
Kris & our old hurtfull memories turned into Beautiful memories

So i felt like wiritng in blue today (: , did yall notice i add a new character ? i will be adding some more just a couple not alot . 



"Ah Jung"-Kirs

"im coming"- i said


"okay"- i said

"You ready?"-kris 

"nae"- i said holding his hand

we headed to the car today was the day before were getting married ,today was thursday tomroow is the wedding , we will pass out the invitations today and head home with a huge rest . i was happy .

"You thinking about tomroow again"-kris said smiling

"Yes, you always know what im thinking"- i said smiling

"its okay i cant wait either "-kris said holding my hand tighter

"since were early lets call exo-m and them for a get together "- i said 

"sure why not"-kris said beeping numbers 

"Hey where having a little get together so come as quickly as you can , you know where to meet up"-kris said and hung up

"what do you mean by you know where?"-i said

"i'll show you"-he said smiling

"we are here"-kris said

right in front of me i saw a a beautiful place 


"come on"-kris 

"arraseo"- i said

"this is the place were i met my first love"-kris 

"oh"- i said not knowing what to say

"but now im with my one and only last love"-kris

"i love you"- i said smiling

"i love you more"-kris

"aigggooo since when have you become this cheesy?"-i asked giggling

"theres alot you dont know about me"- kris

"haha arraseo"- i said

i heard heard cars , i turned around and saw familair figures coming this way

"did you wait long?"-xiu min

"anyio you came just in time"-i said

" so wht are we doing?"-tao 

"today is the engagement and tomoroow is the real thing , so we need plans and help for the engaement party"- kris said 


"so where do we start?"-Chen

"first we need to pass out the invitations to the wedding and the party"-i said 

"okay leave that to me and luhan"-bacon

"okay , lets go "-luhan

bacon and luhan had left it was 7 and school didnt start till 8;30 so we still had time and now all we need is decorations and food .

"Tao and lay yaall buy the decorations "- kris

"chen and Xiu min buy the food"- i said

"and you and me , can set up the tables and everything"- kris said 

we all left and headed where we were suppose to be , kris and i went to a place that was called marriage and more. 

"Hello ,sir how can i help you?"-waiter

"we are here to rent a engagement room , a huge rooom pleasE"- kris said 

"yes sir please come this way"- waiter said showing us the room

"wow its beautiful"- i said


" im glad you like it ,we will take this ome"-kris said smiling

"Arraseo, it is 2000$"-waiter

"arraseo , here"- kris handed him cash

i texted tao .

"Tao , bring the plates and such to marriage and more in room 205 "- i texted him

"arraseo , be there in a jib"-tao

"here i brought the stuff , we need to go buy more decorations so see you"-tao said and left.

kris and i had placed eveyrthing , i was happy and excited . 


eveyrhitng looked amazing , just one thing i thought, i dont have parents or anyone to come . i sighed and saw kris plasing some plates. 

"were here with everything"-xiu min said carring bags beside exo-m 

we all putted food on the tables and made it look good .

"we have finished just in time "- i said smiling and looking at my phone

"we have ten min to go back to school we all rode taxi's here"-Luhan said 

"arraseo, its okay i have enough room in my car lets go"-kris said smiling

"will this fit all of us?"- i asked nercously


"Trust me-kris said opening the door for me to hop in .

we all got in the car was actually big inside . we all listened to Mama .

"lets go ah jung"- kris said holding my hand wearing our engament rings.

he walked me to my class and then left. "Ah jung i'll be seeing you at the party later"-mrs. Newson said smiling at me

"Were all going"-This girl said giving me a thumbs up

"arraseo, ill be forward to see yall"- i said smiling

"how was class?"- i asked kris 

"it was good , evryone congratulated me "-kris said smiling

" hey , ah jung"- myungssoo

"hi L-shhi"- i said

"uhmm do you mind "- i said to kris

"go ahead ill be with exo-m over there"-kris

" i heard bout your engagement"- L

"ah , nae"- i said

" i have a HUGE crush on you"-L

"Chincha?! after all these years you come back when im about to be married to tell me?! iv'e been lonely my entire life! you just left me out of now where ! L-shi wae now?!"- i said crying luckily exo-m didnt see me they had left to the cafeteria

"Mianhe its just i needed a break , but i didnt knoww i had this huge feleings torwards you"- L

"Mianhe but i have to go "- i said leaving torwards the cafeteria

"ah jung please"- i heard myungsoo yelling

" mianhe myungsoo , i LIKED you " - i whispered

"hey sorry , i had to talk to him about something"- i said

"can i at least knoee what its about?"-kris said 


"were keeping secrest now?"-kris

"anyio, well my childhood freen , i had a HUGE crush on him 3 years ago and now he came back to confess to me and now he wants me but i told him that im yours "- i said holding hs hand

"you did the right thing, i am not going to lose you to anyone"-kris said smiling

"whoaah , ;etss see about that "-tao said 

"lets have a contest , ah jung who do you choose kris or me?"-tao said doing his aeygo 

"miahne tao , but i choose kris"- i said 

"how can you resist this"- tao said

"ahahah , look he chose me"- kris said laughing

"Mianhe tao"- i said feeling bad .

"lets go "- Kris said holding my hand

"ill see you later "- i said kissing him

"arraose, thank goodness that today is the last period"- kris said walking away

i went inside i saw myungsoo , great the person i want to see last .

"hey"- L

"Hi"- i said

"Im sorry i couldnt , tell you earlier its just that there was allot goign in my mind "- L

"i Know your sorry , but let me apoligize .... im sorry but i Have someone on my mind and its not you"- i said

"i Know but please just give me a chance "-L

"L ! i said no , im sorry i cant do it no more ! you elft me for 3 whole years ! how do you think i feel ?! kris had been here for me ! why do you have to make this so ing complicated?!"- i yelled there was tears coming down my face so i wiped them , i also heard girls gasping but i didnt care i just needed some air . i went outside

"Ah jung where are you going?"- Mrs. Nemon

"None of your buisnees"- i said leaving to the park

" i guess she's not in a good mood"- mrs nemon

i texted kris .

"Kris , come to the park "- i texted him

"okay be there in 5 min"- kirs texted back

i put my phone back in my pocket and closed my eyes until i felt a hand on my shoulder

"Kris "- i said

"im here "- he said smiling

"kris , myungsoo wants me back "- i sad

" you dont want him do you ?"-kris said looking sad

i honeslty love kris ! and i dont want noone else but kris

"anyio! i only want you "- i said

"if he says anything else , tell me "- kris said smiling

"kris ...."- i said

"hmm?"- kris

"come here"- i said

he came close to me i pulled him and we kissed .


" kasha its time "- kris said smiling

it was finially time to go and get home for the engagement party <33333333 we went home.

i went to go on a cute dress and did my hair

i wore a simple dress so i wont stand out

i headed to the living room and i saw exo-m when did they get here i wondered

"You Look Beautiful"-Xiu Min


" thanks "- i sai dmsiling

i saw kris coming out we were both wearing black , heheh , he looks so cute in black i said smiling

"Your gorgeous"- kris said holding my hand

"Your not so bad yourself "- i said giggling

"lets go'- Bacon

we all headed out . we arrived at the party , it was already 8 and it wa full !

"Here comes the newlyeds "- a guy annoucend everyone was clapping i was smiling .

"we all here congratulate you "- he said smiling

" lets have fun "- kris said smiling an dpulled me into a kiss and everyone was luahging . cause he was quick

" I LOVE YOU "- he let me go and said

" I LOVE YOU TOO"- i said smiling

"lets dance"-kris

we started dancing it was nice but i was nervous about tomroow .

"Bye , we will be at the wedding tomroow "- A girl said smiling

everyone was leaving since it was already 10 and we had to ggett lots of rest tomoroow .










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btw your picture on the forword is wrong. thats exok not m.... just to let you know :)
This story gone awol
SUJU_Addicted #3
Chapter 15: Hi ^_^, can I ask who the Ulzzang that you are using? And i loving your story!
Update soon~
mauidaza #5
Author-nim please up date soon?
Update soon Author-nim!
chocolatefreak #7
Please update soon!!
Holy fack.. *i live in seattle*