tiffany deciced to stay for the night to support Yuri.

"Yuri?" Taeyeon opened the door and saw Yuri was lying on the bed, sleeping but crying ,

"I'm sorry. I love you, Sica." Yuri said while tears keep flowing down. Taeyeon sighed and wiped away the tears.

"Yuri-ah, why are you doing this? You hurt her and you hurt yourself." Taeyeon mumbled. On the day of Jessica's wedding, Yuri was on her way to the airport.

"Yuri-ah, are you sure you not attending her wedding?" Taeyeon asked and Yuri shook her head.

' I can't face her. Not after what I had done to her."

"You still can crash the wedding. Fany said Jessica still love you."

"Better not. Its better for her to find a guy instead of me. Besides she hate me now. At least when she know I'm not around anymore, she won't shed a tear but she still remember me. Heh! How pathetic am I?" Yuri said. Taeyeon only sighed.

"Tae, please help me look after her." Yuri said before got off the car. Taeyeon just sighed as she saw her best friend walking into the airport.

Flashback end

"So that's why she said those harsh word to you." Taeyeon explained.

'Y-yuri." Jessica covered and started to cry.

"Jessica, I am sorry." Taeyeon stood up and walked into the room, leaving Jessica behind.

"Yuri, why, why did you do this?" Jessica thought as her tears streaming down.

"Jess, Yuri is awake now!" Nickhun called out for Jessica. Jessica quickly rushed into the room, saw Yuri was smiling at them weakly.


"S-sorry *cough* Yoona."

"Don't force yourself, unnie." Yoona quickly rubbed Yuri's back.

"I'm sorry for letting you guys worry." Yuri smiled weakly.

"Yuri, just do the operation." Taeyeon said.

"Sorry, Tae. but No."

'Why?" Tiffany asked.

'It's useless."

"Why do you say so?" Tiffany asked.

"The percentage of success of operation is only 30% which mean I might die. Even if I didn't undergo the operation, I still able to stay alive for three more months."

"But unnie."

"Yoona, just respect my decision."

"Yuri, do the operation." Yuri was taken aback by Jessica.



A/N: Two more chapters~~~ Then will reach finale....OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH....thanks for the support. By the way, do you guys want Yuri to be safe or not?? Please comment so that I know what to do.....Thanks..

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Chapter 5: Oww que lindo
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ill read this again since i already forgot what happened. ge ready for some yulaic again!!
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